
AI difficulty
3 replies
Not really. You'll just have to wait until DC decides that he wants to work on Carnage Contest and upgrade AI.
As far as I know, I think I saw in forums that he plans to make Carnage Contest Update after he finishes dealing with Stranded 3, so you'll just have to hope that he'll update AI too. But I'm not completely sure.

There are some custom AI scripts which make the AI use some weapons correctly but this AI is still no challenge unless you are very new to the game. Problem: The AI doesn't really know how to use the terrain to its own advantage which is crucial to be good in Carnage Contest.
Carnage Contest is (and will always be) a multiplayer game in first instance. You should clearly try to play it with/against friends instead of "fighting" vs. a poor AI. It will be SO much better.
edited 2×, last 20.11.13 08:13:30 pm