Clan Name: [TC] - Tactical Cookies
Clan Leader: Firedragn
Total Members: 7
Clan Website:
Recruiting or not Recruiting: Recruiting
Other Information: Anyone can join!
Country of Origin: USA edited 3×, last 13.11.10 07:46:29 pm
Clan name:StickStrike
Clan Leader: Devil [SS Leader]
Total members:1
Clan Website:None.
Recruiting:Yes. Anyone.
Other information:We are the Stick Strike! We will never give up even if out mached! We will be Victorios!
Counrty Of Orgin:USA,england,Eroupe Clan Name: BaT (Black Angels team)
Clan Leader:FeniX
Total Members: 14
Clan Website: or
Recruiting or not Recruiting: Recruiting 
Other Information: BaT clan has lasted over 1 month and has 2 servers thanks to mostafa and mahmood.
Country of Origin: World Wide.
Banner :
Clan Name: Tns (Terminator)
Clan Leader:Terminator
Total Members: 3
Clan Website:
Recruiting or not Recruiting: Recruiting √
Other Information: Der clan ist 1 monat alt
Suche noch mehr members @Cool:
Clan Leader:ÐK
Total Members:8
Recruiting or Not Recruiting:Yes
Other Admin/mod comment
English only here please. And don't spam the website name. /TheKilledDeath Clan Name: sh0kz *
Clan Leader: C0ld $l!c3/NaNoXiD
Total Members:
Clan Website: 8 (One In-Active)
Recruiting or not Recruiting: Recruiting until 10 members.
Other Information: Custom Website, Possibly Getting Servers Soon.
Country of Origin: America, but recruiting all around the world. Clan Name: DELTAcs2d or |DELTA|clan
Clan Leader: Delta/TS
Total Members: 2
Recruiting or not Recruiting:to 300
Other Information:on website
Country of Origin:German clan name:TLC the lag crashers
clan leader:super
total members:13
recruiting or not recruiting:Recruiting
country of origin:Holland
other information:international clan Clan Name: [ProBR]
Clan Leader: Suplest*
Total Members: 6 members
Clan Website:
Recruiting or not Recruiting: contratação
Other Information: International clã
Country of Origin: Brazil
OAO User
Clan name: ACe clan
Clan Leader: Kor_Dark[ACE]
Total Members: maybe 597.
Clan Website: Kor =,english=
Recruiting or not Recruiting: yes
Other Information: The korea clan.
plz don;t use hack
plz don't say bad word
plz don't spam in website
clan name:[TVC]The Vandals Crew
Leader: [TVC]Nick Ecko
Co-leader: We have monarchy, so we have only one leader.
Country Of Origin: United Kingdom, England
Total Members: 20
And Other Information: We're providing good-quality CS2D servers. i am br and i know gobr is closed ok please remove in the database Closed. edited 3×, last 11.09.10 05:17:05 pm
Clan Name: (CAN)
Clan Leader(s): Redefinder, YoJo.
Total Members: Over 22.
Clan Website:
Recruiting or not recruiting: yes 
Other Information:
Recruiting from everywhere.
Members must speak good english in order to join.
We are popular, do not hack and have a good reputation amongst players.
Clan Banner: Clan Name: The Unknown Clan/ The [?] Clan
Clan Leader: Spyware
Total Members: 7 Enlisted. 3 Kwustomaizers. 5 Academy.
Recruiting or not Recruiting: We are currently on the lookout for great skinners, mappers and coders to help out in our Renaissance project. We also accept people who just want a clan to call home.
Other Information: Free weed upon joining...
Well, anyway. We're more of a secretive, underground clan well known to the upper leagues of the American circle. We constantly strive for uniqueness and we have created values which make the CS2D world a bit fluffier... In a way...
We prefer loyalty and character, over skill. Skill matters, but your loyalty and character are 70% of your "tryout". We also have a unique recruiting system in which you are given a thirty day trial to post screenshots and make friends before we consider you one of us.
Unique.Creative.Meme-ridden. Join today!
Country of Origin: United States of Antarctica
Clanname: Aimerz.#
Clan Leader: epic (called Avatar too) & Shadow
Recruiting: on with applications and test
Other Information: International Clan, Members should speak english or german,
Members yet: 6
Members Limit: 15 edited 2×, last 23.09.10 05:03:19 pm