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English TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

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old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

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Hi! i took the liberty to propose/ask about some things i experienced in game:

1) Combine turttle and crab with stone harmer or stone or knife when they are catch during fishing to avoid losing time releasing them to kill.

2) I guess combining clay+knife+cement is a little exagerated, since cement is not really used; perhaps you could combine clay+knife+water if you think clay+knife is too easy.

3) Using the planting stick and then planting tooks a lot of time, perhaps you can edit to only plant if you have planting stick in the repository, but without the need of using it and then planting. (just take the seed and use like the old one, but with planting stick in rucsack)

4) More fur/hyde, since i play small islands.
Maybe hyde from rabbits and squirls.

5) I don't understand what the fish atractor does. I tried to swim close to it; ok i saw some fishes but a piranha atacked me heheeh. I didn't notice difference fishing near it. What does it do exactly?

6) Smaller islands (i like to survive with almost nothing around)

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

Super User Off Offline

Hello marotinho,

1) I may do this for next update, I will be posting this update this evening or tomorrow.

2)It is just another way to use up stone/pebbles as they are to abundant. I don't know yet if I will change that.

3)I like this idea. very cool. For now, try setting your plant stake to Key 1 and the seed to key 2 and roll your middle mouse back n forth. That was the intended way once a player figured out how to set hot keys. Select the item/tool in inventory and press the 1-9 #keys to set it to a now roll your middle mouse to put them in your hand instantly.

4) I added this after your last post about it. This update will have squirrel and rabbit looting 1 hide each.

5) When you throw the fish attractor into the water it spawns fish...simulating they are attracted to the bait inside. But only for a few minutes.

6) Possibly next time to script this for this update. Thank you for the feed back.

p.s. you can always see whats ready for next update & possible ideas at the top of page 1, in the To-Do list.
edited 3×, last 23.12.16 11:47:46 pm

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

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user JasJack67 has written
Heya Lion,
Edit:P.S. After testing, I do not see the issue and can not replicate it. The mining is increasing if I hit both stone and/or clay. Have you edited any code in any of the sys files?

I found the problem, and know what's going on.
I removed the on hit functionality for fracturing your hand etc, and in the process accidentally removed the on-hit functionality from rocks as well.

Sorry for the confusion.

For the record, may I suggest getting rid of the whole fracturing on hit part altogether? Especially for trees cause frankly it's really silly and personally I feel rather stupid.

If you're in a survival situation, and you want branches, leaves, and stuff like that, you're going to break them off of a tree with your bare hands. It makes absolutely no sense for
A: breaking leaves off a tree, or branches, or pulling vines, to fracture your hand.
B: Using a hammer to pull leaves, vines, and break branches off of a tree.

When dealing with rocks, ok yeah... but still... you're not literally smashing your fist into a rock. That would simply be stupid. No you're grappling with the rock, trying to pull chunks apart, or getting pebbles from the surrounding ground. Now there could and probably should be for rocks, less chance to get stuff with your hands because frankly in this scenario a hammer would be more efficient, but fracturing your hands on objects in my opinion is just down-right weird. Now on rocks, and perhaps even trees if you want to keep this type of setup going, you could put a cut functionality in where occasionally you cut your hand. Don't make the cuts bleed cause... again that just doesn't happen IRL. If you happen to cut yourself while grappling with a tree, or a rock, generally it's more of a bruise/scrapping the skin off then anything else.

old New Christmas Update Posted 12-24-16

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The new Christmas update is now posted. Download from the top of page 1 or any of my signatures as usual. 59.17MB (also see: units.inf patch below)

Saves are fully compatible from previous October/November versions. Copy/Paste your save from/to the "saves" folder. Then delete the old The Survivalist folder to save your hard disk space. Delete/Fix your shortcut if you made one on your desktop.

As usual, the only thing I cannot make compatible are the Achievements, they are always reset in these updates. So they will simply not be added to your end game score unless you Re-Achieve them.

Merry Christmas!

