Seeing all these new changes along the random food spoilage makes me think getting food is gonna become more of a hassle now than it already was on land and making fishing more superior and mandatory than ever over other sources of food, also making the island feel more empty due to reduced spawns of animals and harder to get hides, it's also dumb when you can just use a net to drink leaves to full forever hunger and thirst that never spoils, seems like a waste of time to gather all those resources if you can just drink leaves forever like I did.
after day 5 you will likely face multiple "cravings" that you will not be able to address until you get the right foods. Simply eating leaves gets old fast...but, you can play that way if you like. You can actually do that in real life if you wanted....but who wants to eat leaves forever?
Also I find dumb that you have to boil water gotten from rain in stone pools/wells but not the water gotten from the bucket, is it magically boiled or something? If so stones made into wells should also be boiled when it rains, leaving unboiled water for sea water only.
Im not sure what you mean by dumb. The reason you boil water is to kill bucket would be clean catching clean rain water, while drinking it out of a rock would be contaminated with bacteria.
Having to boil water out of my bucket I thought was dumb.
Seeing the new changes could you make the sleeping bag/torches also work on Treehouses? I feel you could make a campfire with stones underneath it like a chimenea to make it able to be placed on the docks and the new home to make it not burn it per say, so it could work like the wooden home on land but at the sea, would cost more stones/maybe cementing paste.
Now this is a good idea, I think I can do this fairly easily....since I did it with Dock torches and Sleeping bag rool, at the docks/House. Thank you for the idea.
Seeing the new home makes me want that there was a boat home like the one in the sims 3 where you just bring it with you, and sleep/go wherever you want with your stuff on a limited space, very awesome.
Unfortunately I have been unable to create a unit
model that works. For some reason I cannot get the animations to work. I would have to spend money and by blender or something. Unless you know a way cuz I have posted this issue in the solutions.