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English TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

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old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

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i know but when you have 100 stones and 5000 pebbles near minning site, it wont disappear all and it just sits there and annoys me Yep i know, I ment when you fill 3 stne storages and you dont want to fill third one

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

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Seeing all these new changes along the random food spoilage makes me think getting food is gonna become more of a hassle now than it already was on land and making fishing more superior and mandatory than ever over other sources of food, also making the island feel more empty due to reduced spawns of animals and harder to get hides, it's also dumb when you can just use a net to drink leaves to full forever hunger and thirst that never spoils, seems like a waste of time to gather all those resources if you can just drink leaves forever like I did.

after day 5 you will likely face multiple "cravings" that you will not be able to address until you get the right foods. Simply eating leaves gets old fast...but, you can play that way if you like. You can actually do that in real life if you wanted....but who wants to eat leaves forever?

Also I find dumb that you have to boil water gotten from rain in stone pools/wells but not the water gotten from the bucket, is it magically boiled or something? If so stones made into wells should also be boiled when it rains, leaving unboiled water for sea water only.

Im not sure what you mean by dumb. The reason you boil water is to kill bucket would be clean catching clean rain water, while drinking it out of a rock would be contaminated with bacteria. Having to boil water out of my bucket I thought was dumb.

Seeing the new changes could you make the sleeping bag/torches also work on Treehouses? I feel you could make a campfire with stones underneath it like a chimenea to make it able to be placed on the docks and the new home to make it not burn it per say, so it could work like the wooden home on land but at the sea, would cost more stones/maybe cementing paste.

Now this is a good idea, I think I can do this fairly easily....since I did it with Dock torches and Sleeping bag rool, at the docks/House. Thank you for the idea.

Seeing the new home makes me want that there was a boat home like the one in the sims 3 where you just bring it with you, and sleep/go wherever you want with your stuff on a limited space, very awesome.

Unfortunately I have been unable to create a unit model that works. For some reason I cannot get the animations to work. I would have to spend money and by blender or something. Unless you know a way cuz I have posted this issue in the solutions.

I will give it some more thought, I can figure out something that will require use of stone. Thanks!

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

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I will give it some more thought, I can figure out something that will require use of stone. Thanks!

Maybe a jetty? Like a dock, but made out of stone. Since it would require so many resources, maybe have it spawn fish, crabs, and turtles? Someone made a comment awhile back about having a late-game fish farm...something along those lines?

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

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Hi again, i'm having some troubles to discover how to craft some tools and itens (they are not in the craftbook)

1) knife: i read in a post that uses
Stone Knife = stone + stone + branch + vine/cord
Stone Knife = stone + hammer + branch + vine/cord
PS: none worked
I can't combine clay+flint knife so i need to know to to build the normal knife
2) dryhide: i killed a sheep and tried to combine hyde+bendable branch + chord and didn't work... Then i through it away to dry and disappeared in the next day (i'm newbie)

Hyde should be more able, like on rabbits and squirls again, killing sheep is a bad move, and my small island doens't has more resources to kill...

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

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the flint-knife can only be made with a flint shard + branch. Until you can make the iron/steel blade. That stone-knife was an idea, an alternative, to maybe add to the game this update.

Flint knife is in the diary crafting.

Hide from animals must be dried first on a tanning rack, Built from the build menu.

clay items use cementing powder now...also in the diary crafting. Crush stones into pebbles, and pebbles into powder.

all stone structures use cementing powder the Kiln etc.

√ I also can agree with rabbit and squirrel looting 1 raw hide. (complete)
edited 1×, last 18.12.16 02:30:57 am

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

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user JasJack67 has written
the flint-knife can only be made with a flint shard + branch. Until you can make the iron/steel blade. That stone-knife was an idea, an alternative, to maybe add to the game this update.

Flint knife is in the diary crafting.

Hide from animals must be dried first on a tanning rack, Built from the build menu.

clay items use cementing powder now...also in the diary crafting. Crush stones into pebbles, and pebbles into powder.

all stone structures use cementing powder the Kiln etc.

Ok, i can combine fint knife + clay + cement, don't you should make the combo flint kinfe + clay +water?
The tanning rack doesn't shows up in built menu, do i need some skill level to make it available?
edited 1×, last 18.12.16 02:33:26 am

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

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You need to build another structure to unlock the tanning the crate maybe, or another one you did NOT build in the menu.


most clay is very moist. like putty. so I didn't think it needed water.

