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English TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

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old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

Super User Off Offline

Hey Winter, that's a real good idea. We needed another combo for honey.

Only I will have to make the combo:
1 bread + 1 honey + knife = 6 honeybread

bread is +2 health -50 hunger
honey is +8 health -6 hunger -4 exhaustion

so the 6 pieces would be smaller pieces with stats like:

+2 health (total of 12) -10 hunger (total of 60) -1 exhaustion (total of 6)

So by making the combo you get an extra +2 health, +4 hunger, +2 make it worth the effort?

Good idea and thanks for the input! added to the to-do list on page 1.
edit: (completed) √

To all,
I have moved the next update to mid-October instead of Halloween. It will be fully compatible for saves so you will not have to start over. Keep an eye out for the update here in the next week or so. (see details on page 1 To-Do list)

This will put us at 1 more update to finish the mod. Then I will do 1 additional update to fix any bugs that might still linger...Should have the finish mod posted in the Unreal Archive by Thanksgiving.
edited 2×, last 05.10.16 12:53:08 am

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

User Off Offline

hey jj, superb job with this mod i don't think i can thank you enough for all the hours i spend playing it

got some ideas i want to share
+as far as i know, the potatoes only purpose is for the meat stew, what about baked potatoes on skewer?
raw potatoes fills too much maybe reducing it a bit
+another one, mashed potatoes: milk + potatoes + stone(or hammer?) and clay pot
+candles: wax+cord, working like a hand torch (maybe with londer duration?)
+a drying rack for unperishable food (but maybe it's too much work)

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

Super User Off Offline

Hello enderland...welcome to Unreal Software!

I love the ideas! I will reduce the potato filling a bit. I like the skewer idea and mashed potato too, will do. (added to the to-do list on page 1)

I will look into making candles using the beeswax and a cord...would be cool if only I can make a fire "flame" really tiny to make them actually work right/look right.

I am on the fence about the food preserving process. There has been mentioned using a new building "Smoker House" to smoke foods, and/or salting foods to preserve them. Drying is another good idea. I am looking into another idea that I do not want to mention at the moment, but yes there will be at least 1 way to preserve some food...but I think it will be a limited amount of food but I am not sure yet.

Hey thank you for making an account and stopping in, always good to hear from those who are playing this mod (and of coarse others).

edit:Hey I decided to skip the mashed potato because we do already have potato soup using the clay pot. I did add the baked potato though. √ Thank you!
edited 1×, last 05.10.16 02:57:36 am

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

User Off Offline

Yeah, I like your numbers for the honeybread. Not too much but worth it.

I have another idea: The recipes which need milk should also be doable with coconut milk. Except for cheese, maybe. There are some coconutmilk recipes in reality, too.

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

Super User Off Offline

yep...gotta make the coconut dough first then cook it at the woodgrill. Like the berry bread/tropica bread and stuff.

hmm...think I missed tropica too lol.

TROPICA DOUGH=dough+coconut+banana+berry+coffee top-of-the-line bread along with the new Honey Bread Slices.
edited 1×, last 06.10.16 09:55:15 pm

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

User Off Offline

Cool mod! I like when people put their hearts into the creation of something!

As I understand it, there is also the achievements - great!

What can I do with "Cord"? Tie lion to a tree? Where I can read faq about this mod?

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

Super User Off Offline

When you download the mod there is a Diary Text File with information...also while "ingame" just click the DIARY and view the "tabs". Alot of info.

The text file is a printable duplicate of the ingame diary for your convenience...located in the main folder after downloading.
and Hello...welcome!

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

User Off Offline

JJ, just let me know how I can help. I know 0 coding, but maybe I can lend a hand some other way.

Whatever platform you choose, it should be one compatible with VR/Gogles.

edited 1×, last 07.10.16 06:59:18 am

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

User Off Offline

1) Not new: I would add the auto-save feature after sleeping. Usually I manually save every-time I wake up, but sometimes I forget and it sucks to loose one day's work. Moreover, you should consider "survivalist mode" with no manual saves, but only auto saves upon waking up.

2) I am having issues with ceramics, can't craft with knife. Did I forget something? (nvm, winter clarified)

3) I like the buildings falling in disrepair. You should increase this/make it more often.

