CS2D Overhaul Project [temporarily suspended]
CS2D Overhaul Project [temporarily suspended]
48 replies GL with this guys, hope you can do it properly and successfully.
Right now CS2D is in a bad state, needs badly something new, fresh, to attract new players. Will this new "super efficient" map type provide more features than the original one, appart from its smaller footprint ? J4x User
Long time since I posted here (4 years i think), can someone explain me in detail what is this? Are you mergin cs2d into unity? making a whole new game? Anyway, looks really interesting and I hope to see new stuff in the future. Hey guys, a long time without new, how its going the project?, you have new images or smth for look how look the new cs2d?
boncuk: I am too interested in this project.
Check out the video more tag in the first post! Paz User
Nice tou Tares still working on the game
Hes was skilled back in the day It's dead already, I guess :S I should probably say a few last words about this project:
When we started out I got hold of what I believe are some of the best developers this forum can still actively produce.
We met up and gathered a (rather ambitious, but doable) set of three-week goals.
But it just turned out we were a bunch of quite capable, but also rather busy guys with plenty of other things going on in their lives, so many of us fell rather short of their goals and with the holidays inbetween it all kinda died pretty quickly again; so that's that, I guess