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

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A handy thing I added a while back is the Diary_Text.txt file. If you have a printer available just click that file in the main folder and PRINT it.

Now you have all the Operations & Crafting combinations on paper while you play. It's pretty convenient.

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

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I like the idea of the carnivorous plants event. Smart. I guess, if A LOT of them for a week or so, it would prevent walking comfortably at night.

Hey JJ, re Hammer:

Thanks for upping Pix, but I think more important you should downgrade hammer. Hammer should be exclusively for building, if used for other stuff it should suffer an uber penalty. SO, hammer vs. rock or wood should be a looser proposition. Bushes are ok I guess, just if we want to speed up destroy.

The issue is that I would rather hammer the shit out of rock, ore or trees as long as I get resources. I need something to hit them without getting hurt. And currently the hammer is the best, the one that can get the most. But that should not be, hammer should be just to build, everything else should get a big penalty (this way we are forced to use the tools).
edited 4×, last 20.12.16 05:46:18 am

old New Tool: Stone Knife

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The new Stone Knife

Stone Knife= 2 Stones + Branch (1 stone to sharpen the other)
You keep 1 stone after it is made.

The weakest of all tools.(+3 damage)
Breaks 1 out of 3 uses.
Is very slow, long progress bar.
Returns pebbles when the blade breaks, or a branch if the handle breaks.

This is the most primitive tool that can be made early on. When you can not find flint to craft a flint knife.

Used as any other knife to make items like the Survey Stake, Arrow shafts, and clean fish etc.

Hmmm, I can look into the scripts and tweak them a bit. Merry Xmas bro! I will put this update out by Xmas Eve.
edited 3×, last 20.12.16 05:55:24 am

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

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Started playing your mod, and I absolutely loved it until I found a rather severe bug that... pretty much ruins it for me.

As with the base stranded II, as well as many other versions, you cannot alt-tab without the ground textures, menu textures, and pretty much every other texture turn to complete gibberish.

I generally use this Executable which solves the problem completely with no noticeable side effects.

However I noticed that in your Mod you're running a customized executable that simply cannot be replaced.

Looking around I found this upload here.

However, frankly... I don't like running any game in windowed mode, with or without borders, and that in itself brings it's own set of problems.

Do you have any solutions for this? Or is that upload the best solution currently possible?

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

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Hi Lion! Good to see ya!

Hey, I have never found a solution to ALT/TAB from full screen. So yeah, I did not try that upload yet, but the mod has a regular .bat to run in window mode. I don't like it either and sorry...the .exe was modified by Builder and/or others before I ever found Massive-Mod. Maybe I can find out who edited the regular S2 .exe to alt/tab properly and see if they will fix this one for this mod.

On another note...I noticed your animated deer and I atcually downloaded it to use as a "special" event when the player uses the Stand structure to hunt. Still working on that so it is not in the game. I guess I am wondering if you would be able to make the Galleon Ship I have put in this mod animate? There is something my modeling program does that S2 does not like so I can not get models to animate. It is located in the gfx folder.

Barbosa made the Big Sailraft but I never got an answer from him via private message about how he did it.

p.s. I love the models you have uploaded thus far too! I think I even picked a couple to use like the turtle i think...and that deer is going to do fine when I script that Hunt Event. Did wonder though why his antlers are black(using the hoof part texture) instead of using the brown antler texture.

anyways, hey, thanks for stopping by! Let me no please.

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

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I'll be quite honest with you I am a Terrible animator.

That deer took me nearly a full week to animate and figure out how everything works. And when I went to do it again for a squirrel I think it was, I said, "NOPE!" and left it be. Simply because it's such a pain for me to animate.

I used to use Anim8tor, which was an ancient program.

As for my models I used Wings 3D, and the models were super easy to make in Wings 3D.

As for the deer, as to why the antlers don't use the actual antlers texture...

Yeah I goofed up on that, and I only noticed it after I had finished animating the unit. To fix that goofup I would have had to re-animate it all over again, and as you can guess I was like... "Nope!".

Who knows, maybe in the future I'll get back into model making and animating... but I don't know.

P.S. Also... where exactly am I supposed to find flint! Seems like everything needs flint, but I can't find it anywhere.