B) Natives

4) Fire camps/torches/maybe even including fire buildings (forge, kiln, etc) should attract natives (smoke, light, smell, noise). Natives within a radius, say 3k meters, should approach camp and attack.

5) I am not sure how natives work, whether it is a stable population, re spawn frequency, etc., but somehow, areas cleared of natives should re spawn natives after a few days without one. Otherwise once I clear an area in the first couple of weeks, I can forget about natives and roam freely.

6) Can you make the natives destroy buildings? It should be very difficult for them to totally destroy them unless they hack at it for a few hours or more solid ones should take a day or more, e.g. I am away from camp; but they should damage them easily within one hour, forcing us to repair them. This would force strategic set ups and early building of fences.
edited 7×, last 13.10.16 12:36:12 am

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

User Off Offline

You need cement powder for ceramics.

Got an idea for lategame level ups:
As far as I know they are useless right now, except for the survival rating.
It could be cool if 1000 points of cooking would reduce the chance to burn your food to zero. Same with pottery: 1000 pottery and you don't have any problems with cracking pots.

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

User Off Offline

Thanks Winter. I had not played since cement was introduced I guess.

RE reducing to 0 risk, I disagree. There should always be risk, albeit the higher the lower chance of course.
edited 1×, last 12.10.16 06:37:25 am

old New Update Posted 10-15-16

Super User Off Offline

The latest update 10-15-16 is now posted. 58.6MB Download from the top of page 1 or any of my signatures as usual. Saves are compatible so you can just copy your current "save" to/from the "saves folder".

Change Log:
√Grapes and Berries collected from plants are in patches of 3 per pick, instead of 5 per pick. balance(complete)
√Added some color contrast between the berry bush and tomato plant, so they look more different.(complete)
√Made the woodhouse & greenhouse glass more clear/see-through.(complete)
√Enabled auto-save every time you can load the most recent save by loading the file called AUTOSAVE.(complete)
√All natives loot LESS heal herbs when killed. Bow Natives return bendable branches and cord instead of a bow. Their arrows loot has been reduced also. balance (complete)
√Enhanced a few models: grape vine, shelter, campfire, and wooden grill. (complete)
√Updated the Diary and Diary Text File with latest info. (complete)
√New Item: Baked Potato - cooked using a potato and the skewer over a fire...just like corn is.(complete)
√Potato fills a bit less when eaten. Balance(complete)
√New combination: bread + honey + knife = 6 honeybread. An extra +2 heal bonus over-all, for the effort.(complete)
√New Item: Honey Bread - slicing bread into 6 pieces and applying 1 bottle of honey. Returns the empty bottle.(complete)
√Corrected some changed/out-dated item descriptions.(complete)
√Enhanced & optimized system files and scripts.(complete)
√Enhanced & optimized the food spoilage script and messages.(complete)
√The spawn rate of all land animals only was decreased by 50%. Finding game should be more of a challenge. Balance. (complete)
√Re-adjusted the weight of gold coins. Way to heavy last update. Set to 25 grams now.(complete)
√When using boiled water instead of water, to make a mug of hot coffee, it would not subtracted the hot coffee when the mug breaks as intended. Fixed.(complete)
√Sometimes during a monsoon or storm, when they ended another one would start, following the ending dialogue box. Fixed.(complete)
√Sometimes when spoilage occurs the Item in the message will show as a "0". Fixed.(complete)
√The scythe would return a short handle instead of a long handle when breaking/dulling. Fixed(complete)
√An older bug I thought I fixed was not fixed. When carrying the advanced backback and was near full (less then 100 grams of space) your speed would go out of whack and be really fast. Now fixed for sure.(complete)
√When saving the game during a storm or monsoon, upon loading the storm/monsoon would not end. Fixed.(complete)
√On starting a new map, Flint Shard can be found laying around on the ground at a higher rate. No whole Flint will be found until you mine it at Mining Level 2.(complete)
√Flint and Flint Shard will only be found mining ore rocks after Mining Level 2 is reached. Flint is now really rare but more durable.(complete)
√The crossbow is a bit heavier in weight, a bit weaker in damage, and a bit slower firing rate(slower rate then a Long Bow).(complete)
√When making bandages you only get 1 but the message says you get 3. bug. Fixed. You will get 3 as intended.(complete)

More >
edited 3×, last 15.10.16 05:44:23 pm

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

User Off Offline

Hey man, thanks for the last update.

