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English TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

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old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

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Hi Assassin,
Yeah, I put that on hold for now. I decided I want to use another engine for a few reasons. As I progressed I decided at one point I wanted to re-think the way I was going to build the game. As we know with the other newer survival games that came out this past 2 years, I really want something unique and different...when I say different I mean a better way to engage the player and have it be super fun and super interactive...yet super easy to play without extremely tedious repetition of many sorts of interaction.

So, yeah I decided to wait, some private reasons too. Seems like evry time I post ideas I find them in the next new game that comes out LOL.

Thank you for your interest and I will post something when I return to that project.

old Adventure mode?

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Heey, since the mod is "almost finished" according to the post, could we expect an Adventure mode or custom maps in the future? To me that seems like the perfect idea to make the mod's features shine, since random maps in Stranded 2 can be quite dull and uninteresting (at least IMO). What do you think, dev?

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

Super User Off Offline

Hi YuriNikolai,
I do not think I will be doing an adventure mode, but I think I will be making a folder of custom maps that you will be able to choose any of the maps to play from the Single Player mode. When the mod is done (1-2 more updates) I will see how many maps I can stuff in the folder without blowing up the mods download size too much.

I have actually been dabbling with importing heightmaps a bit lately. I have some cool ideas for some maps yes. Basically it will be the exact same gameplay but with very diverse maps. I think I can get 30-40 maps of each size, at least.

Also, I think I can add script to repopulate the map so when you start the game the trees and bushes and other objects are randomly set at new positions(resources) even those will be "re-playable" without feeling like it's the same map. Along with having to boat over to multi-islands to access new resources.(on the normal/big maps)

Some maps like this?

thanks for posting.
edited 5×, last 06.08.16 10:12:47 pm

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

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Will try this weekend.

But dude, you need to upgrade platforms. Lots of copycats in steam these past 12 months. I have not tried any yet, but their graphics seems great. I will upgrade computer soon and start trying them out.

As always, some suggestions:

Can you give a thought to introducing:

1) I need to piss + pissing = +/-x?

2) I need to shit + shitting = +/-x?

3) I want to fart = (whatever) press f9 = .1 energy (only once between 1 and 5 hours after eating) = hah, can you get that algorithm?

4) Build health buildings:

Level I: waste area (+x benefits, i.e. shit stays there, x radius very fertile [do we even have that choice])

Level II:

* Urinal. Saves piss for composter/garden = unique wood/metal/ceramic/glass containers for this (each with different attributes.

* Latrine. Saves shit for composter/garden = unique wood/metal/ceramic/glass containers for this (each with different attributes.

* Showers. Saves water for composter/garden. This is almost a premium building and it should at least require a tower + water buckets = decrease exhaustion and/or increase health = unique wood/metal/ceramic/glass containers for this (each with different attributes).

(These should be very primitive looking buildings/accessories)

Level III:

Garden: If all necessities are met, then we can have a garden with whatever we want = + anyways.
edited 22×, last 05.08.16 07:23:27 am

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

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Hi, I've been wounded, have slow speed, but when I use bed, it tells me, that i don't have any injury. What can I do?

EDIT: I was trying to investigate it, but without success. To me, it seems like getlocal() is not working. Moreover i found possible bug in "game.inf" where count_inrange(any type of bed)==1 sould be probably replaced with count_inrange(any type of bed)>0, so when I have two beds in one place, it should work too.
edited 2×, last 05.08.16 10:30:17 am

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

Super User Off Offline

the game.inf sleeping script is correct. that 1 and 0 is the same as asking YES or NO. If there is the bed indicated in the line of script is 1 means yes there is the bed...or if there is not the bed then the answer is NO thus 0.

so it is returning:
Yes, there IS a bed ==1
No there is not a bed ==0
edited 7×, last 05.08.16 11:04:12 am

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

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I thought, it returns count, not boolean. At last it will be safer, as everywhere else is ">0" used.

for bed scripts: getlocal("unit",1,"hbw") and getlocal("unit",1,"hbb") always returns 0, so it won't get to that condition you've mentioned. (and yes, i've tried it, but without success)

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

Super User Off Offline

ok hold up I tried something but it was not the problem.

