then you click the button it drops weapon ? . sorry i suck on maps
CS2D Maps/Editor Press button to spawn weaponsPress button to spawn weapons
6 replies 1
then you click the button it drops weapon ? . sorry i suck on maps
double-click on the "trigger_use".
at the top right, you can choose, what the button should look like, default is invisible.
at the top left, put something into the "trigger" textfield, and remember what you put there.
now double-click on the "env_item".
put the same thing that you typed into the "trigger"-textfield of the "trigger_use" into the "name"-textfield of the "env_item".
at the top right, choose the weapon you want to have, and choose the option "on trigger only".
That was it!
if you don't understad something, this might help.
just made it
edited 1×, last 23.10.11 01:22:06 pm