I am not so sure about the flint tweak. But if you decide to keep it, then make it easier elsewhere.

I would suggest that flint (knife) should be way easier to get given that it is key to development as much as , if not more, than the hammer (and hammer is extremely easy to get, btw, maybe you want to add vine or cords to create stone hammer).

I think you should make it that:

1) we could strike (E) 2 stones, and try to get a flint, 50%+ chance of failure.

2) Stone hammer + stone, -50% chance of failure

3) Iron hammer + stone, -25% chance of failure.

This way we could get a knife first day, provided we mine enough stones and go for it. (This should be the step following creating a water rock first day, and an alternate choice to building a fire pit/grill/cook).

*There should be way more random rocks/pebbles and branches to be found on the ground.

We need knife for map. So, it should be a choice between early camp or play for map.

As it is right now, I have played several islands the first few days, and on average it takes me days/full week to get a flint = knife. When, in theory, if I decide the first morning to process for flint (for a cutting tool), I should be able to get it 1st day or 2nd at worst, or at 3rd if really bad luck.
edited 6×, last 16.10.16 10:34:37 pm

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

Super User Off Offline

Hmm, maybe I could have tested it more. I created several maps and always found the flint shard laying on the ground. Currently at the start of a new map they spawn laying around on the ground as follows:

1) small map 7 flint shard
2) medium map 12 flint shard
3) big map 16 flint shard

I can tweak it a bit yes, currently you would not find any flint hitting ore rock until you reach mining level 2 and then it is a semi- low chance per hit. How bout I add: You can find it at level 1 (in the beginning) hitting ore rock...but it would be a very low chance compared to level 2 mining? bout I re-introduce a Stone Knife. This would allow knife tasks to be performed and still make fire a task that will likely require using the bark/branch combo until you find flint, or mine it at level 2. This Stone Knife would be very fragile, and break constantly...but made easily like: STONE KNIFE= 2stones + 1branch and when you make it you hear the sound of using the 1 stone to sharpen the 2nd stone and assemble the knife...and you would get 1 stone and a stone knife, back in your inventory.
edited 3×, last 17.10.16 12:11:17 am

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

User Off Offline

Keep it as you have it, but

much more stones, pebbles, branches, leaves, etc. to be found on the ground around the inland.

We should be able to get flint by striking 2 stones (press E), pebbles as a by product = Chances are less than 25%. But the point is that we can process stones for a flint.

We can get flint by striking 1 stone and 1 stone hammer = Chances are around 50%.

We can get flint by striking 1 stone and 1 iron or better hammer = Chances are more than 75%.

B) Fishing

I think is pretty good. BUT, big but, why do we consume so much energy/food/thirst per fishing try? The act of "fishing" should consume very little energy/rest/hunger since we r just sitting around with a light weight rod, waiting, and waiting... The cost of fishing should be on the resources/time that it takes to fish efficiently (attractors, hooks, baits, etc) but not in the act itself.


Different concept for fishing: Cast the rod, and let it hang until it gets something or we withdraw it (rather than a hit per cast system). Fishing should be a matter of preparation vs wasting/resting time.
edited 3×, last 18.10.16 01:42:50 am

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

Super User Off Offline

Sorry for the delay...So, I lowered the jade when casting the rods from 3.0 to 1.0 will make fishing way less exhausting and less hunger & thirst, per cast.

I don't know yet about finding flint from processing stones...consider the fact that to make cement powder, I do and assume others do too, crush a lot of stone into pebbles and then pebbles into cement powder...if we add the concept of finding flint through crushing stone here, I think flint will be to abundant again? What do you think about that?

The reason I messed with the flint to begin with was to balance it in a way that will make it "more likely" that the player will have to bark/branch their first few fires...not find flint right away and never have to make a friction fire. Currently if you search the ground some reasonable distance you should find a shard laying around to make a knife...but then you do not have a 2nd piece to make a fire. I seem to be able to still walk around the island far enough to fine 2 pieces....maybe I got really lucky though.

I will test a few more maps and see how much flint I can pick up off the ground without having to transverse a large area of the Island...idk

I will increase the debris around the island, I think your spot on there. (stone,branch,leaf,pebbles)
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