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English TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

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old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

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Maybe the issue is in the name.

"Flint" as for igniting spark, maybe should be a separate concept. As it is right now, a different rock.

A stone cutting tool would not "necessarily" require such a different rock, just the right manufacturing. (Although maybe you want to keep the option for an even better cutting tool if made out of flint, e.g., more efficient/durable.)

We should have a cutting tool from day 1 to process survey stakes and simple spears, etc. Like the stone hammer, a stone cutting tool should "more easily" be available from day 1.

So, getting survey stakes, spears, simple attacks, should not be dependent on finding a scarce resource (fire making flint), but rather a matter sharpening a stone.

Simplest way to achieve: I would go for 2 large stones against each-other, success/failure=0 to pebbles., or hammer vs rock, with better stats.


Rather than the current stone knife, which requires a "flint" (sparks/fire making rock), allow for one with a new "simple stone" cutting tool.


1) NEW: Sharpened stone = cuts meat and can process wood, but breaks easily = weakest cutting tool, but can get u to nibble at branches (hooks) and wooden handles (survey stakes, spears, etc).
2) Flint = better cutting/more durable, can create fire
3) NEW: Stone knife = Sharpened Stone + branch or short wooden handle + vine or cord
4) Flint knife: flint + branch or short wooden handle + vines or cord = best before iron.
5) Iron, etc knifes.


Otherwise man I can spend anywhere from 1 to 7+ days without a knife. Not cool. I always go for mapping, and without survey stakes and I can't. And without spears it is very hard to gather skins early on.

Flint, as it is now, it is a matter of luck.

Cutting stone, as I suggest, would be a matter of planning/execution.

*** actually, maybe even make it the component to "stone spears"
edited 4×, last 18.10.16 04:43:45 am

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

Super User Off Offline

We have to skip the sharpened stone and the sharp flint because I would have to make a hell of alot of new combos to do that.

just for a stone knife I have to make like 30-40 combo scripts...which I can do yes.

Stone Knife = stone + stone + branch + vine/cord

Stone Knife = stone + hammer + branch + vine/cord

edited 7×, last 18.10.16 04:57:18 am

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

Super User Off Offline

you could make this Stone Knife on day 1 yes...and use it for all things a knife is currently used for...only it would break A won't have to find flint to make this knife on day 1.

I would love to do what you suggest above, but thats like over 100 scripts I would have to add.

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

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I think this last version is great!

I am just too OCD so I can't get past the 1st year.

Quick observations:

1) Hammer(s) should break more often against rock.
2) I still do not see the benefit of using a pike vs a hammer.

3) How do I build a fish attractor? I do not see it in the crafting menu/diary/etc.

4) You should (a) reduce the number of fruits around the island, and (b) reduce their reproduction rate. My map is full of berries/grapes/etc.

5) Bring it on with more natives!!!

6) There should be more random events with new animals, i.e., seals, dolphins, etc. Perhaps even events with agricultural goods, i.e. extra grains spawn around the island, or all fruit trees are fully replenished, or an explosion of mushrooms, etc

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

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Hi Aedolaws,

I agree with 1), 2), 4)
3) misc crafting, FISHATTRACTOR, its there
5) Im not so sure... when I want to play normal game and I want to focus on building and collecting stuff, I always just kill prety much everything that moves. With spawn rates of the natives at this point, I just have to go out and kill few archers that spawn almost every day and that is rather annoying. I don't know how often they would have to mate to get this population for me to slaughter going... Or up the rate, but set some spawning items for them, simmilar to the lion stone or something, like a Hut or totem?
6) Seals means adding whole new model to the game, I don't think that's the way I would go while finishing the game but maybe for example event with that carnivorous plants from stranded II?

Can I add 7) Shark fin soup? how do you make it? Crafting says shark+fin+pot, but I tried about 20 combinations with fin, meat, fat, water, milk, salt and i couldn't figure it out

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

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Heya Tix, I will certainly look better for the fish attractor. Thanks!

5) I feel that natives are easy to clear up the first year. Plus you get a huge hunting skill bonus. Something gotta give. I think it would be better to increase natives rather than reducing skill gain.

6) New random events I would think are easy to implement. But I concede i have no idea.

A couple of others JJ:

A) There is a boiled water exploit you should eliminate. If player builds a bucket near a fire, every bottle drawn is a boiled water bottle, even with no fire on.

B) Please eliminate the 0 placed on map if after calling for a map marker the player decides to do nothing.

C) I got the KIln before reaching 75 skill as per description.

D) I would SUBSTANTIALLY reduce the storage capacity of the barrel, and perhaps even the crate.