You do always have to bandage the wound or splint the fracture first...then use the bed lowers the hours of healing.

so I will look into it more...

that part of the script is checking to see if you are bleeding or got a if your bleeding hbw would be a 1(before you bandage) if not then it is a 0 (after you bandage)

same for fracture hbb if fractured 1(before you splint) if not 0 (after you splint)

edit: ok i do not see a script error...however. If you got both a fracture and a bleed you need to bandage AND splint first...then use the bed

maybe you got both but only repaired 1 ?

you should not see a bleeding or fracture red Icon up top on your screen if you repaired both.

edit: hmmm...something is a miss, cuz if you did not repair 1 then you should not get a message "I have no injury!", rather a message saying what you have to repair. "I need to bandage first!" or "I need to splint first!"
I will look into it!

for now try sleeping 6-9 hours if you reduces the hours and can reset the variables...sorry about this
edited 7×, last 05.08.16 11:31:01 am

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

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msg "bed hbw=$hbw hbb=$hbb";

msg "bed hbw=$tmp hbb=$tmp1";

hbw before bandage = 1, after = 1
hbw before bandage = 0, after = 0

+ I've also found, that Cravings and Events disappears after saving and loading game. (Have nothing to do with bugs described above)
edited 1×, last 05.08.16 01:11:33 pm

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

Super User Off Offline

ready for next update so far:
√The ocean waves rate corrected/enhanced.(complete)
√Animated the tribe warrior defend stance.(complete)
√lowered the tribe woman "sigh" sound she often makes.(complete)
√when ordering the STAY command the unit would somtimes glitch in idle animation and "stutter" fast causing lag...fixed.(complete)
√Ocean wave sound final adjustment.(complete)
A bug when trying to use a bed after reloading a save during an injury, doesn't work sometimes and says "You have no injury".(not a bug, rather a incompatible older save file. old saves from 05-06 update are not compatible, can fix by following instruction below)
edited 14×, last 06.08.16 09:34:37 pm

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

User Off Offline

Thanks. And is there any possibility to repair my save? I have spawned here 1 bear due to event, which is now not disappearing over time, craving is set to "" (nothing) and i can't get rid of that wound

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

Super User Off Offline

ok, now I know what the problem is, correct me if I am wrong, but I think you transferred your save from the older version huh?

this would mean your player does not and cannot have the new "variables" when he is loaded.

but I think we can fix it for now to work, open game.inf and scroll to the on:load near the top. Copy/paste these 2 lines //add right under the load like you see here.

on:load {
$hbb=2;                     //add
$hbw=2;                    //add

then save the file and try loading your save.

the bear you will just have to kill, and your crave should fix itself when you get a new crave.

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

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The "on:load" fix, worked for my saves ( thank you ), but if i try to fall again, bandage wound, wound is neither healing by time neither by the bed. To make you little bit happy at last, I'm now working on fullscreen alt-tab graphics fix, then I'm about to try speedup scripts. My fix is now working for original stranded and I'm now waiting for message from creator of Massive Mod, to bring it to The Survivalist
edited 1×, last 06.08.16 12:07:28 am

old Old Save Compatibility Fix

Super User Off Offline

yeah, I thought you would still have a problem. Your character from the old save is missing the new variables I added that control his wounds.

So, the only thing you can do is go to:
object_buildings.inf (hammock,primitive bed, advanced bed)
object_stuff.inf (sleeping bag)
game.inf (on:sleeping)

use "Find" or "Search" and search the document for ALL the lines"


change ONLY but ALL the lines from:

now the scripts will look in the game.inf file for those two now "global" variables ($hbw $hbb) instead of the "locals" player 1 variables.

also while your in the game.inf go back to that same on:load { and change the 2 variables you added earlier to:

on:load {

now when you load your save you don't heal every time cuz the number 2 you added before says your healed message, but you need it to be 0 by default saying you have no injury. The other edits you made above will allow the scripts to access the default 0 and change them to 1 or 2 at will then.

√ save fixed

@Aroidzap My fix is now working for original stranded and I'm now waiting for message from creator of Massive Mod, to bring it to The Survivalist.
Builder handed the Massive Mod project over to me a couple years ago, you do not need his permission, you need mine lol.

but send me a message of what you have if you like, and I will review it and see if it will work and be compatible in this mod.
edited 9×, last 06.08.16 09:42:50 pm
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