Which country do you think will win the tournament?

World Cup 2022
33 replies
Which country will win the 2022 world cup?
Only registered users are allowed to vote
Argentina | 27.78% (5) | |
Brazil | 22.22% (4) | |
Germany | 0.00% (0) | |
France | 5.56% (1) | |
Belgium | 0.00% (0) | |
England | 0.00% (0) | |
Spain | 0.00% (0) | |
Netherlands | 0.00% (0) | |
Portugal | 16.67% (3) | |
Other | 27.78% (5) |
18 votes cast
Which country do you think will win the tournament?
No one cares if you're boycotting, your opinion as long as you're not here for voting.
It's okay, I don't know what this is about anyways.

Brazil will be winning this.
No one cares if you're boycotting, your opinion as long as you're not here for voting.
No one cares if you're boycotting, your opinion as long as you're not here for voting.
So you're respecting enslavement and death of thousands of workers as part of "proper culture and habits"? I don't know sir. Thousands of dead people for a world cup? For entertainment?
We're in the year 2022. We shouldn't respect and we shouldn't support that kind of stuff. I agree with

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So you're respecting enslavement and death of thousands of workers as part of "proper culture and habits"? I don't know sir. Thousands of dead people for a world cup? For entertainment?
I'm not supporting these kind of stuffs, you made me laugh they finally found something to boycott qatar's worldcup organisation haha. I'm not supporting any kind of violence in the world,
(eventhough the whole world is supporting this and the whole word knows that what's happening in pelastine is 10 times worse) Whatever.)
I'm talking about the country's prohibition of presentation of any signs related to LGBT community (eventhough am not against them) IF You're not in your home you're in someone else' house you gotta respect him his culture & habits. Simple as that.

I'm not supporting these kind of stuffs, you made me laugh they finally found something to boycott qatar's worldcup organisation haha. I'm not supporting any kind of violence in the world,
(eventhough the whole world is supporting this and the whole word knows that what's happening in pelastine is 10 times worse) Whatever.)
I'm talking about the country's prohibition of presentation of any signs related to LGBT community (eventhough am not against them) IF You're not in your home you're in someone else' house you gotta respect him his culture & habits. Simple as that.
(eventhough the whole world is supporting this and the whole word knows that what's happening in pelastine is 10 times worse) Whatever.)
I'm talking about the country's prohibition of presentation of any signs related to LGBT community (eventhough am not against them) IF You're not in your home you're in someone else' house you gotta respect him his culture & habits. Simple as that.
Everyone who watches the FIFA World Cup this year actively condones killing people for entertainment.
Everyone who watches the FIFA World Cup this year is guilty for the deaths of these workers.
Everyone who watches the FIFA World Cup this year actively condones killing people for entertainment.
We'all gonna watch and you could say whatever you like cuz none is hearing you fortunately. We'll be watching and having fun while you watching propagandas tvs shows.
Seriously bro, talking to you gives me a continious headache like for the rest of the day. Any testimony of people got killed? Any proofs of sexism shit? Stop copying shit from your nasty tvs, awake people knows what is going on as well

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I know I can't convince you of a scientific world view anymore. You're too far gone.
But for all the others reading here: Don't fall into the trap of conspiracy theories. Please.
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I like how you're throwing big terms and you don't even argue them that's it, I'm making explainning sentences and I know what I'm saying.
Ohaz: "Sexist" "Killing people for stadiums" "BoYcOtTt" Lolll.
Stop writting results deducted by others instead of explainning and achieving your own conclusion.
Copy/Paste @

Ignorance is bad guys especially compound ignorance. Build your own thoughts don't copy paste.
Admin/mod comment

Build your own thoughts don't copy paste.
Ahh.. the destructive wisdom that justifies making up facts instead of finding them. Commonly found among avid believers of conspiracy theorists.

Stop writting results deducted by others instead of explainning and achieving your own conclusion.
It turns out that the average person is likely to be approximately as good at reaching a conclusion as accurately as any other average person. Even further, experts are generally even better than the average person at coming to an accurate conclusion than the average person, and it just so happens that they share their work via the internet, so anyone can access it.

Ignorance is bad guys especially compound ignorance.
Ah, and you're saying that while ignoring what is said on the news..
Oxford Languages has written
lack of knowledge or information.
"he acted in ignorance of basic procedures"
lack of knowledge or information.
"he acted in ignorance of basic procedures"
So, you are claiming others are ignorant while you are dismissing information. Ignorance perceives ignorance... what a beautiful paradox that somehow perfectly fits the 2020s theme so far.
Also, the fact of the matter is, when it comes to media companies (in the majority of the world), if one is found to lie or present a story falsely, people will no longer trust that source. That, along with many people aware of the importance of verification of accurate details, means that there is too much incentive for media companies, at least those with a good reputation, to get accurate information. If you have a good source (ex. Wikipedia, which is one of the most transparent and accurate sources in my online experience) you will have good information. When good sources give bad information, and people find out, the source gets punished by destruction of reputation.
In a Nutshell: When in doubt, check Wikipedia. Or, as I like to say: "Wikipedia is better than wicked media"

