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English TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

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old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

Super User Off Offline

Hi Ben good to see you!
Hey yeah I had to push Valentines Day update to March 20th...I have been working hard in the middle of a remodeling job which has taken all my spare time lately. Full kitchen, bathroom and laundry room...and some other things.

I had started making new skyboxes but had to start this job...soon as i can I will finish em and post the update by March 20th weekend. It is also the First Day Of Spring! YeahHHH!

Hey on page 1 you can see what is ready and what I am working on in the To-Do list there. Thanks for dropping by, Be patient, I am almost done with the mod...there is a big concept still missing that will make the mod complete, and that concept is the whole idea of escaping the island.

It will add a deeper purpose to everything you do currently in the mod.

Talk Soon!

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

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Thanks for the awesome mod! IMO this is still the best pure-survival game available (looking forward to Stranded 3!).

Here's a small tweak I can't play without:
It replaces all of the voice sounds with two simple sounds (success/fail). I think they fit the mood quite well.

Also, some problems I've noticed:
- When fishing rod (or fly rod) breaks, it drops a wooden log instead of a bendable branch (or flyrod pole)
- Catching a turtle or crab from fishing gives message: "found caught turtle"
- Fireplace holds more wood than the wood storage, but costs less
- Water from crushed leaves can make you sick (intentional?)
- Crushing leaves or vines gives less water than simply eating them (intentional?)
- Can't craft hooks from bendable branch (the diary says you can, and I always end up with a surplus)
- Lvl 75 Pottery gives a message about unlocking the Kiln, but it is already unlocked

And here are some suggestions:
- Hunger and thirst should increase more slowly whilst sleeping
- Sleeping 9hrs should refill energy by less than 100%, to not encourage "cutting it close"
- Maybe make a new item, "Wood scraps", for when bark breaks from searching or lighting fire by friction.
- Fishing should cost less food/energy, but be less likely to succeed without bait
- Making static nail is too unlikely to succeed (using a compass is tedious enough, and easily skipped with map)

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

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First of all, great work with the mod. I remember playing it a couple of years ago when it was called Massive Mod. I've decided to play the mod again but I have some problems with the performance.

I experience some stuttering which sadly makes it basically unplayable:
- every second the game freezes for like 0.5-1s
- when I press SHIFT to toggle run the game freezes for like 4 seconds
- when pressing LMB to swing the game stutters

The fps are fine, it's only the stuttering

My specs (shouldn't this be enough to play?):
- Intel Core 2 Quad (4x2,4)
- 4gb RAM
- Radeon HD 5670 1gb
- Windows 10

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

Super User Off Offline

Hey thank yu for the suggestions and feedback. I will fix any of those bugs asap and will consider the tweaks you listed.

thank you for checking out the mod!

Yeah, it has been known for a while that some operating systems run the Blitz engine poorly depending on several factors...from your type graphics card to operating settings.

Two things you can try that might reduce the lag from the 2 big scripts that run in this mod would be:

1) in the main game folder click the The_Survivalist -win.bat file to start your game. This runs the mod in a borderless window...once ingame go to OPTIONS and set your resolution to your monitor size...this will make the window "full screen" to the size of your monitor window.

2) goto your "Start Up" options in control panel and delete all start up programs that are automatically started when you start your PC up. Then reboot your PC. It is perfectly safe to delete ALL startup programs and will make your system run much faster. You can always start any program manually if it is something you want top running all the time. A few things running in the background can slow you PC greatly and make things slow.

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

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Hi all...hey sorry for the late coming update. I have been working on a project for that last several weeks (in my business) that has kept me from finishing the new sky-boxes and updating this past March, as i had posted.

This weekend my contract will be finished and I should have some time to finish the update and post it when it is worthy of being posted.

Sorry to those I let down this time, that may have been looking forward to the update in March...hopefully the update will be worth your waiting for it.

thanks all, and will get back to ya's this weekend sometime.

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

Super User Off Offline

hello baidigang,
Thank you for stopping by. I may finish those icons but it is not really needed...those icons are items or objects that are "irrelevant" to the player. What you might call "ghosts" or "dummies".

Those blank icons are only visible in the editor, as I have editor off for the most common player-base, which I believe are simply people who play games. The chance that someone wants to mod The Survivalist, they would likely know how to look up the id's and/or "hover" them to read their descriptions.

There are some other reasons too, without going into detail...I keep editor off to detour players from cheating, and to keep them from breaking the mod...if you give your self a blank icon item during play, (and some other items) you can literally break the game play in this mod, or cause the mod to crash later on in the game when that "dummy" is called in a script for a reason.


old New May Update Posted

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Hello All!
The Latest 05-28-17 May Update Is Now Posted! 77.69MB

Download from the top of page 1 or any of my signatures as usual.

This update is smaller in content but adds much for the environment. Here is the change log:

√New unit: Rat. The island now has rats. They will target food storages next update, if all goes well.(complete)
√New skyboxes added replacing the normal day/night cycle. hopefully adding more diversity to the environment.(complete)
√The "bats" speed was reduced a little bit. They were kind of ridiculously fast. They are are still fast, just not freaking fast.(complete)
√Re-worked the infection and fever messages when eating antibiotics, or fever reducer. So they do not spam the left text column onscreen when cured.(complete)
√You can now empty any bottle of water, including salt water, onto the ground using right click. Above easy mode, it waters the ground/plants as usual (excluding salt water). On easy mode it simply empties the bottle.(complete)
√When sleeping past midnight, the skybox updating late due to a bad script edit this past update. Fixed.(complete)
√With lowering the terrain last update, starting a new map some shrubs/flowers sit slightly above the terrain. Fixed by save/loading the map at the start. (complete)

Saves are compatible, after loading a save the skybox will render at the first hour change and no longer be an issue. Expect a blank skybox loading a save, for the first game hour.

