BiteFightlenz-_- User Offline 22.07.07 07:34:24 pm Do someone here play bitefight? cus i does my race is vampire and im in a team(with a classmate) i have won battle againt a werewolf and now im upgrading my stats so anyone else?
Re: BiteFightlenz-_- User Offline 23.07.07 08:49:20 am its an online RPG (maybe one of the best RPG's ever) you can work,fight,build,sell,relax,be in a union with someone,buy weapons armor ect.
Re: BiteFightDaznerus User Offline 23.07.07 11:15:52 am I play it. I'm vampire lvl 7 - 'daznerus'. I'm in clan SFX, which boss is my best friend. It's a very funny game, but unfortunately the stronger lvls attack the weaker ones. So there isn't much chance to win for the weaker players.
Re: BiteFightlenz-_- User Offline 23.07.07 12:19:39 pm yes,im level 2 cus i started yesterday. But today a werewolf from a clan attacked me and he was 8 level i had no chance.
Re: BiteFightAK25 User Offline 23.07.07 06:35:16 pm niice i will try when i get online EDIT: Sry PSP Bug, but is ur in game name Skiper? EDIT2: Awww i thought u can walk around in stuff in this game edited 2×, last 23.07.07 11:59:27 pm
Re: BiteFightlenz-_- User Offline 25.07.07 03:55:20 pm there is PM but you can't walk and chat around (70 % of the game is text)
Re: BiteFightlenz-_- User Offline 25.07.07 09:38:36 pm i hate texts but im interested in this game since i earned my first gold