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English TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

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old Thirst/Hunger Patch

Super User Off Offline

Hey guys...I have found a mistake in a script that increases your hunger and thirst bars faster than intended early spring, when starting a new map.

At the start (early spring), your bars are to start out in spring with a "jade" of 0...and then in late spring as you approach summer your bars are suppose to be jaded 1...because the temperature is getting warmer.

Well...I got the two mixed up in the script, your being jaded 1 at the start of spring every hour (making it harder to survive in the beginning) and then late spring your not being jaded at all ( 0 ) even though it gets warmer.

The current update is now fixed for future downloads, if you want to fix your prior download just drop this tiny file in the /mods/sys folder as usual, and replace/over-write the old one.

> objects_stuff.inf

obviously this will make starting any new map not as tedious in having to relieve bars so quickly in the beginning.
edited 1×, last 08.05.16 05:10:42 pm

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

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Hahaha. And I was wondering if the increased consume rate is due to hard mode. It was harsh for me, starting a new map, indeed.

I stranded on a small island with NO ressources at all, have been living on kilos of bugs and slime, build a little boat and traversed the sea to the next big island. This one was (and is still) infested with claw monkeys and natives.
I did some fishing here and there, got lucky to find some tomatoe bushes and now I just build a crossbow. With 100 wooden bolts, I decided to go on a little journey. Got my map with me and some charcoal to make markings. Found some berry bushes and grapes so far, one Cacao tree is right next to my base, one coffee tree on the direct opposite of the map.

My inventory is full with meat, skins and vegetables, though, so I can focus on exploring as soon as the stuff is cooked. Summer has just started and no sign of any grains at all. Have been lucky to find at least some corn. My plan is to improve my farming skill as fast as possible, to make fertilized tomatoes and eventually plant some cacao and coffee trees. Still looking for plums, apples, oranges, pears, coconuts and bananas. Next step is building a tent, because it is dangerous to travel the wilds in the dark and I do not want to build a shelter every night. Plus, I could improve my backpack, now that I have that much skins.

Summary: As before, an awesome experience! It was even harder, with the wrong hunger/thirst script. I guess I would have come to the crossbow earlier if I hadn't so much problems to fight my hunger and thirst early game. The crossbow is an important step in my playstyle, because it offers huge damage for low ammo costs. Plus, you can make the bolts in the wild if you have a knife with you.

I am eager to see the trade pirate. Maybe he has some fruits/seeds to trade , so I could start my farming with these. Getting the farming skill up is really hard with no grains to start with. Corn needs a hoe and hemp is kind of useless (well, I would be happy to have any hemp at all, but even that is missing).

How do potato plants look ingame?

:edit: I MAY have noticed a bug, but I am not sure. I used two crop sticks at the floor, anything as usual. I tried to plant cotton seed, it said my skill wasn't high enough. Normally, the crop sticks should be back in my inventory, but they are missing, as if they have vanished.
edited 1×, last 08.05.16 02:37:40 pm

old Planting Stake Patch

Super User Off Offline

Well, sorry people, another patch for the Planting Stakes. When I optimized them this update I made an error. They will disappear when you collect them sometimes.

The current posted update is fixed for all future downloads. If you wish to fix your prior download add this tiny file to your /mods/sys folder as usual. replace/over-write the old:


This patch will make sure your stake is returned to you when pulled out of the ground.

Hi Wintermute,
Thank you for the bug report, it sure is a bug. My bad. the potato plant looks like the "roots" only they are the very small roots, as potato grow under ground.

glad your enjoying the mod. I did the same thing, worked my ass off on hardmode and realized the bars where going up quickly...checked the script n found the error.
edited 1×, last 02.06.16 01:39:22 pm

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

User Off Offline

Thanks for the quick patch!

I found some grains and even bananas. Still looking for the other fruiting trees... but as I kill lots of animals, I am not short on food. The summer is harsh, but with all those herbs one does not often need to drink water.

I just got a monsoon, but the diary says that should only be the case in autumn.

Still getting wet on my dock.

The trade pirate appears, but I cannot find him. Does he stick to one position or is it choosen randomly? Would be nice to have some kind of trading dock, which forces the pirate to spawn there, if he spawns.

The next time I play I will probably increase my farming to get those trees up.

old pirates

User Off Offline

I'm on day 2 and I've already killed the trade pirate 3 times . I also can't seem to hit anything with either my blowgun or the bow . 30 shots at a scorpion with blowgun no hits . 10 shots at a black bird with bow , no hits . Reloaded my save game and tried it again twice . Tried shooting high , low , leading , not leading idk . Still getting a short lag on hour change and occasionally time gets stuck I think .

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

User Off Offline

is your map a big one? Where is your pirate, everytime spawning at the same spot or at another one?

My island is too big for an easy scouting. Maybe I should just smash those trees down...

A tip for scorpions and snakes: You can kill them pretty easy with a flint knife. Let them come and backpedal slowly; stop sometimes to let the come nearer. You will hit them before they hit you, so it is a safe kill. Just make sure to move backwards after they came into your hitrange. You probably need two hits. This does not work with the other hostile units. Except for Piranhas. I once tried to kill them while swimming with an axe. It worked. If you have a crossbow, you can even shoot rainbow fishes, swim to them and grab them.

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

Super User Off Offline

The pirate spawns at "random" locations each spawn. I have already lowered the spawning of the pirate for next update...he is not suppose to spawn as much as he is currently.

I have been hunting with both the bow and blowgun this update and found no issues...I will check into it.

The early bow is really for short range, arrows lose momentum and arc quickly, hitting a black bird would be difficult. The long bow will do much better at long range, as the arrow will travel further with less arc.