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

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At the start of a new map Flint Shards will be laying around on the ground for the first 3 days...they de-spawn like other items do, if left laying around on the ground. If you do not find any during this time Whole Flint & Shards can be mined out of any of the Ore Rocks at level 2 mining. Level 2 can be easily reached during the first 2 days...usually.

Whole Flint can also be combined with a stone or hammer to split it into 2 smaller, weaker, but sharp Flint Shards. Flint is only used for fire starting or crafting a Flint Knife. Without a knife cooking can be difficult, so you can alternatively make a Skewer = stone+branch to cook any meat item, potato, or corn shuck...over a fire.

This xmas eve update will have the new Stone Knife. That is what this knife is all about. You will be able to make it on day 1...until you can acquire flint to make the flint knife. Stone Knife = 2 stones + 1 branch
edited 5×, last 20.12.16 09:15:46 pm

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

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Why is there literally no food anywhere. The only food appears to be the occasional claw monkey and after launching 5 bamboo spears into one, and finally finishing him off with 90% of my health and a stone hammer I was worse off afterwards then when I started.

I took to eating insect parts out of bark, along with slime. However frankly due to the ridiculously low chance of getting bark out of a tree that's impossible to keep up.

I found some corn which lasted me for about half a day.

Found wheat, but I can't plant that without a planting stake? That's just weird considering how wheat is traditionally planted.

And ftr... no flint anywhere, and I explored quite a bit trying to find water, but no water anywhere either. I took to using a monkey's bladder for my water.

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

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Eating leaves can curve thirst little bits at a time. Vines are better, just drink them. The Big Dead Vine Tree is an awesome water source.

The large palm only gives bark. As other objects, if you want branches hit a branchy dead bush, if you want leaves hit the low growing big leafy plant, if you want bamboo hit the big bamboo plants, if you want sugar hit the smaller bamboo plant....several others are more efficient too.

every map is might have more animals than another. But yeah,,,try setting snares and figuring out more basic snails, crickets, grasshoppers, spiders, flies, bees...until you can get weapons to hunt bigger game.

One of my favorite weapons is Poison Blow Darts...will kill smaller stuff with 1 shot if you then wait for the poison to kill it.

You will have to hunt for animals at some point....they do spawn too as the game progresses forward.

p.s. The planting stakes were introduced to prevent the player from "using the ground" constantly when not intending too. Every time the player hit E when trying to pick stuff up off the ground and such, a lag spike would lag the game, so using the ground was
edited 1×, last 20.12.16 09:31:58 pm

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

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Mkay! with your help I have been able to at least survive, I'm not sure how far I'm growing, but I am surviving.

I did notice a bug.
When mining normal rocks etc, your mining skill doesn't appear to go up initially. Like you'll hammer away at them, and your mining skill could be 50, 100 or even more, however it will all be invisible. When you go to mine clay, it updates your mining skill for what the game actually registers it as.

I noticed this because I was frusterated at my mining skill not going up at all, I look at the code and I see that Clay seems to increase mining skill. I go to mine clay, my mining skill goes up by one, I go to look, and I have 18 mining skill which wasn't there before.

Another thing, perhaps make it so that mosquito don't bite you if you're near a fireplace. This makes sense IRL because the smoke of the fireplace drives bugs away.

Third thing... I see everywhere in the code. "on:examine". I realize that this may be a very stupid question... but how do I examine something!?

I have pressed nearly every key on my keyboard and nothing seems to do anything.

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

Super User Off Offline

Heya Lion,

I will look onto the scripts and see if anything is found that would cause this to happen. Does not make much sense to me how it could, because the two scripts for mining levels are the exact same on both stone and clay.

Have you by chance been using "debug menu" to give your self items? Or executing some scripts? Doing so can break your current game due to "dummy items" that can break it, or sensitive variables that sometimes MUST be a certain number for something to happen.
There is no "examine" button. That was never added to the game by Builder2-0 who started those script lines...i just never edited them out, or implemented that button. There seems to be a problem in trying to script that ability actually. O think that is why he never actually made the button.
Very cool idea about fire/mosquito I will look into it and see if I can make that happen through script.

thank you much for the feed back. Will have the update posted tomorrow with what ever i can finish up. (see To-Do list top of page 1 for details)

Edit:P.S. After testing, I do not see the issue and can not replicate it. The mining is increasing if I hit both stone and/or clay. Have you edited any code in any of the sys files?
edited 2×, last 23.12.16 09:00:20 pm
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