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English TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

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old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

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If your using MediaFire as a host. . . when you post, on the left use img tag. . .just like you do a URL tag.

When you click your image in MEDIAFIRE you can see to "copy link". . .do not copy THAT link, click the "more sharing options" in the bottom corner of the little window, and copy the "Direct Link".

paste the link into the img tag here in your post.

old New Big Update Posted 10-01-17

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October update is ready for your playing. It has some great added content and some important AI behavior scripts I have been working on for months. All hostile units "act" differently now when engaging the player. Be sure to read through the changlog below or you might end up dead prematurely your first few maps. As the fall damage is now at it's final balance, among other things in the log.

Download from the top of page 1, or any of my signatures as usual.

√Several new skyboxes added. Adding more ever-changing skies above and around you. This increased the file size a few megabytes, but I feel they are worth it. I made some beautifully edited skies this week.(complete)
√The smoke "sprite" coming off from fire was enhanced.(complete)
√New weed models: Two new weeds added to the environment. Nothing useful other than getting leaves and starch.(complete)
√New bush models: The grain crop, catail-reed, and seaweed, now looks more realistic.(complete)
√New terrain models: Six big flat rocks. They sit nearly ground level adding more terrain diversity throughout each new map.(complete)
√The bug when saving during a craving fixed, now upon loading the craving will display text correctly.(complete)
√Further tweaks to main scripts shortening them, and reducing lag. (complete)
√Some last teaks to various statistics, and things like fall damage, winter ice/shore glitch, and other aspects most players won't even notice. Performance tweaks.(complete)
√At midnight hour or sleeping past it, "changeday updating..." is now "A new day begins...updating". (complete)
√When crop plants die they no longer make a "crackle" sound or give a message, nor spam the left text column on change day update with "Plants Died". Instead, they simply turn into a weed. You will have to clear the weeds to grow other crops. Like for real.(complete)
√The higher the difficulty level you choose when starting a new map, the farther away from shore your starting point can randomly be.(complete)
√Very minor tweaks to several objects, items, units and stuff.(balance)(complete)
√Seaweed can now be found on the beach like shells and starfish.(complete)
√Cravings will happen more often if you have not eaten from a specific food type over 3 or more days.(complete)
√During winter while swimming under the ice, the player will be "set back" away from the shoreline as to prevent going under the island. Was bugged from lowering the island a while back.(island collision glitch)(complete)
√The arrows model scale adjusted for a more appealing looking arrow, over a short stubby fat looking arrow.(complete)
√Pooping: Most animals now randomly poop at will while in their "idle animation" during any hour of day or night, instead of a single random pooping at midnight only.(complete)
∗ New AI scripted for all hostile land and water units(not birds). When engaged by the hostile unit, they now attack and retreat while randomly encircling the player, and randomly attacking at will.(complete)
∗ During "events", the event animals will flee randomly no longer staying caught behind an object.(complete)
∗ When the player is cornered by a hostile unit, upon a object like a big rock or a building, the hostile unit will flee away from the player randomly, at the next hour check. No longer "hovering" at the base of the structure.(complete)
√New Unit -Blue Shark: 2/3 Smaller than the current Great White, 1/3 it's health, loot, n damage. A fast and ruthless bite-n-flee predator. Only in Normal-Expert mode, increased in numbers the higher the mode.(complete)
√The Rainbow fish's scale was lowered a touch making it a touch smaller.(complete)
√Wolfdog starving has been fixed, a typo in the script makes him starve even after eating meat you put on the ground.(complete)
√I have increased the radius of the greenhouse for both plants and bees from 42 to 62 to keep from freezing in winter.(complete)
√When you put cotton in the kiln, forge, or fireplace it will burn up at 5 per check instead of 1, no matter how much you put in.(complete)

Here is a snapshot of the new models:

p.s. At 17 hr one of my skyboxes had a spelling error in script causing it not to load. If you do not see a skybox at 17hr then re-download. Or you can go to the /mods/skies folder and rename the set of 5 images called "cloudysunset" to "coudysunset", removing the letter L in them.
edited 1×, last 02.10.17 07:33:31 am

old Tree House Problem

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Hi, I've been playing Stranded 2 recently and stumbled upon this mod and i like it (except for lagging experience).

I have something to report, maybe a bug. I build a treehouse, the third version (the bottom version in the build mode menu), and the game doesn't seem to detect it as a shelter as I got damage later in the morning.

Moreover, I don't know how to use the ladder as a way down, all I did until now was jump, funny I didn't get any injuries

Almost forgot, I play the before 1 October 2017 version of the game. I'll download the latest update today.

