
I'm looking for a new motherboard that will work with both the card and the processor, and hope to be able to start programming soon, though I neither have money nor, really, time, as I am a college student.
Anyway, the reason I'm going to do it in Java is because Java is an object-oriented programming language, and BlitzBasic is not. Programming it in a O-O language will allow scripts to be simpler because rather than including every kind of object that can be used to make something you just include the most basic form (i.e. no more clay bottle combinations versus glass bottle combinations, just bottle combinations.) There are other benefits as well, but the simplicity is the key here really.
I hope to start soon, and may even with my graphics not liking me, but only time will tell. When/if I finish it I'll get permission to post it on this website.
Bloodshot has written
Isn't hard to make Java compatible with high or even medium level graphics? Not sure, hope to know, but don't know Java.
I thought this as well. Originally what I was going to do was program most of it in Java (A language I know well-or well enough) then do the graphics in OGRE (the Object-Oriented Rendering Engine-or what ever), and any CPU intensive things in C++ or MASM (Microsoft Assembly Language-which I know enough of). I asked my professor about this and he said that with the most recent forms of Java anything that is run more than once (his word-probably more like twice or three times consecutively-one after the other) Java will assemble it to machine code. This is EXTREMELY useful-if I understood him correctly-because it basically allows you to write your program once and run it on any computer that has Java.
However... I mean, yeah, Java is just a little slower than C++ or Assembly, because it runs on a virtual machine. It's faster now than it use to be, but it's still running on a virtual machine-which makes it slower. But that's only a valid argument if I didn't understand my professor, and it doesn't compile to machine code when running many times.
your combination doesnt work FYI
Vibhor has written
your combination doesnt work FYI
your combination doesnt work FYI
I should have been more descriptive. I missed the part where you asked if you used a stick. The answer is no.
I took the page 41 download. From combinations_weapons.inf:
### Throwing Spear (Stone + Branch)
req=4853 (Iron Spear Head)
req=4869 (Long Wooden Handle)
req=4850,1 (Iron Nail)
play "mat_leaf2.wav";
process "making iron spear",600;
event "spearcombi",0,0;
Iron Spear Head + Long Wooden Handle + Iron Nail
= Iron Throwing Spear
the tools are impossible to make in first few days
and if you dont find an iron ore or a fishing spot then you are obviously dead
and also how do you download things from filedropper it never lets me get to the download page it just keeps asking me to upload stuff
edited 1×, last 04.05.10 08:29:20 pm
Vibhor has written
this mod needs more balancing
the tools are impossible to make in first few days
and if you dont find an iron ore or a fishing spot then you are obviously dead
the tools are impossible to make in first few days
and if you dont find an iron ore or a fishing spot then you are obviously dead
What do you mean by "first few"? Advanced tools shouldn't be possible to make in the first week... Also, if you have thread (made from cotton/wool) and a bendy stick (made from stick and water) then you can make a bow, which can kill just about anything. You aren't screwed if you don't find iron immediately, or a fishing spot.
Besides, you can make a sling shot with a vine and stick, or use rocks...
Also, if you get your mining (from hitting rocks with your fists) up high enough you'll find random things while mining anything, such as iron... and that would allow you to make a shovel, which would allow you to, eventually, find an iron node.
I'd also like to say, if your tools break too often, save before you start using them, then save frequently while using them. If they break, load... If you think this is cheating, then DON'T EVER SAVE, unless you're going to bed.
In my opinion the only way in which this mod is unbalanced is 1) in the areas the modder isn't done yet, and 2) in the fact that it's written in BlitzBasic.
and if there is no iron deposit then how am i gonna increase mining skill?
slingshot aint that powerful and umm the mod is written in scripting language
blitzbasic is the code which the game is made from
If its need the BURN FIX then plz giv me a new link, and Massive mod doesnt requires nails to build???
JonnyB has written
I have a problem. When I want to work on an iron with hammer and near fire it's says: need fire and a hammer!!
If its need the BURN FIX then plz giv me a new link, and Massive mod doesnt requires nails to build???
If its need the BURN FIX then plz giv me a new link, and Massive mod doesnt requires nails to build???
you need not to use fire and hammer to make iron
instead you have to use the forge to do metal works
and burn fix is not even required
easy is too easy
who said that you have to eat Non veg always?
eat fruits and berries or cook them and then eat them
if you got lotsa berries than make juice of em
as on medium you gotta live on meat or fish or berries to quench thirst only rain and well can do the job to quench it otherwise
Btw, I was off for a while and I have a question , how to I prospect the ground???
how: use shovel or spade (i preferred shovel}, its rare to get a coal deposit.
Reinhard The Knight has written
prospect ground: if you have high skill in mining, you can discovered a coal deposit.
how: use shovel or spade (i preferred shovel}, its rare to get a coal deposit.
how: use shovel or spade (i preferred shovel}, its rare to get a coal deposit.
wasnt prospecting done with a different tool in the new version?
New007 has written
1: Caps glitch? What the hell?
2: To change how any of the random games start, you need to change the related file.
XX = number
Y = difficulty. "e" for easy, "n" for normal, "h" for hard.
The one you need to change is:
Where you see this:
### Land range=-10,40 ratio=15 units=3,10 range=10,200 ratio=20 units=6,7,16,17,18,20,26 ratio=10 range=50,150 units=19 ratio=5 units=15
Add this to the end
ratio=3 units=9
This will spawn 3 lions on the launch of an easy game.