E) Cooking has become my #1 skill after plain survivor, 3rd is still fishing. I think you should double up the skill points for each level.

old New Objects - Dockhouse & Dock Torch

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Dock House

Currently you can store stuff in it and will protect against rain,storm, and monsoon damage.

Should add a bit of diversity to building at the shores. Looking for a way to allow the player to build "on" docks and water structures but I have not found a way to allow building "off the ground". Maybe I can make a new model/s for this purpose...such as if you want to make a torch or campfire on/in the docks/dockhouse.
Thanks you guys for the feedback...will consider the posted suggestions as I move forward. I was busy this past month and now due to holidays. Hope to put more time into finishing the mod asap.

Also, the bucket of rain-water was changed recently in the updates. As you could always simply drink the clean rain water from buckets without getting sick, I realized there is no need to "have" to boil it it was changed and gives boiled water instead of dirty water.

√When placing a map marker on the map, if you cancel the marker it no longer places a "0" at your location. It will not place a marker at all. (complete)

√New stats for the Pick Axes: (complete)
Iron Pickaxe (+8 Damage/ -4 Damage Stone/ +16 Damage Flesh)
Steel Pickaxe (+10 Damage/ -8 Damage Stone/ +20 Damage Flesh)

So using a pickaxe on stone will only do 4 damage if iron, and 2 damage if upgraded to steel. This allows the most hits out of a tool while mining ores from stone. Also an effective melee weapon against flesh at 24 damage iron, 30 damage steel. Everything else will take the base damage of 8 iron, 10 steel.

√SHARKFIN SOUP= sharkfin +lg rawfillet +water +souppot (req: fire) (fixed/complete)

Dock Torch

So yeah, I figured out how to build on sea structures. So we can build a dock torch currently on the center of the docks and dock house. This should add more dynamics to the marine building too. I had the idea of also building a campfire on them but I decided no, due to the floors being wood and they would burn. Without making things complicated, we have a new Dock House, and Dock Torch lighting. They should help with the following: Shelter from weather, drying out if wet, warmth for frostbite, lighting at night, sailing navigation, night fishing, and skewer cooking.

Lastly, I was able to modify the Sleeping Bag Roll so you can deploy it on the Docks or in the Dock House. Adding the element of sleep bonuses and healing bonuses at your marina.
edited 11×, last 07.02.17 04:58:23 pm

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

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Hi, i play the survivalist for a long time, it's very good, but these new versions give a little bug when i try to run. I have an older version (i'll see wich one later) that doesn't bug.
So, how can i increase the speed of normal walking to avoid pressing "shift", or will you be able to fix that?

EDIT: i have the version from 20/10/2015 working fast and doesn't bug when running.
The version from 09/12/2015 already has the bug (i don't know if there was other releases in the midst of it)
Since then i get the bug on every releases.
Before i played on win xp, old pc, now i play on linux, new and good pc, but it's the same behaviour.
I'm happy that i can play 20/10/2015 version anyway.

Thanks for modding!
edited 1×, last 10.12.16 04:07:40 am

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

Super User Off Offline

hi marotinho, thanks for playin!
Pressing the SHIFT button to run is as good as I can make it. There is nothing else I can do with it, as it is, because it is not a hard-coded button, but a scripted button.
The engine is just old compared to newer OS/GCards etc. That is probably why it ran well on your older XP. Try lifting up on W first, then pressing the SHIFT...then followup immediately pressing the W again. Seems to work better for me that way, rather then holding W down (as normal) and just hitting SHIFT at will.

Also, you start out "wet" if you swim ashore. It takes 8 game hours to dry-off at which time your speed is increased to standard speed. Additionally, the weight you carry lowers speed, dropping some heavy items should help too.

If you get wet during the 8 hours, that timer starts over. You must stay dry 8 hours...when able, a fire dries you out fast, or sleeping 6+ hours.

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

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i didn't explain right, i had the bug on both computers. But the way you suggested is better to play indeed (pressing "shift" first and then "w". Thanks.

I also would like to ask you to create another size for islands, "Very small" since the small from your mod is bigger than the original game. To me hard game is survive in a very small island hehehe.

I'll play your new version :p

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

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New offshore buildings sounds awesome.

Pls, take a look at nests. They should be WAY weaker. Maybe instead of 900+ hit points, you should make it so that with one hit we get a lot (feathers, branches, tinder, eggs, etc)...but they die after 2 or 3 hits, so we got to be careful not to destroy nests.

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

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JasJack67 and other contributors,

Stranded II is alot of fun, and I'm amazed at how much work you've put into it. Thank you!

