Idea for character's name
Idea for character's name
7 replies So as we know, the font in Stranded II makes the "I" resemble a "3". So when the player says something like "I am cool", it looks like "3 is cool", and makes it sound like his name is 3 and that he talks in the third person. So as a joke/pun for the older players, the playable character's name should be "Three" in Stranded three. ....thats so fucking stupid. 
Well, if you really want to see a 3... 21431 thinks this is a shit idea. You must say your name. And.... then write your name a second time cool effect gived Admin/mod comment
Everything would be fine. But except the fact that this idea is shit. We do not accept ideas/suggestions for Stranded III anyway, at least not when the game development is still in progress. Closed. DC Admin
Well, I totally disagree with what
GeoB99 said. Of course all ideas and suggestions are welcome, also and especially during development.
I dislike the idea of calling the character "Three" though. It's not even a real name.