
Whats up with the " Rope " thingy?
14 replies

I simply forgot delete it in the release version.
edited 1×, last 24.02.10 02:58:00 pm
DannyDeth has written
Well, since there is no script, I will embark on my own little adventure and try to script it myself. I'm thinkin' it's gonna be one hard little nut I'm gonna have to crack
I thinks its impossible now

the position of the player can be changed with

however the difficult part is the rope physics. you have to be able to swing and it has to be bendable, collide with the terrain and wrap around it... I didn't find a good solution for this yet.
Edit: oh crap did i just flame? o.o...

I want to look and learn!
Or upload it, maybe someone continues it.

Chances are he deleted the script.

EDIT: In order for the rope physics to work, you need to use something like vectors in 3D modelling. The rope is made up of several vectors connected by lines. The vectors act as joints where it can swing and the strings act as somehting for the terain to shape to, i have no idea how to do this in Lua, but i know that that is the way the rope in Worms. DC, if you have ANY idea if vectors are possible to make in Lua, plz pm me how, i really wanna make that rope

I've two ways of making rope...
One is based on constrains and another basically same as worms.
That's the way of making rope physics.
I've written similar physics on BMax, C and Lua for my corrent project.
You can download one BMax app here:
I'm pretty busy these days, haven't got enough of time to continue on it.