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Poll Poll

Should Quality Control be enforced?

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90.48% (38)
4.76% (2)
4.76% (2)
42 votes cast

old Re: Quality Control

Admin Off Offline

Okay. Will do. Setting a file directly to unreviewed again after editing it is too "risky" though because unreviewed means it becomes visible to others again. It will remain invisible for other users instead until it is reviewed again but at the same time it will not be removed because it's waiting for reviewer action.

So there will be a fourth state, called something like
× declined - waiting for review

old Re: Quality Control

User Off Offline

Right now, bad files get deleted completely. Instead of that, how about hiding them from the file archive?
The author can still access the file by looking at his list of uploads on his profile, but it will be hidden from everybody else. Anything can still be done to the file normally (downloading, commenting, deleting, etc.), the link will just be visible to the author. It can't be searched and "file:id" won't work with it.
Of course, the author should be notified if a file of his was hidden by a moderator. There should also be a big red message box when on the file's page, saying the file is hidden.
The author could request to unhide the file. Usually, the moderator will say what is needed for the file to be unhidden (improve quality, fix description, etc.)
The purpose of this is to give the author a chance to review all comments and criticism, which means submissions in the file archive improve a lot faster.

Last thing, "Likes" shouldn't determine a file's quality. Most positive are commonly just trivial complements like "nice work" or "have a like", while negative comments could also be useless like "shitty file" or "mods please delete this".

old Re: Quality Control

Admin Off Offline

@user J192: You should really read what I wrote because you are basically suggesting exactly the same thing

I will however allow to link and access hidden (= review state "declined") files anyway. They just won't show up in the regular file archive lists.

And yes, I agree that likes are not a good indicator and they won't be part of the process to decide whether a file should be removed or not.

old Re: Quality Control

Reviewer Off Offline

I wouldn't mind spending some time cutting back the pending files when it's done. Seems like a legit idea.

old Re: Quality Control

Admin Off Offline

@user Talented Doge: There are multiple straightforward ways to handle such misbehaviors:
• temporary file archive ban like user HumayunJ suggested
• the file can still be removed completely and instantly
• even bigger punishments (full temp ban or full perm ban) are possible for recurring cases

I may also add a checkbox for file editing which says something like "major change, request new review". This will make people more aware of what's going on.

old Re: Quality Control

Deleted User

user DC:
I support this idea. All that is left is to find people willing to spend their time reviewing the files.

old Re: Quality Control

Moderator Off Offline

I actually think it's a good idea but as long as there's enough people to take care of it, we don't want that unreviewed list to increase exponentially.

old Re: Quality Control

Reviewer Off Offline

One thing though. Moderators shouldn't be able to review their files - just to make sure and keep it all fair.

old Re: Quality Control

Reviewer Off Offline

I still think if everyone was able to act, it would be better than having to wait for some authority. Oh well, let's hope this works.

old Re: Quality Control

Moderator Off Offline

Looks still WIP, I still don't know how to review files yet. Anyway, are we going to have permission to promote people into reviewers?

old Re: Quality Control

Deleted User

Well user DC already approved Blazing's newest upload. Nice test subjects, user DC. Inb4 accidentally removes whole file arhieve.

old Re: Quality Control

User Off Offline

So the reviewing system is already on set, nice! But the review message should be on the top of the file's description, but it's okay I guess. And there should another column that says "Review State" on the file archive list and an icon that represents the file's review state.

I support both user Seekay's and user Starkkz's idea. There should be at least "Reviewer" or "Supporter" rank that can review files accordingly, that really actually look at file's quality.

old Re: Quality Control

Reviewer Off Offline

How about making a new rank for users who can actually contribute stuff? That way you can keep the file archive clean and tidy while preventing normal / troll users from uploading unwanted things.

old Re: Quality Control

Admin Off Offline

@user CY: You mean only allow selected users to upload stuff? That would be a super harsh and unnecessary restriction. Bad uploads are no reason to limit things in such a brutal way. Also people would bother us all the time to get the permission to upload stuff! And how are we supposed to make a decision there? We need to see the files to decide.

So the approach to review stuff using the site is much more effective in my opinion. People can upload stuff easily, we can take a look at the stuff easily and decide quickly.

Unreal Software highly appreciates and embraces user generated content. It is very essential for us and I don't want to restrict access to such an important thing more than necessary.

old Re: Quality Control

Moderator Off Offline

So... We (the moderators) can promote people to be reviewers? Is there some procedure for doing it or a limit? I know people like user CY, user useigor, user Pseudon and others are very good sprite/skin makers and they can evaluate files properly. Does that mean I'm free to promote them to be reviewers?

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old Re: Quality Control

Reviewer Off Offline

Ah right..

Well, you're right on that part but what about open up a new public archives where people can upload whatever they want in there? Is it too much trouble for that? If you take a look at this site for example:

I know we're not really a big modding community but some filtering would be nice imo. One file archive for those whose approved by the moderators while the other one for people to upload their stuff freely without bothering moderators for approval.
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