Well, Here is my G3 SAS!
If you question me about "How do you make your skin so fast!"
Well, The last was just a retouch but this skin right here is mouse-made (of course not handmade )
Pagyra recently gave some advice on how do I make my skins realistic. Well, maybe next time.
My skin is internally not proportional and fixed it.
Thanks to Mora for spotting it!
Added some in-game photos,
Fixed some shadings.
Fixed the big buy menu problem,
Reduced the drop image to half
You can see the changes on the images below
You can edit it,
You can re-upload it,
As long as you credit the respectful owners.
edited 4×, last 05.05.15 10:04:58 am
Approved by Sparty
4 kb, 90 Downloads