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English TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

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old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

Super User Off Offline

Heya Tix good ta see ya!

Ok, so what i did was changed the excrement now, so it is opposite of what it used to be. Meaning now it is cleared from the map at midnight like a food item. Throughout the new day the animals will poop on idle animation.

So first thing after midnight you wont find much around but in the afternoons/evenings they should be laying around, then at midnight they are cleaned up again.

old New Unit Added

Super User Off Offline

lol, no I mean I literally just made that change with the excrement. It will be in the next update, and is NOT in the current update.

New Unit: Baby Sheep!

So if a female white sheep is near a brown male sheep they can breed right? I increased the range of "closeness" from 100 to 400. . .should be more reasonable as it is hard to keep them 100 meters close.

Also, when they are kept close, there was only 1 out of 30 days, chance, to have a newborn. I have to changed that to 1 of 20 days. You could have 2-3 or even more in 1 month, or you might be lucky to get only 1. . . or unlucky and get none.

When the baby is born he does not yield milk or wool for 7 days. At 7 days he turns into either a female or male adult. 4 out of 6 chance it's a female, 2 out of the 6 male. As an adult it is "business as usual" milk/wool.
edited 2×, last 07.11.17 02:39:53 am

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

Super User Off Offline

Correct. On page 1 there is a change log showing the current, and then the future release/to-do list for everything coming in the next update.

Congrats! on super user within your first 74 days here at unreal. cookies

old Thanksgiving Update Now Posted

Super User Off Offline

Previous Post:
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The new Thanksgiving Update is now posted. 93.46MB Download from the top of page 1 or any of my signatures as usual. Only the October 10-24 Halloween saves are compatible.

Happy Thanksgiving Everybody!

√Re-Added a random morning and evening hue to the sky lighting.(complete)
√The OSR score algorithm was fixed to score the Days Survived statistic properly. It was rounding off the decimal giving an inaccurate low score for that stat.(fixed)(complete)
√Rat Event added. Spawns several rats near the player, they currently only randomly attack the player, like the regular rat. Still scripting looting storage aspect.(complete)
√New Unit: Baby Sheep. Works just like the chickens/chicks, accept 7 days to mature, and keeping the male and female close range has been increased.(complete)
√Catching butterflies with the net returns dead insects. Thought I already fixed it this way but did'nt.(complete)
√The Health Potion previously stated in stats that it gives +25 blood. It is actually +50. Fixed stat.(complete)
√Excrement is now cleared from the map at midnight like a food item. Throughout the new day the animals will poop on idle animation. (complete)
√The Big Sailing Ship used to escape the island now has menus relating to the stored clues. Also instructional, to help guide the player through escaping.(complete but will be modified soon)
√The 6 clues to escape the island are now required to be stored in the escape ship. The Big Sailing Ship, unlocked at level 7 Survivor.(complete)
√New model: The missing Worm model added, no longer do you see the default bag model when dropping any items, except when dropping cloths.(complete)
√The weight of clay has been reduced from 280 to 180...shit was kinda heavy.(complete)
√ You now can mine clay with either axe to increase efficiency of getting clay, also reducing hit damage, just like other stone's items using an axe.(complete)
√ You can now retrieve crossbow bolts relatively the same as the arrows. . .which is 60% of the time for wooden & stone, 70% for iron, and 80% for steel. As long as your hunting skill is at or above 100.(complete)
√Diary updated with latest combo changes using a bowl.(complete)
√Tame bees at a hive don't spawn bone piles when killed fixed.(complete)
√New Models: Hard & Soft clay bowl, a model to represent all sandwiches, and a cheese model was added.(completed)
√When cooking soups and omelets you will now need a hardened clay bowl. The bowls are made at the kiln just like the mug, pot, fryingpan. etc. Upon eating the soup/omelet the hardened bowl is returned.(complete)
√Crafting "bolts" has been revised a bit. Using the normal combos you will have choice to make Dart Shafts that will need feathers added, for the Blowgun. Or. . .Crossbow Bolt Shafts that will also need feathers added, for use with the Crossbow.(complete)
√Liana Vine weight lowered from 300 to 150 , saltwater weight is now equal to any other bottle of liquid @ 250.(complete)
√Leaf now shows the new "stat marker" as the rest of the food items do.(complete)
√Damage stat added to pebbles inventory view.(complete)
edited 3×, last 23.11.17 06:34:26 pm

old Hotfix - re-Upload

Super User Off Offline

Your Welcome! Enjoy!

