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English Highway prices in Poland

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old Highway prices in Poland

crazy junkman Wolfgang
User Off Offline

Hello polish users of usgn (and those who feel like poles), imma have some bussines in poland next week and imma drive a van to poland from german side, and id like to know how much is a highway tolls? Or is there vignetes? Maybe is free? (As far as i know only netherlands and germany have free highways)
Do they accept any other currency except zloty?
Thank you in advance for your responses

old Re: Highway prices in Poland

User On Online

They accept three different currencies: zloty, euro and dollars.

BTW The Netherlands highways are free but there is very expensive road tax, I'm paying 166 EUR per 3 months for that...

old Re: Highway prices in Poland

crazy junkman Wolfgang
User Off Offline

@user DC: i did google it and in some sites it says they are payed for, on other that only parts are payed for and some are free, thats all confusing and doesnt make sense since every site/source provide its own "truth"... also some dude i often play games with (hes pole) told me that only vehicles that are up to 3.5 t doesnt pay anything, those that have more (e.g. trucks) they have to pay the toll... furthermore i even heard that some people did drive through poland's highways and they didnt pay anything whats the deal with that? Google me that mate...
So thats why i decided to ask here since there is lots of grown up pole people that can provide with some real info on that.

@user Hajt: is that for all people, or you live in netherlands so you must pay for that...?

old Re: Highway prices in Poland

User Off Offline

All I remember from a few years ago when I drove with my car to Russia from Germany is that I had to pay tolls in Poland, on the one that is going to warszawa. Probably because I'm not polish. Don't remember anything specific about prices anymore as it was about 5 years ago.
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