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

Super User Off Offline

Hi dim, thanks for checking out the mod and the report.

Try starting the game using the other icon in the folder named "TheSurvivalist borderless window". It runs with less lag then the original .exe

Yes the tree houses you can jump out of without injury...I have made the "fall damage" script detect if your jumping out of the tree house, or getting out of a boat... so there is no injury doing those two standard movements.

You can only jump out of the tree houses lol. I will check the script for sleeping and healing, maybe a typo for that particular treehouse, thank you!

edit: √ I increased the detection range of the treehouses a bit to be detected better when sleeping. I also found that treehouse#2(middle one) you can get injury jumping out of...fixed for next update. (complete)
edited 2×, last 02.10.17 01:49:33 pm

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

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I've tried out the newest version, and I gotta say the AI script changes make the enemies much easier to defeat with ranged weapons, especially the event creatures like wolves and bears.

Previously, wolves or bears would spawn and hunt you down with all the vindictive sadism of a blue shell in Mario Kart. You had to drop whatever you were doing and run for shelter, climb a rock, or head for the nearest conveniently close cluster of trees.

Now, they tend to circle close, then lose interest and wander off at an oblique angle. It makes it ridiculously easy to sit and pick them off with a crossbow.

I can understand the desire to change the AI, since lion hunting is ridiculously easy even during the first day, provided you find a good spot to get them stuck on the terrain. This version is a good step in that direction, though I think it could stand more fine-tuning. I'm assuming you can't just give them a free move through obstructing terrain for a short distance each hour?

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

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My last couple of maps and through testing, since the update...I must say I agree.

The AI on the event animals was done using a timer that loops randomly when the unit is created, each random timer that expires the unit is to flee from the player, but only for a moment.

. . .only I think the timers were to short making them flee to often, so I have lengthened the timers a lot. So now they only flee a couple of times during the entire event. Also, I decreased the length of time they flee, when they do flee, so they remain more in the general area.

As for regular game play, the AI has a single "flee" hourly only if the unit is in a short range of the player. (this was done for when the player is cornered and the unit "hovers" below you, when your up on an object. So they flee from time to time under that condition.) Also a "flee" during the unit attacks upon the player. (this I think enhanced the unit engagement to a more realistic level)

"Fleeing" only occurs for a few seconds, then the behavior returns to "hunting the player" if you are still in it's hunting range.

Interested to hear your experience with regular AI, aside from events? I will continue adjusting them if needed before the final version is uploaded to the archive. That will be soon...probably for Christmas.

> The next update is coming this week sometime for Halloween. (see: To-Do list @ top of page 1) It's going to be another good one too, I believe.
edited 2×, last 15.10.17 11:03:03 am

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

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I'd say overall AI for the rest of the critters is pretty well balanced, and has been for awhile.

Killer bees are a great jump-scare sometimes when out exploring, and their speed and AI is spot on. They rarely get stuck on terrain, and swarm attacks are a great surprise when you discover a hive for the very first time.

All other vermin aren't worth mentioning, aside from their good balance of speeds. If I have one complaint, it's that catching butterflies doesn't give an option to convert the creature in inventory into bug parts. Releasing them and then chasing them down in melee, or worse, wasting ammunition on them, makes them a seldom used source of fishing bait for me.

Snakes, rats and scorpions are another well balanced minor nuisance. One complaint I would make is that the snake model can disappear into the ground on steep terrain, but even a first day character still wet from arrival can outrun or kill one if they're observant. These are excellent early game enemies, and I'm looking forward to when rats receive their long-awaited food stealing mechanic.

Mid-range threats such as bald eagles and claw monkeys are also fairly well behaved. Eagles suffer from the inclusion of a lot of the newer rock models compared to earlier versions. More clutter on the map means more obstacles for them to encounter, particularly the arched stones. They rarely get a hit on my newer characters since they'll likely snag on terrain before they complete their dive. Claw monkeys serve well as mid-range threats, especially when you hear them but don't know whether it's a claw monkey or their gentler cousins that are nearby. Their straightforward pathing AI doesn't seem to have too many troubles.

The three high height bird models are tricky hunting, but offer great returns. Their AI circling deals well even with extreme canopy trees, and their distance from the player adds another layer of defense. By the time I have a ranged weapon capable of hunting these, I've usually built a crossbow and don't need the feathers for arrows anymore. Still, they offer a reliable source of breast meat, which is usually the limiting ingredient in crafting the otherwise simple chicken soup recipe, which offers a good net increase on the satisfaction of white meat cravings over the individual cooked components.

