Community Name: ToastedNoob Gaming
Community Leader: Coolio G (Me) and Awesome (PlainInsane on Unreal Software)
Total Members: 51 (Currently. Hoping we get some more!)
Community Website:
Community Blog:
Recruiting or not Recruiting: Yes, we are currently recruiting. If you want to join, visit the site. The only requirement is that you speak English, though.
Other Information: We currently administrate the servers since WeirdoGamez has an affiliation with us. We are also interesting in Source Mods and Minecraft if you like those. Willing to add more games if our members so choose it.
Country of Origin: United States of America. We're open to people from other countries, so long as they speak decent English.
Thank you. edited 1×, last 13.11.10 06:10:20 am
clan name:[TVC]The Vandals Crew
Leader: [TVC]Nick Ecko
Co-leader: We have monarchy, so we have only one leader.
Country Of Origin: United Kingdom, England
recruiting or not recruiting:recruiting√
Total Members: 20 and growing
And Other Information: We're providing good-quality CS2D servers.united with TLC-The Lag Crashers Ghost, stop reposting your information. Once if enough. Not, every other f*cking post. CoolioG has written
Ghost, stop reposting your information. Once if enough. Not, every other f*cking post.
this is not really spam since it has new info about the clan Admin/mod comment
it actually is massive spam and a ban reason /DC J4x User
lol, marboy say that lt ghost is spamming, and marboy is spamming
DC Admin
LTGhost you have been community banned for spamming the same crap 100 times. this is totally retarded and very anti-social. it is not funny in any way and just ruins this forum. not cool.
we don't need guys like you around here. Clan Name: Damage-InK
Clan Tag: D-InK
Clan Leader: ThePlayer (me)
Clan CoLeader: Redskull and Blaxi
Recruiting or not Recruiting: Yes, we are currently recruiting. Clan Name: Surge
Clan Tag: -[S]- /rge\ ( example: -[S]-Apoc/rge\ )
Clan Leader: Apocaqyll(Apoc)
Total Members: 1
Clan Website:
Recruiting or not Recruiting: Yes
Other Information: Please speak english on site and in-game. International Clan. edited 2×, last 28.08.10 08:42:21 pm
KpX User
Clan Name: 0nly
Clan Leader: 0nly_The_Star
Total Members: 1
Clan Website:
Recruiting or not Recruiting: yes
Other Information:
-new clan Hello, everyone.
Here's a friendly tip from your friendly neighborhood community owner -
You should really only have forums if your clan, group, or community requests it. Then, they would be more apt to join.
Why create a forum if your the only one who wants one?
~Coolio Clan Name: ~»NmX« ' no money
Clan Leader: Spike
Total Members: 10
Recruiting or no Recruiting: No
Clan Website:
Other Information: CLOSED! Sry Clan name: [BaNN]
Clan leader: MrShock
Total members: 4
Recruiting: Yes 
Clan website: Working on
Other information
Country of origin : Czech Republic and Slovakia Clan Name:[AKT] Alpha Knights Team
Clan Leader: Axel^ ^ VLs: Rambo^ ^, Ketchup Loko
Total Members: 0 [Division of DKT]
Clan Website: « NEW WEBSITE «
Recruiting or not Recruiting: Yes √
Other Information:This is just a division of DKT owned by Axel^^ (Recon07) There is like 4 divisions more.
Country of Origin: USA, México clan name:dope players of l33t
clan leader:prince of persia samer pa
total members:unknown
clan website:
Recruiting or not Recruiting:yes
Other Information:friendly players
Country of Origin: Palestine Clan Name: [GP] GPolice Galactic Police
Clan Leader: |GP-Leader|Slater [GER]
Total Members: 10+
Clan Website:
Recruiting or not Recruiting: Recruting
Other Information:
We only accept Mapper , Lua Scripter or Good Player , No "Rcon" or "Laser" or "CT" or other Reasons to join in our Clan.
Country of Origin: Germany
Language Accepted in Clan:
Very GOOD English! Clan Name: .#Ne NewEarth
Clan Leader: .#Ne:leon7070
Total Members: 40+
Clan Website:
Recruiting: yes
Country of Origin: Germany
More Information:
Language Accepted in Clan: German, English
We dont accept, Hackers/Cheaters in our Clan!!! edited 6×, last 07.11.10 01:22:26 am