why i cant open 2 servers?
why i cant open 2 servers?
5 replies hi 
i want to open 2 servers but i see one and the other server i dont see it... like i have zombie and jail server... and i open zombie server first then i open jail >cs2d dedicated< why i cant see jail? i need to open jail first if i want to see it...
anyone can help? pls Have you changed the port of one of the servers? They can't run on the same port. @
ohaz: yes... i change port, still not working DC Admin
Safest way to prevent any conflicts is to copy the entire CS2D folder for each server you want to run. That way you can have different configs for each server and there won't be conflicts with log files etc. Like
ohaz said you must define different ports in the server config file (or via commandline param) otherwise stuff will break.
After starting both servers you should check that both are actually still running. Also check the log files for possible issues.
An alternative to copying the whole folder is just having different sys-folders per server and specifying those via commandline param (-sys folder). I'm sorry for some kind of necroposting. In fact, previous answers are quite incorrect: you still can use the same port for both servers in the configuration, but in this case the port for the server you'll launch after the previous one will be taken randomly. It's easier to just define the new port, that way it always remains the same, people who save it to the favorites will have difficult time.
You can also simply host on two different servers using the same port.
Send us your config files (make sure to censure server and rcon password) and we can surely help.