Natives all suffer the same as the event creatures regarding collision with objects, meaning it's easier to evade the spear natives despite their superior speed. The native bowmen are essentially unaffected, however. I do miss the old knife melee attack that the elite bowman used to possess when you got close, but otherwise they're well balanced. Overall, the change in the native AI from the old days when they used to all carry healing potions is quite noticeable. They fight smarter, require different strategies to combat depending on the unit, and can get nasty when encountered in a group.

Overall, I feel like I want to complain about detection range on the bowmen, but honestly that's just me being a whiner. They're typically fine, especially once you get established with a home base and clear out the local spawns. Movement speed is perfect, especially bowmen. Their AI for running from melee is usually able to avoid collisions, and seems to have a supernatural awareness of how to drag the player into range of the closest claw monkey or lion. Still, they're soft in close range, even with a base speed player first day armed with nothing but a hastily carved flint knife praying desperately that it won't break. Threatening, but survivable, at least on a medium sized map. Small maps drastically increase their threat, making survival on these sizes an exercise in extreme skill and patience. They remain relevant from the start all the way to endgame. If you do try to clear a nest of half a dozen bowmen, it can take down even the most hardened of survivalists.
edited 1×, last 17.10.17 03:40:45 pm

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

Super User Off Offline

Hey man that is the most awesome feedback! I cannot disagree with any of it.

I will make the butterfly as other bugs, turning into an insect item upon net catching. They currently do not have any other use. They originally would lighten the load of the players rucksack. . . the more you caught the more room you had in your inventory...but I took that out a long time ago and never found a new purpose for them.

My last few small maps I find it very difficult avoiding bowmen, I will see if I can do something to make them more reasonable on small maps. This next update does have added rock collision so that might be just enough...the bowmen can no longer shoot through the big rocks. The rocks act more like the tree as-far-as bowmen shooting at you.

THANKS AGAIN! Ill get this next update posted early this weekend. I think it will be the best update in regards to addressing the lag spikes and the pressing SHIFT to run lag...I got it working smoother then ever!

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

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You've spent years polishing this mod. The least I can do is offer my thanks!

Also, just a heads up that bees still die during winter inside a greenhouse. I've got a save file showing this behavior if you wanted it. I built four bee keepers inside the greenhouse, released 30 bees at each, and waited overnight. Most of them die at change of day.

old Git

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Hi JasJack67,
do you consider using git for versioning The Survivalist? I think it'll be great. If you'll use github, you'll have also "issues" and it'll be easier to track bugs etc. Also people could easily switch to older version etc...

Have a nice day, Tom

old New Halloween Update Now Posted

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The new 10_24_17 Halloween Update is now posted!
Download from the top of page 1 or any of my signatures as usual. OLD SAVES ARE NOT COMPATIBLE THIS UPDATE due to the new walk/sprint script. The old saves will have broken run mode when hitting shift, sorry!

Recommended to finish your current game before starting a new game with this new update, as it is NOT COMPATIBLE with old saves!

Happy Halloween To All!

Change Log:
√All food item icons in your inventory now have a "stat marker" showing which bar is effected when consuming it. this reduces having to search for a food in relation to your bar.(complete)
√Honeybees detection range increased so they do not die in winter season. Last update I changed the range of the greenhouse but forgot to do the beekeeper, causing them to still die in winter. fixed.(complete)
∗ The 6 directional clues, needed to escape the island, will now spawn and de-spawn at the new day update. The model Message-In-A-Bottle is used for each clue and they can spawn anywhere water meets the land. Each day one will de-spawn while a new one spawns at a new location. Beginning the first night Clue 1 spawns, then day 20 clue 2, day 40 clue 3, etc. They spawn in order 1-6 and 6 starts spawning mid winter (@ day 100).The 6 directions will be randomly generated at the start of a new map, and only consist of North,South,East & West directions.(complete)
√When the map is "cleaned" at midnight the only items that disappear are food items, and dead unit bones. No longer do materials, tools, or weapons disappear. Any glass bottled liquids will not be cleared either.(complete)
√The Diary was updated with the latest changes and/or combo information. (complete)
√The water rock spawning range adjustment so they do not spawn under water.(complete)
√Some more minor tweaks to items and stats. Visuals, and balance, such as size/color of cocaofruit, seaweed. (complete)
√A new simplistic script that makes pressing the shift to run awesomely smoother. (complete)
∗ The bowman arrows no longer go through the big rocks. I added extra collision to them to prevent arrow penetration, but this raised the poly count a lot. fixed.(complete)
√Treehouse bug. I used the same object ID for 2 of the 3 treehouses and the sleeping script range did not detect the "cover". fixed.(complete)
√At 17 hr one of my skyboxes had a spelling error in script causing it not to load. The 10-01 update was re-uploaded with this fix after a few players downloaded the mod.(complete)(see page 97 Big Update p.s.)
edited 3×, last 25.10.17 06:10:26 am

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

User Off Offline

Hooray, new update!

