A few years ago I made a thread called 'underrated technology'. Almost none of which were underrated, but mainly overrated. So now I want to do the opposite since that thread was just a stream of bs.
I despise fusion and the people who promote it. I once believed it would be a cool new thing. Now I realize that even if it were made energy positive, even by a large margin, it would still be prohibitively expensive and also radioactive. It is the opposite of everything it is hyped up to be. For example, saying it is clean is like saying cyanide is healthy. Tritium can bond with oxygen and make tritiated water and escape into the environment (which honestly isn't really a big deal compared to the other problems it has). Its fuel, claimed to be as cheap as water by misleading sources (which are more plentiful than accurate sources when It comes to fusion) is actually a large part tritium, which costs around $30,000 per gram. Also it releases neutrons which impact the wall of the reactor and make it radioactive. The power plants are extremely expensive, the fuel is extremely expensive, and currently it takes more energy to run than it creates. It would be cheaper to design a fission power plant that cannot melt down. In fact, it has already been done.
-Fuel cell vehicles
Both this and fusion I included in my underrated tech thread. both were a mistake. Fuel cell vehicles will probably never reach anywhere close to the scale battery powered cars reach. The hydrogen is hard to store and the fuel cells are expensive (even if they are getting cheaper). Hydrogen fuel cell cars probably will never come close to battery cars because battery technology is constantly advancing (note tesla battery day). Instead there should be natural gas powered (methane) combustion engines (at high efficiency). Methane can be produced with electricity at only slightly less efficiency than hydrogen. It can be stored at a higher density. My idea: having methane powered cars that take compressed natural gas in tanks that can be swapped out like propane tanks (blue rhino and such). Methane (natural gas) can be taken from the ground or generated using electricity. Even if taken from the ground, it still emits less co2 than gasoline or diesel.
biofuel is also one of those horrible things. A high amount of ethanol (the type of alcohol in booze) is required in gasoline in the U.S.. It releases even more co2 than fossil fuels and is expensive. The only reason it is even still required at such high amounts (it can be used in low amounts to improve the octane of gas) is because of the ethanol farmers lobbying to keep it alive (because they are getting rich off of ethanol). Needless to say, it is unneeded. $0.10 is needed to offset the co2 produced in one gallon of gas, and that's cheap enough. I think it would be cheaper overall to simply put that into place than requiring large amounts of ethanol being put into fuel. Plus it's making the roads unsafe because it's making all the cars drunk

I'll add more later but my fingers are getting sore from typing
If you know of any overhyped tech, comment about it. Or make sarcastic remarks because that's also fun