I'm talking about the country's prohibition of presentation of any signs related to LGBT community (eventhough am not against them) IF You're not in your home you're in someone else' house you gotta respect him his culture & habits. Simple as that.
I will give you credit for this one, though. I think people should learn to expect a reaction from vastly different cultural values, so I find, in my personal opinion, that it is best to know about the culture and display the similarities you have with the people of the area, not the differences. I think it would prevent a lot of of reactionary politics and tribalism. By not being overly expressive in your culture, those outside get a chance to learn about it instead of having an overly negative reaction to it. Simply put, people are creatures of habit.
Also, by 'Awake People' I assume you mean the term 'Woke'. If not, this is completely unrelated, but still an interesting thought:
Woke used to mean something along this (1) 'aware of and actively attentive to important societal facts and issues'
however, it is more often used as a stereotype nowadays, of (2) generally self-righteous and annoying liberal types that crusade for frivolous ideological goals that are not rooted in reality, and can tend to be inconsistent or hypocritical. (It is worth noting that there are people who act like this on the right of the political isle as well, possibly even more than the left, following equally frivolous ideological goals)
I would be considered woke in the first sense, but the opposite of woke in the second sense, due to my predominantly logical approach to reasoning.
Nowadays, politics is more confusing than ever and the left and the right overlap to the extent that I wish we could get rid of those terms to describe politics. A good example of this is this: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hate_Crime_and_Public_Order_(Scotland)_Act_2021 , which seems a bit right-wing even while legislating for liberal interests. Things like this are a very interesting development. Note that it also happens to exist the other way around as well.
Also, I'm boycotting FIFA as well. However, I generally ignore the sports world anyway, as it is of little interest to me, so by boycott, I really just mean 'ignoring sports like usual', but to each their own. See you guys later, when I'm in the mood to type up another 5-paragraph post. Stay safe and don't commit genocide except out of self defense

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So you're respecting enslavement and death of thousands of workers as part of "proper culture and habits"? I don't know sir. Thousands of dead people for a world cup? For entertainment?
Lmao! If you don't know sh*t about politics, don't sit around and give pointless opinions.
This World Cup is just a play and a cover. Qatar has spent 200 billion dollars on this cup. What sane person would believe that this amount was paid in full for this? In the worst case, spending will not exceed 7 billion dollars.
Qatar is just an American state, as is Saudi Arabia, all this waste of money went to the benefit of the West.
This reminds me of when Prince Mohammed bin Salman paid 500 billion in a fictitious deal to buy weapons worth not more than a few billions.
Even FIFA does not have real votes, it's all theatrical and illusion, they are the ones who choose the winner, the ball has become from a game for fun to a political card.
Idk what kind of surgery Xirot got since his last ban, but now he sounds right to me. Don't judge others (including cultures) until you understand them.

As I said it's all a play and a ridiculous show, all countries are the same, no country is worse than the other.

That's whataboutism at its best. Justifying injustice by saying that other countries do it as well. Great. Stick to this amazing mindset and see where it leads you. Good luck.
"hey, you killed my mom! why did you do that" - "err uhm.. other people get killed too?" - "oh okay! you're right! no worries! have a nice day!"
edited 1×, last 18.11.22 11:01:00 am

Anyways, all I'm trying to say is that this is all a stupid show, only a dumb would believe that Human Rights organizations cannot prevent Qatar from abusing workers.
But why should they? Qatar has and will always keep funding the West, it even helped them with gas during the Russo-Ukrainian war, otherwise you would have seen the British, the French and many more back to the Stone Age within a few days of the war.
You would be a fool if you imposed sanctions on a country like Qatar which is one of your sources of income.
They are all involved in the crime, so don't blame Qatar while your own country is the same or even worse. That's it. And be thankful to the country that if it didn't exist you would now be now cooking your own food on forest wood.
EDIT: I advise you to enjoy the World Cup without thinking about such details like this, because the truth hurts, and no one will like it.

EDIT: I advise you to enjoy the World Cup without thinking about such details like this, because the truth hurts, and no one will like it.
The more painful the truth, the more pain can be avoided in the future by knowing it early on. There is a reason why we teach kids about the holocaust in schools, after all, as well as other great disasters of history. The more we know about the humanitarian problems of regions we do business with, the more we can do about those problems. That seems like it would bring a much better outcome overall as well. A period of ignorance is bliss while it lasts, but is often followed with crisis. Thus, ignorance is probably the most unsustainable source of bliss that exists, alongside illicit drugs.

Qatar is notorious for abusing workers, but why should we boycott this World Cup? I mean... if you really care about the workers, go and boycott the whole West then, they are the ones who made Qatar win the World Cup.
Boycotting the whole west would not work for any country that has any wish to be successful, and it would be a terrible strategy to force change. I would recommend the west help them improve their working standards, as that would probably have a much better overall outcome.

As I said it's all a play and a ridiculous show, all countries are the same, no country is worse than the other.
Each country has its own culture, economy, institutions, territory size/shape, and politics. I think the truth is the opposite of what you claim about all countries being the same, because that is impossible physically, and over-generalizes things politically and economically by neglecting the details and nuances of each individual country.
That is all