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English U.S.G.N. offline due to DDoS attack

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old Re: U.S.G.N. offline due to DDoS attack

Super User Off Offline

user DC has written
@Attacker: I understand your motives but this leads to nothing. You are currently destroying a free independent game service, violating a bunch of laws. Do you hate PC games that much? This is madness.

It's not about the hating free PC games. Exact opposite, he loves this game cause of that he does these attacks.

old Re: U.S.G.N. offline due to DDoS attack

User Off Offline

This is why I saw a lot of servers and evryone was without usgn.
About attacker
He can't stop with words.
We are not gona pay him.

Valve hates hackers √
And I think us should ban them always!
I think this webside needs more protection.
And you think he is going at us and watch this!
And stop DDosing?
No,he is not gona do that.

And so stop typing @Attacker,try to protect your game.He does not hate this game,mabye he hates moderators and @user DC:


@user DC: He can't stop you and your game!

old Re: U.S.G.N. offline due to DDoS attack

User On Online

@user Shrepard: Even mine english is not so shitty :d
Anyway we can't stop him by words, that's a fact.
For sure Us needs more protection.. Cs2d need ddos protection. Everything need protection except ddosers/hackers/...

There always will be stupid kids, only dies, the new ones is coming and so on. This is not discussion about what need and what will be. U have nothing to do with that until there is no good protection(if it is exist).

old Re: U.S.G.N. offline due to DDoS attack

Admin On Online

There is no efficient protection against DDoS and this particular attack seems to be stopped. Luckily it happens quite rarely that someone is idiotic enough to actually attack the entire U.S.G.N. - so it's fine.

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