i Had This idea About Makeing a Minecraft Mod
i Need Someone to Make the Base/Core of the Mod
So if Someone Could Lua Script this...

So Say Theres a Env_Breakable In the cs2d map-Editer
And Save it then when you play the Game. and you Break it Gos in this White Bar thats placed at the bottem of the sceen. so in That White Bar Theres 4 sqaunes in it
.and when you Break it. One of the Sqaunes in the Bar Gets Coloured in and if you click on it. it lights up. and gos into your Hand and if you go over a tile it lights up
if you Click on the tile the Env_Breakable gets put in that Postion
1.So i Need some Good Images for the Bars but i Think i Can get Some
2.Someone To Make the Script
3.Map. Ill get it
i Hope Someone Will help me