I've been playing for a few months and have played through all four seasons a few times; it seems that once I have a decent-sized flock of free-range chickens, a lot of the challenge is taken out the game. At that point I typically start over with a new map.

With that in mind, more encounters / events and more kinds of animals would be welcome...but that would probably be a lot more work on your part.

Also, how difficult would it be to have walls and fences of different lengths? Like if a "standard" fence is 10 units long, being able to choose between fences of 10 or 5 units would help alot in tying settlements in with existing trees and terrain.

Anyway, great game. Very playable. Thank you!

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

Super User Off Offline

I can put the old .exe to launch using smaller maps back into the mod. So the player can choose SMALL or BIG maps. yes.

Heya Aedo,
Yes I will lower nest health down a bit, but the net will still be doing 0 damage so maybe I should make it so there is a limit to amount of eggs per week that can be beaten out of them?

like maybe after getting 6 eggs the nest gives "nothing" until 6 days pass. I can make a couple models that have eggs and the model will change as u hit and gather. If you do not see at least 1 egg in the nest you wont get any.

Hi refugee,
Hey thanks for checking out the mod, glad you havin fun.

This last update I did lower the chicken breeding down a lot. They are not suppose to hatch new chicks so fast. Maybe I need to lower this some more. Are you talking about THIS update or previous updates?

Also, yes, I think I should add another short fence...I have also planned to add 2 "pre-designed" square "pens" that should help too.

thanks for the feedback!

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

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This last update I did lower the chicken breeding down a lot. They are not suppose to hatch new chicks so fast. Maybe I need to lower this some more. Are you talking about THIS update or previous updates?

The most recent version I downloaded was last May (I think), so it sounds like you've already taken care of the chicken population explosion.

Also, yes, I think I should add another short fence...I have also planned to add 2 "pre-designed" square "pens" that should help too.

Short fences and walls would go a long way in helping us change our tropical paradises into island fortresses! Thank you, you're awesome.

Edit: also, a couple of bugs:

Repairing a house after storm damage created a bamboo hut instead of fixing the house.

I wan't able to fix a greenhouse after storm damage; it didn't seem like it was using up glass panels or other repair materials.
edited 1×, last 14.12.16 08:58:16 pm

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

Super User Off Offline

see "to do" list on page 1 for all fixes/changes for next update.
Edit: also, a couple of bugs:

√ Repairing a house after storm damage created a bamboo hut instead of fixing the house. (fixed)

√ I wan't able to fix a greenhouse after storm damage; it didn't seem like it was using up glass panels or other repair materials. (fixed)

thank you so much!

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

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Seeing all these new changes along the random food spoilage makes me think getting food is gonna become more of a hassle now than it already was on land and making fishing more superior and mandatory than ever over other sources of food, also making the island feel more empty due to reduced spawns of animals and harder to get hides, it's also dumb when you can just use a net to drink leaves to full forever hunger and thirst that never spoils, seems like a waste of time to gather all those resources if you can just drink leaves forever like I did.

Also I find dumb that you have to boil water gotten from rain in stone pools/wells but not the water gotten from the bucket, is it magically boiled or something? If so stones made into wells should also be boiled when it rains, leaving unboiled water for sea water only.

Seeing the new changes could you make the sleeping bag/torches also work on Treehouses? I feel you could make a campfire with stones underneath it like a chimenea to make it able to be placed on the docks and the new home to make it not burn it per say, so it could work like the wooden home on land but at the sea, would cost more stones/maybe cementing paste.

Seeing the new home makes me want that there was a boat home like the one in the sims 3 where you just bring it with you, and sleep/go wherever you want with your stuff on a limited space, very awesome.

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

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hi lardy,

idk, farming leaves didnt seem to be that efficient and took a lot of time...
As for the water boiling, well you can stones with water consider as a pond equivalent. I think you wont get 4 doses of water of rain from 60 cm wide stone. Even so, when you consider that the island is full of insect, birds, monkeys and stuff that is full of exotic bacteriae, I wouldnt drink anything still older than a day built well is enabled only in easy mode so..why not...

Later on, I always ended up leaving stones on the ground after mining, there was no space in storages for tons of stone and the collector in me was killing me for leaving stuff on the ground. Its nice that the cement was added, but could there be more uses for them? some nice cozy stone house or a sturdy wall?

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

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Be wary that leaving stuff on the ground might dissapear when it hits midnight, so it's not recommended to leave it unless there's no other way to store it.

Also the stone and wood storages have way higher capacity to compensate for the lack of other items they can have, so always use them when you can over normal storage
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