Change Log:
√Any nest of eggs will be depleted of eggs after you find 3 eggs. At this time it will darken in color for a random period of 1-4 days, before it returns to color, and eggs are available again.(complete)
√New Event: A Puma is Near!- A very mean puma cat that has a pretty strong bite and moves fast. Not something to be toyed with lightly.(complete)
√Torches no longer have that square looking top to them, I have rounded them off to look much better.(complete)
√All rucksacks when dropped no longer always face the same direction. They will always face the direction the player is, meaning, you can set them facing any direction you choose. (complete)
√Making "bandages" from dry hide has been expensive for a long time at 1 hide=1 bandage/ 5 hide=5 bandage/ 10 hide=10 bandages. Now: 1 hide=3 bandage/2 hide=6 bandage/ 3 hide=10 bandage. A bonus bandage when using 3 hide.(complete)
√All tools used in combinations have the same ratio of breakage as they do when hitting objects. So an example would be a knife can break when filleting fish, or making cords, etc.(complete)
√New Tool: Stone Knife= 2 Stones + Branch. Weakest and most primitive tool, during early establishment.(complete)
√The rabbit and squirrel loots 1 raw hide now, along with the small raw meat and/or fat. (complete)
√Repairing a house after storm damage created a bamboo hut instead of fixing the house. (complete)
√Repairing a greenhouse after storm damage was incorrectly using vines, instead of glass panes, fixed. (complete)
√Wrong recipe fixed: SHARKFIN SOUP= sharkfin +lg rawfillet +water +souppot (req: fire) (fixed/complete)
√New stats for the Pick Axes:(complete)
Iron Pickaxe (+8 Damage/ -4 Damage Stone/ +16 Damage Flesh)
Steel Pickaxe (+10 Damage/ -8 Damage Stone/ +20 Damage Flesh)
√When placing a map marker on the map, if you cancel the marker it no longer places a "0" at your location. It will not place a marker at all, if you cancel. (complete)
√New Building: Dock House- Is built in the sea and can be utilized with building docks to create a useful structure offshore. Currently protects the player from rain, storm, and monsoon damage. It can also be used for "storage" of 100k.(complete)
√New object: Dock Torch. can be built on the Docks and in the new Dock House.(complete)
√The only bed available on the docks and dock house, is the Sleeping Bag Roll. Can be deployed normally at will. (complete)
√Sleeping Bag Roll oversight fixed. You can no longer deploy it in water or under water. You must only be above water level to deploy it. This means you can even deploy it on a boat.(complete)
edited 4×, last 30.12.16 07:43:17 am

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

User Off Offline

Merry Christmas!

I noticed the reduction of catching fishes after playing the same game (previous version and loading the old game in the new as well); perhaps save/load game is the reason. I have more than 550 fishing skill and after more than 30 attempts i fished 1 turttle and 1 fish (a lot of bendable branches), using both hooks and baits. I noticed after building some traps as well, not sure if is related...

I got another ideas (i don't know how difficult it would be to implement)
Eggs and perhaps puppies when killing some animals (like turttle or rabbits)
Build a turttle net with eggs+shovel or something like that, then turttle would spawn at that place...
Bendable branch could be used at fire and to make hooks, since there are a lot of then after some point in the game.


I'm testing the new version, so far so good.

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

Super User Off Offline

good ideas man I will look into these things as I get next update ready.

1) The fish system accounts for actual fish. If you do not actually "see" a fish you would not catch one. If you look closely when you catch a fish, the one caught will despawn from the sea. So, if you see 3 fish and catch 1 you will only see 2 more to catch...etc.

2) The scarce Cattail-Reed on the shorelines spawns crabs and turtles near them...randomly over time.

3) The bendable branch has a combo with the knife i think to make hooks. Also if use it at a fire it returns into a branch.

merry xmas!
edited 1×, last 26.12.16 05:03:35 am

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

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Happy Holidays!

Gracias man!


The nest fix was most needed, but I am not sure goes far enough. I can still get tons of resources by exploiting nest, which it should not be. Nests should be fragile, common, but very fragile. IMO, hit them 3 to 10 times and stop before we destroy them, regardless of egg production. Harvesting eggs should be the goal, but u should still reduce their hit points, A LOT!

