
18 replies

.ccm files are maps and the cfg files load weapons/items
Just look at them as they explain them self pretty much.

I'm curious as well. Opening ccm files contain unreadable information 

Thats a map file. Happy new year
also take a look at existing missions to see how it works. the files in the folder of a mission are all you need.

Anyway, where should I upload a mission if I make one - in Maps or in Misc?
In missions folder


I am trying to learn myself lua right now..
But do you need a high lua skill to create such a mission?
you can script your own AI objects though and place them in your mission map. see for that. the possibilities there are nearly unlimited. you can create each kind of enemy this way.
don't forget to add all objects you used to the cfg of the mission. otherwise the game won't load them.

you will still have the player that way but you will control the object instead of the player.