To All:
HotFix: the mod was re-uploaded with the following hotfix- Mushrooms and other crop foods being cleared from the map at midnight had to be changed. Being cleared, they appear to not spawn on their bush, tree, or on the ground. √ Fixed, spawning type foods will not be cleared at midnight.

old Worderful Work!

User Off Offline

Man, great mod! I'm really happy to see how active this community is! I remeber, it was like 5 years ago, when I joined this group and the Stranded mods scene was a bit obfuscated by CS2D *still the same, I think*, so I tried to do something near the same as your project, but anyway, congratulations and let's keep this community alive for the next 5 years or more!

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

User Off Offline

Hi JasJack67, long time player first time poster!

Love your mod! Can count the free games on one hand that have given me as much playtime as this one!

Just wanted to ask were the script for the BT tick is located? Getting a lag spike every 2 or so seconds when the BT changes, want to change the update time to something longer.


old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

Super User Off Offline

thanks all!

@user Jackington: Sorry, what you ask can not be done. The BT variable is set "within" a 400 line script that is executed every 2 seconds. This "timered script" is the backbone script to this mods features including speed, weight, sickness, cravings, and all interactive objects such as beekeepers, greenhouses etc. Not-To-Mention weather, seasons, frostbite, heatstroke, hypothermia, and temperature.

The script is attached to "unit",1 the player.

It is written as:

on:detectrun {
    400 lines

Changing the triggers timer will screw up all these features in a way that will break them. It is written in various places as:
timer "self",1700,1,"detectrun";
Some computers deal with Blitz script better than others. Turn down WATER DETAIL to 0 and VIEW DISTANCE to middle. Then click the other icon -win .bat.exe to run the mod in a borderless window.

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

User Off Offline

Awesome as always JasJack! Can't wait to crack this new one open and die horribly a few more times. I like the change to difficulty presented by the bowl requirement for higher tier foods.

Let's see how long I'll last on a small map again.

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

Super User Off Offline

I love your mod and though its still laggy on my computer and takes forever to start, It's awesome. I think you should make the skyboxes fade instead of change instantly. It would be more realistic. Keep on going Jack

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

User Off Offline

Bug report:

∗ Creating iron bolt shafts at anvil with soft iron and stone hammer returns feathered bolts. Iron hammer, steel hammer, autohammer and steel bolt combinations untested, possibly same.
∗ Striking clay deposits with iron axe deals 20 damage per hit to node. Steel axe untested, possibly same. Is it supposed to be a pickaxe?
∗ Crafting whey using sheep milk and soup pot does not require clay bowl, but whey returns clay bowl when combined with 25 salt to make cheese.

Also, holy heck! 25 clay per bowl? Ouch. I was hoping they'd be more in line with the other clay food storage items like bottles or mugs, which are far less resource consuming.
edited 1×, last 01.12.17 12:30:51 am

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

Super User Off Offline

Yeah the skybox transition is out of my control as it is hard coded in the .exe. In regular stranded there is only 1 skybox that never changed, therefore no reason to change skyboxes each hour.

1. Will check it out.
2.Pickaxe, the iron pickaxe is returning more saltpeter and the steel pickaxe returns more clay, both less damage. I have already fixed the iron pick to return more clay for next update.
3.Will check it out.

I agree and will lower the amount of clay for a bowl.

Thank you guys again for your feedback, helps a ton, and infact, I have relied on it many times.

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

User Off Offline

Cheers, a few more bug reports:

∗ Crafting tropica bread requires Mug of Hot Coffee (id=4898) not coffee beans (id=4948) or coffee fruit (id=70). Also doesn't satisfy caffeine cravings, despite containing coffee fruit.
∗ Clam chowder doesn't require a bowl to craft despite returning a bowl upon consumption.
edited 3×, last 01.12.17 05:01:37 am
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