Make sure hammer is the tool we use to build, and for nothing else. Hammer for anything else should sustain a heavy penalty.

Somehow, you should try to introduce 2 tier agriculture, with first level requiring no water, i.e., watermelons, sweet potatoes, peppers, corn, onions, garlic, beans... 2nd tier then being the cash crops requiring water treatment.

Beans, especially, should play a big role for survival. We should be able to drop beans anywhere and get beans x 10 a month later. If you want to get fancy, then get a bean class that require water and another that doesn't.

Rats near camp should increase spoilage somehow. Somehow get rats tied to storages. The more storages, the more rats, the more spoilage. Heh, we can still catch them and cook them and eat them.

BTW, got my island crossed to the new version. Week #7 so far. I have gotten so far as week #12, but went back.

I think the skins from rabbits and squirrels should help. I was finding it difficult to get skins, but this new tweak should help, plus, it should force traps.
edited 8×, last 26.12.16 07:13:35 am

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

Super User Off Offline

ok I lowered the nests health by 60%. They where 1000 now 400.

I will have to go through all the hammers sometime and edit scripts...not something I can do on-the-fly.

As for planting stuff in 2 tiers...I kinda thought that is what the difference of fertile and non-fertile crops are about. Regular seed needs water, fertile seed does not and yields +1 fruit. Additionally the whole concept of the compost bin?

not sure how to divide that up in how you describe?

beans and rats huh ?

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

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user JasJack67 has written
good ideas man I will look into these things as I get next update ready.

1) The fish system accounts for actual fish. If you do not actually "see" a fish you would not catch one. If you look closely when you catch a fish, the one caught will despawn from the sea. So, if you see 3 fish and catch 1 you will only see 2 more to catch...etc.

2) The scarce Cattail-Reed on the shorelines spawns crabs and turtles near them...randomly over time.

3) The bendable branch has a combo with the knife i think to make hooks. Also if use it at a fire it returns into a branch.

merry xmas!

Ah i see, i was always fishing in the same place, then i depleted the place, hehehe

About the fish attractor, it "spawn" fishes or attract the nearby ones?

Nice to know (learn) about Cattail-Reed and bendable branches.

Edit: i tested again just to be sure, Flint knife + bendabe branch doesn't produce hooks...

edited 1×, last 27.12.16 04:06:55 pm

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

Super User Off Offline

√ hmm, idk why that bendable branch combo is missing in my files. Fixed for next update.(complete)

So for now, using them at a fire will dry & harden them back into a branch again. The opposite of using a branch with water to make it bendable.

EDIT:The fish attactor will actually spawn fish for 120 seconds. The script loops 10 times using a 12 second timer. On the first loop: 1 of each fish are spawned. On the second loop: it checks to see what fish are still near it's self. What ever type fish is out of range another will spawn of that type...this continues for the remaining loops.

The piranhas' range is only 250, the others are 400, and the rainbows' are 700, so more piranha should spawn "generally" & less rainbow "generally".

So the spawned fish swim away, a random amount of fish are spawned every 12 seconds for 120 seconds (2 minutes). So it is never exactly the same.

This randomness idea is something I strive hard to add to most every aspect of the game. Also, why I say most every game is quit different from the last, as it unfolds over time...hopefully making each game unique...I didn't want to get bored playing the same-ol-game each new island.

Sorry to ramble on...thanks for your feedback/insights.
edited 2×, last 28.12.16 02:53:59 am

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

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I guess the old combo was knife + bendable branch, probably you just forgot to create the combo for the flint knife...

It's a creative way to spawn fishes, i guess i'll build some fish attractors, hehehe.

Almost forgot, the combo for umbrella described in craftbook doesn't work (dryhide and tanned skin are the same thing right?)
tanned hide + chord + bendable branch = nothing hehehe

No need to apologise, your mod is awsome :p

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

Super User Off Offline

√ You are need to add a knife to that umbrella combo. So I fixed the Diary.(complete)


Edit above: The fish attractor loops a 12 second timer 10 times = 120 seconds (for 2 minutes before it is destroyed).
edited 1×, last 28.12.16 01:56:29 am

old images

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Is there a place to go where I can see what the various trees and plants look like? This is my first game since the new plants have been introduced and I must be over looking them. I'm now just into summer and I have yet to see an apple tree, orange tree, banana tree or coconut tree. I haven't seen any tomatoes, berries or hemp yet either but I'm assuming they look the same? Plenty of grapes, coffee and cocoa though. Thanks!

