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old Re: CS2D Dedicated Server Software

User Off Offline

Hey, DC.
I've done the port forwarding correctly (I tested the port with their testing tool to make sure, the program said the port was open)
And I've also done all the firewall stuff.
And I got the sv_lan to 0.
But the server still does not work, anything I'm missing? I've went over the checklist but it doesn't seem to help.

NVM: missing this step.
It is possible that certain internet service providers are blocking the port for CS2D. However this is not the reason in most cases. Ask your ISP when you tried everything else and when you are sure that you configured everything correctly.

lol dam....
edited 1×, last 07.07.09 05:14:49 am

old Re: CS2D Dedicated Server Software

User Off Offline

It may be that you can see your server only in the LAN tab. Others can join too, via internet, but if the server is in your local area network, you can only see it via LAN tab.

old Re: CS2D Dedicated Server Software

Moderator Off Offline

If I'm correct on what I know about the common uses for using a NAT traversal technique in gaming applications, among other things, it not only allow mutable address identifiers as the host address resolution server, it can also be used to bypass traditional networking barriers. Thus is it still necessary to go through with the traditional procedures for creating a server?

old Re: CS2D Dedicated Server Software

Admin On Online

the NAT hole punching which is integrated in CS2D is only used when you try to join a server. It is not used in the serverlist in order to keep the USGN traffic low (NAT hole punching requires the USGN as "middleman"). Maybe this will be changed in future. I've to test that first.

Moreover NAT hole punching does not work with all routers. So: Yes, you should still go through these procedures. NAT hole punching is only a - somehow dirty - compromise for the case that everything else fails.

old Re: CS2D Dedicated Server Software

Moderator Off Offline

As a related point, is there any possibility that the technique of using an intermediate endpoint resolution server could develop into a multihost or a peer to peer networking model that CS2D would potentially adopt?

old Re: CS2D Dedicated Server Software

User Off Offline

my friend told me that if you run dedicated server and u change default port, u will be able to use rank/stats save etc. with usgn(works for him), BUT when i do that, others can play but i dont see my server (means Lan and internet tab). I cannot join through ip address too.
What can be wrong?

old Re: CS2D Dedicated Server Software

Admin On Online

what the fuck? I don't completely understand what you are talking about but I guess no. P2P can not be used for games like CS2D due to the massive risk of manipulations/cheats/hacks.
A single central server which keeps track of all relevant data (current situation) is the only efficient way to keep the number of cheats/hacks as low as possible.

Kaka024: ranks/stats etc. work with port for your server. I doesn't matter which port you use. I don't know why you can't join though.

old Re: CS2D Dedicated Server Software

Moderator Off Offline

DC has written
what the fuck? I don't completely understand what you are talking about but I guess no. P2P can not be used for games like CS2D due to the massive risk of manipulations/cheats/hacks.
A single central server which keeps track of all relevant data (current situation) is the only efficient way to keep the number of cheats/hacks as low as possible.

using P2P doesn't necessarily mean that all processing are done on the client side, a host client is picked and all relevant authority are delegated to him. However since the address of the host can be changed on the fly, whenever the host server disconnects, the connection mutates and the host is delegated to one of the client servers. In this case, there's also relatively low risk of having hacks on the server.

old Re: CS2D Dedicated Server Software

Admin On Online

honestly: changing the client/server architecture to a p2p archticture in this state of development would be a serious pain in the ass

moreover with p2p we have very massive connectivity problems because all peers have to setup their routers and firewalls correctly. we already have tons of people who are not able to setup servers because they don't manage to setup their devices properly. p2p would maximize these problems.

a very early version of CS2D (several years ago) used p2p. it didn't work out and has been discarded.

(guess why all popluar shooter games use a client/server architecture...)

old Re: CS2D Dedicated Server Software

Moderator Off Offline

What I meant was that since you already implemented a technique that proxies some of the packets via nat traversal, it would be moot to implement that without actually utilizing the most important feature that it can offer.

old Re: CS2D Dedicated Server Software

Admin On Online

what is the most important feature it can offer? for me the one and only feature of NAT traversal is to reach a PC which is behind a NAT router which is not configured properly.

that's why I implemented it and why I'm using it. it's not moot in any way because a connection to the server is required for the CS2D client/server architecture as well. Of course I was thinking of the many people which host servers on their desktop pcs.

adding p2p just because there is NAT traversal would be insane and irrational. (adding NAT hole punching was work for a day work. adding p2p would be work for weeks)

moreover NAT hole punching is very unreliable and doesn't work for many routers.

old Re: CS2D Dedicated Server Software

Moderator Off Offline

It's not necessarily a p2p network, the usgn servers acts as surrogates for clients sitting behind a one-way-router, in this case all requests are sent to the intermediate first for address resolution. Just as well however the usgn server could act as a broadcast server and invoke call backs when the host server's connection degenerates, and then delegating authority to a client server in order to keep the game going. The logical processing is still centralized and all data are kept private until a delegation callback is invoked. This doesn't require a tremendous amount of backend coding and the only place that I can see this backfiring is not being able to keep the permanent server states (ranks, lua scripts, etc) but besides that it shouldn't be all that hard to implement. This is of course an idea that came from the implementation of a networking traversal technique you've added and I just think that it's best to use it to its full capacity.

old Re: CS2D Dedicated Server Software

Admin On Online

what I'm actually trying is to keep the usage of the usgn masterserver as minimal as possible in order to keep the really important services (serverlist / account system) fast and stable.

and I still think that it would be a lot of work and that it is not necessary for a game like cs2d (it would be more important for rts games for example)

so I don't think that I'll realize your thoughts.

old Re: CS2D Dedicated Server Software

Admin On Online

what do you mean? there is NAT hole punching in the game since
(it doesn't work from the serverlist though. it's only used when you are actually trying to connect. this means that you will still not see a server with wrong router settings in the serverlist)

old Re: CS2D Dedicated Server Software

Admin On Online

don't post the same stuff several time at different locations please...

you should ENABLE NAT hole punching of course. don't disable it. and try to connect by ip afterwards.

old Re: CS2D Dedicated Server Software

User Off Offline

DC has written
don't post the same stuff several time at different locations please...

you should ENABLE NAT hole punching of course. don't disable it. and try to connect by ip afterwards.

I found the problem. Problem is your server list!!!

I connected from another pc using remote control and opened cs2d and connected to my ip....
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