
JJA79 has written
I'm sure there is a way to fix this but i keep losing things inside my forage and i cant pick them up. How do i stop that or separate my use and pick up commands?
He has fixed that, the default is 'u', it picks up all finished items
edited 1×, last 06.03.10 05:35:59 pm
wait for summer holidays
its like hibernation for builder 2-0
and massive mod too
is steel still in development and how come when i plant branches and they fully grow into trees i dont get any logs when i cut them down
mancman4 has written
so ive been playing massive mod for a few days now and i think its great but i have a few questions
is steel still in development and how come when i plant branches and they fully grow into trees i dont get any logs when i cut them down
is steel still in development and how come when i plant branches and they fully grow into trees i dont get any logs when i cut them down
you have to wait for them to grow or they wont give you a shit
mattymerr has written
how do i make a water rock because i cant combine rock and hammer and when i hit rock with hammer it just disappears
Get a hammer and a rock with pretty resembling shape to a water rock
there is a piece of land in adventure mode 1st map
there are 3 water rocks there
all are near the rain water rock
try to find and observe that theres a difference
P.S. how the hell do I get rid of land enabled sharks. Why are there land enabled sharks. Aren't the raptors and the lions enough. Everytime I go for a lion, 4 other lions come out of nowhere and go for me to.
It says file not found.
you have to hunt for the exit
its not readily available
Vibhor has written
mine is like a dungeon
you have to hunt for the exit
its not readily available
you have to hunt for the exit
its not readily available
Uh, yes it is. The exit is the ladder that is directly behind you when you enter the mine.
when i entered the mine there was no ladder
just a pool of water in front and i couldn't see anything more as i didn't move

im made a cannon im having problems with the texuring
but here is the fireing script i use for things like that
on:hit {x=getx("self");$y=gety("self");$z=getz("self");


addstate "self",17;
play "thomp.wav";
process "loading",500;}
spots are variablethe first is - or positiv fore derection
second is projectile
and xyz's are fore trajectory
tthis is very usefull wen making cannons medeval sige eqwiptment and also can be used for in hand wepons like a morte that shoots up and over made by changing hit to attak1 or 2 just a tip fore wepons and such but you can always make a pie lancher
edit:last spots are usual just 10s or 100s