Happy Memorial Day!

p.s. I apologize, for apologizing about the update I was late posting, that I never posted, and having you all wait, for the update after apologizing for your having to wait, so again I apologize for making you wait again for the update I apologized about before, twice.
edited 5×, last 28.05.17 03:19:01 pm

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

User Off Offline

Hooray, a new update!

I can't wait to try this one out. I just finished up my small Hard island using the August 2016 release with permadeath rules, and finally managed to survive until Year 2 Summer, build a galleon and 'escape' the island.

Looking forward to trying all these new features! Hopefully my system won't lag out from the new scripts, since I've had trouble with some of the releases in the past. Many, many thanks, JasJack!

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

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The treehouses seem bugged, I can't snap them to any tree.

Also am I the only one that dislikes the bare hands and placing iron animations? You have this cartoon ish googly eyes game and the like wich is light hearted, and when you start punching you see some heavily pixelated realistic 3d hands that don't fit the art of the game at all, I kinda wish I could revert it to normal because it makes me cringe.
edited 2×, last 31.05.17 06:44:30 pm

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

Super User Off Offline

Treehouses will only snap to the largest of the redwood trees...the tallest of the tall straight trees. You alternatively can build a Treehouse Pole from the build menu (when unlocked) and place it where ever you like...then snap a treehouse to it.

If you have time sometime to get into the graphics and make them better I would certainly entertain the thought. I know there is room for improvements, but I like something better than nothing personally.

They are quite bland images, as the texture tends to blur when they are close to the camera...I could't find a image resolution that retained it's sharpness/detail, being close to the camera. Big n Small all looked "grainy".

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

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Alright, I'm up to early Summer in my first year on Expert mode.

First Impressions:
- I can eat leaves! This seriously makes early play far easier than the August 2016 version.
- Rocks, rocks everywhere! Line of sight is far more restricted now, which is good news since the native bowmen are bad news in Expert mode.
- Did the AI on bowmen change? They seem to have a better knack for avoiding melee now, though it might just be me.
- Nests are now a limited food source! No more mining for eggs, it seems.
- Fishing is less tiresome! It's actually worth setting out with a rod in the early game for food.
- Salt is less rare! Cheese only costs 25 instead of 100 now, and I actually have more salt than milk now.

Overall I've found my play-style very similar but with a few adjustments.

Instead of mining nests for food early game, I just ate leaves and went fishing. I've reached level 4 pottery by crafting a dozen clay bottles and feeding them into the kiln one at a time, gaining +25 pottery skill each time I reset the kiln. This let me make a soup pot and frying pan before the end of spring, and now I'm enjoying cheese omelettes as my staple food source thanks to a half dozen chickens and the occasional mining trip through the nearby nests every few days.

I've got nine wheat and potatoes growing and should be ready to begin farming in earnest soon. Once my farming produces enough raw materials, there's little further risks of starvation.

I've encountered a few bugs so far. I discovered a stack of 55 starfish and later a stack of 60 branches all in a single pile whilst walking around. Not sure where these came from or why, but it seemed an odd spawn and they occurred in roughly the same area.

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

Super User Off Offline

JDL hey nice feedback. Sounds like your having fun!

And I just fixed the bug with the spawning of branches,starfish and shells...yes i made a booboo in their script.

You may want to review the ChangeLog text file in the main folder as it will shed light on all the changes since August. Which is alot!

And no it's not you, the Bowman now will "flee" from the player if you try to approach them..."most" of the time.

p.s. Salt. You can now also use salt to dry hides faster on the first or second day of drying. I hope to add a "Buck Event" that will happen when the player makes a "salt block" (will take a lot of salt) that is then placed some distance from the "stance" building. When the player climbs into the stance a script will check for this salt block, if it detects one a buck event will happen. (I will be using the buck model from member Lion Hearted's model work.) A few reasons for the extra salt.
edited 1×, last 01.06.17 11:44:16 pm

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

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The Survivalist models are not grouped into those who made the models. They are simply all put into the GFX folders as a collage. I add members to the CREDITS page in this mod for the use of their models (as i discovered whose they were).

The reason for this is: When I started with Massive Mod as the base of this mod, there was already models all mixed up in 2 folders. As time passed I realized some where not SII and some were not Builders'. Some were random downloads from the SII archives who had and didn't have, permissions. Some where member made and some from the web. I had no idea "whos was whos".

This lead to my adding members to the "credits" if I used anything they uploaded or made available at this forum.

So I have since held the belief that just as DC made SII and gave it to us all for FREE to mod and play. . .everything derived here for SII should/is also free to use. I only feel strongly about giving credit, not asking permissions.

I probably made around 100 models in the mod. The greenhouse, kiln, beekeeper, and teepee being my iconic ones lol. The others are just basic items like the empty bucket, or the flint knife, flyrod, or simply a corn cob on a skewer.

So, yes...feel free to use anything you want too from The Survivalist mod. Although I am the author of this mod now, this mod as come from, and was created by, this community as a whole. . . i just have more input in it than most. I simply do not hold any rights against what I offer to this community. . .I post them as free just like DC.
edited 1×, last 03.06.17 12:35:25 am

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

User Off Offline

Spoiler >

At least put @user JasJack67: in the credits.

This mod seems pretty interesting. I'll make sure to try it when I have the time (And give my review as well )
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