Massive thanks again for all your hard work, time to start a new island and try out the new features. I'm hoping I'll finally get a beekeeping industry going that doesn't die off in winter.

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

Super User Off Offline

Crafting "bolts" has been revised a bit. Using the normal combos you will have choice to make Dart Shafts that will need feathers added, for the Blowgun. Or. . .Crossbow Bolt Shafts that will also need feathers added, for use with the Crossbow.


Having the need to put feathers on any flight ammo for accuracy makes sense even for the crossbow bolts. This will also make it important to shoot the high flying birds and utilize their feathers to sustain using a crossbow.

In a nutshell, feathers have become extremely important if using a crossbow.

P.S. Sorry JDL

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

User Off Offline

Bah, the feathers are common enough not to be too much trouble. Once you've crafted your snow suit, they're usually trash without this change. Might have to consider building kiwi farms eventually though. The crossbow's still worth building, since iron bolts are a cheap and easy way to train forging.

A few more bug reports:

∗ Tame bees at a hive don't spawn bone piles when killed.
∗ Chicken soup appears to have incorrect text description. Text on item says it grants -3 craving white meat, but testing shows complete satisfaction of craving after eating three chicken soups. Suspect it's actually -4 craving white meat.

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

Super User Off Offline

When cooking soups and omelets you will now need a hardened clay bowl. The bowls are made at the kiln just like the mug, pot, fryingpan. etc.

When combining the ingredients at a fire the hardened bowl is needed, upon eating the soup/omelet the hardened bowl is returned.


I also made a model to represent all sandwiches, and a cheese model was added.

Thanks again JDL
∗ Tame bees at a hive don't spawn bone piles when killed.

∗ Chicken soup appears to have incorrect text description. Text on item says it grants -3 craving white meat, but testing shows complete satisfaction of craving after eating three chicken soups. Suspect it's actually -4 craving white meat.
edited 2×, last 28.10.17 07:17:02 pm

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

User Off Offline

Looks like clay is even more important now for higher tier food.

With this being the case, any chance of a review of the clay node mechanics? Currently mining these is best done with either bare hands or a net, as they have about 1000 hit points even for the large sized deposit. Pickaxes also don't have reduced damage like they do with iron nodes.

As far as I'm aware, there's no method of increasing efficiency of harvesting clay from a node using a tool, unless I'm mistaken? This means the act of harvesting clay will probably be the limiting step in this process. Perhaps a use for higher tier knives? I know I never bother building anything past flint knives, since they also double for fire-starting duty.

Any consideration to adding a late game steel soup pot and frying pan?

Also, with regard to the new bolt crafting costs, will bolts become recoverable like arrows or still be automatically destroyed when used?
edited 1×, last 29.10.17 04:12:28 am

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

Super User Off Offline

As far as I'm aware, there's no method of increasing efficiency of harvesting clay from a node using a tool, unless I'm mistaken?

You now can mine clay with either axe to increase efficiency of getting clay, reducing damage also.
Any consideration to adding a late game steel soup pot and frying pan?

No, but the higher level cooking you have the less the hardened clay items break from the fire's heat.
Also, with regard to the new bolt crafting costs, will bolts become recoverable like arrows or still be automatically destroyed when used?

You can now retrieve crossbow bolts relatively the same as the arrows. . .which is 60% of the time for wooden & stone, 70% for iron, and 80% for steel. As long as your hunting skill is at or above 100.

p.s. the weight of clay has been reduced from 280 to 180 also...shit was kinda heavy.
edited 1×, last 29.10.17 06:42:24 am

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

User Off Offline

Nice changes! Good balance rework, should keep value for consumables like feathers without unduly favoring one ranged weapon.

Also, speaking of shit...

Might want to consider adding change of day decay back for excrement. My island's absolutely covered with turds. Ever since the rework for animals crapping during their idle animation, I've got fudge nuggets everywhere. Gone are the days I'd horde those piles of chocolate soft serve for my fertilizer bin. It's getting so I'm considering running my forge exclusively on feces.

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

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user JDL has written
Nice changes! Good balance rework, should keep value for consumables like feathers without unduly favoring one ranged weapon.

Also, speaking of shit...

How about making them dissapear/dissolve while raining?
sometimes it cleanses the island, but still lets you to farm it when you need them
(not sure how difficult it would be to code that turd is deleted while wet)
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