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

Super User Off Offline

Hi thunder, welcome back!

There is a pic of the apple tree on page 79. Notice it has a red tint to it. The orange tree is tinted orange and the pear tree green, and they are the same "type" tree.

Hemp no longer looks like a grapevine with leaves...but now looks more like a real hemp taller & bushy.

The banana & coconut palm are still a palm, but have a new model that looks better, yet still different looking than other palms.

Fruit starts blooming at day 3 on a new you just have to search harder I guess. Certainly they are there unless you destroyed them.

Tomato and Berry still look the same, maybe lighter or darker in color for some they looked very similar.

Good to see you again!

old Hi i was wanting to know how to up FPS?

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Ok so my new pc has only a intel 4400 to run games on and even on lowest settings this game gets lag so is there a way to. make the game look like vanilla but keeping the mods?
2. limit the fps to 30 fps since i seem to get 38-50 fps but it goes up and down when looking around making it hurt the eyes....
I really want to try the mod but the lag is killing the mod for me.

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

Super User Off Offline

Only thing I can suggest is to go to your Control Panel graphics card and tweak the settings. Maybe google your card type. I don't know why S2/Mods runs well for some and not others. Sometimes I think it is the type Operating System but I have no certain answer.

Playing a small or normal size island might help, or click the The_survivalist-win.bat to start the game in window is a bit smoother.

Hey thank you. I do not have much has just been a long time. Guess it has been some time now.

Days registered: > 1,538

I just take little breaks here n there.
Hope you enjoy playing!

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

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user JasJack67 has written
Hi thunder, welcome back!

Great to be back!

There is a pic of the apple tree on page 79. Notice it has a red tint to it. The orange tree is tinted orange and the pear tree green, and they are the same "type" tree.

Hemp no longer looks like a grapevine with leaves...but now looks more like a real hemp taller & bushy.

The banana & coconut palm are still a palm, but have a new model that looks better, yet still different looking than other palms.

Fruit starts blooming at day 3 on a new you just have to search harder I guess. Certainly they are there unless you destroyed them.

Tomato and Berry still look the same, maybe lighter or darker in color for some they looked very similar.

Thanks for the pic; I went and checked it out. Yes I'm willing to bet I probably cut down the fruit trees not knowing what they looked like and now I'm stuck without. Hemp I'll keep an eye out for and IDK why the berry and tomato plants are so elusive. I saw both potatoes and corn but I left them alone since I can't replant them right away and I don't want them to rot in storage. As far as coconut and banana I'm clearly overlooking them some how. I've stopped and peered up into so many palm trees and yet I just can't see the fruit anywhere but I know they're there because my island is covered with monkeys and sheep! LOL

But then we are talking me after all, who walked up to an orange-yellow ball on the ground, said "What's this?" punched it, and got swarmed by bees! My 17 y/o son thought that my screaming BEES! OH GAWD THEY'RE BEES! was the second most hysterical thing to happen to me in this game. (The first being the time I was heading back to base camp after scouting a lion from my watchtower when a bear event happened. The bear spawned quite literally in my freakin' face and immediately attacked and killed me.)

Good to see you again!
Why thank you my dear, it's good to see all the amazing work you've done on my favorite game! And I haven't forgotten about the health flower tattoo; money has just gotten in the way. Later!

old New Enviornmental Rocks

Super User Off Offline

√ 16 New Big Rocks added: these rocks will add much diversity to your island. The two with an archway can also be used as a "cover" from rain and for sleeping. (like the cave but not in storms or monsoons) These really enhance the shores and sea areas a lot too. All rocks now spawn on land and in the sea on a new map.

edited 9×, last 23.01.17 12:21:28 am
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