Would be interested to know your computer specs from your Control Panel-System information. Seems like your FPS is so low it causes some issues.

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

User Off Offline

yeah my computer is junnk . AMD 300 with 1300 mhz dual core processor .AMD Radeon Hd 6310 graphics . Every time I save up enough to buy a replacement something else comes up that's more urgent .     
Looks like I'll have to get a new one soon or I won't even be able to play WOW anymore , the new expansion for that requires minimum 2 ghz processor .

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

User Off Offline

user Wintermute has written
The trade pirate appears, but I cannot find him. Does he stick to one position or is it choosen randomly? Would be nice to have some kind of trading dock, which forces the pirate to spawn there, if he spawns.

I agree, it can get quite difficult to find the pirate when you
make a large island, however the new notification helps a little :3

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

User Off Offline

1) Pirate should be random.

2) Trading system.

A) Interior: Natives

One of the natives should be a friendly trader, i.e. agriculture, herbs, marine, random tool and weapon, etc. Maybe even introduce a native small trading camp. i.e. 3 tiny primitive buildings (fire, shelter, crate) around which the native trader hangs around. Or maybe something completely new (i.e. skulls and bones totem poles, etc).

Both trading camp and native spawn at the start. Consider placing hostiles in conjunction with the trading camp. You could make it so that the trader can be killed for a loot. And that if the camp is left intact it "may" spawn a new native trader, but this should take at least one year.

B) Exterior: Buccaneers and Pirates

i) Our current pirate should be replaced with a buccaneer and it should trade only consumer goods, and 1 or 2 tools/weapons.

ii) You should consider a random event as a pirate attack.

iii) A trading port could be built to attract the buccaneer but this should be prohibitively costly and it somehow should require impossible maintenance (i.e. rum and cooked foods). But we get a reliable trading nexus near camp. (still can spawn at random elsewhere). ALSO, it would attract native hostiles.

iv) The next level, a Harbour could attract even pirates. And with them we would get additional advanced trading options, especially weapons. But this would require amazing skills AND time. ALSO, it would attract native hostiles.

Heh, fun concepts to play with, both coding and graphics wise.

3) We need an entire saw line ASAP, and it should be crucial to building.

And if you consider adding depth to the wood/building tree, it could add some change to the game.

For example add "fallen tree", which we have to shop with an ax to obtain logs. And then something in between logs and branches, for which you need a saw. You could add a "logging camp" building, to use the saw even more efficiently.

Buildings requirements could be upgraded accordingly.

4) Introduce concept of raw wood vs dry wood. Fire should be harder to get AND maintain. Consider a drying platform and a coal mount.

5) Beds: This should be a line of its own (1. leaves, 2. raised, 3. hammock, 4. Hay mattress, 5. cotton & feather mattress, etc). We could build them and deploy within some of the adv. shelters, they provide a stacked boost +/- penalty
edited 31×, last 19.05.16 06:42:39 am

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

User Off Offline

Here we go.... Had some RL holidays, thus not playing.

Winter is only one week away, my farming skyrocketed up. The first fruiting trees have been planted, but too late for bearing fruits before spring.

Right now I am building a palisade to cover my base; should be a good work for the winter, too. Seeds for the first day of spring are stored, I got plenty of high tier foods already pre-cooked in my storage. Maybe I will fish the last days before the frost comes. No greenhouse this time, but I got plenty of fruits anyway.

I have been testing the chicken breeding. Dropped 2 rooster and one female chicken. One rooster died of starvation. I thought not feeding them just stops the reproduction... I have way too much corn, so I started to feed them the corn. They are munching it away without breeding.
I noticed a small mistake in the crafting description. The text says you need fertcorn and grains for normal chickenfood, but you can mix normal grains and normal corn for normal food.

The usage of the chickenfood is not paying off (I even mixed some grains with corn); they are eating too fast and too much; would be waaaay more efficient just to eat it myself. Or am I doing something wrong?

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

User Off Offline

1) For chickens: Heh, just collect them and drop them in an island. No need to feed. They will produce eggs and reproduce for free. The breeder concept needs to be fixed. It should require food, water, protection, etc.

2) The rafts: 1A level should be a log (should require ax + fire); 1B level should be a bamboo raft (it should only require any cutting tool + vines). Second level should be our current log raft. Third then, the large log raft we currently have. Fourth , would be a boat + oars (would require high skills, tools, resources). Last a sail ship (would require resources from the buccaneer and the pirate), plus specialized buildingS to build.

3) Introduce beds man, this should be key. There should be even further penalties/bonuses when sleeping.

4) Containers: better system for keeping cooked foods.

5) the fish line should be improved by (a) traps/nets made out of vines and branches, (b) a building to work on cordage material, i.e., ropes (found on shore), vines and cotton, -- necessary to produce nets -- (c) better bait system.

6) More random resources found on the shore, i.e., plastic bottles, ropes, etc
edited 7×, last 01.06.16 06:05:59 am

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

User Off Offline

Hah, true. Never thought about it. I guess because vanilla stranded 2 starts with a plane, or was it a boat?. Either Way, you r right. Scratch plastic and coca cola cans.

Then bamboo and coconuts should rule as 1st year containers. BTW, coconuts should be the one fruit tree of which we have a bunch, and keep them near the beaches. But severely slow down their output.
edited 1×, last 26.05.16 06:48:22 am

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

User Off Offline

I agree with that. It was a real pain to find at least ONE coconut or banana tree on my current hard/big island. I planted a few now, so at 350 farming and with a steel hoe, this is not a problem anymore. But then again: You should have enough food supply when you have steel tools.

The easiest way to farm food is a fish attractor and a flyrod. Got 7 rainbow fishes with one attractor, after that the attractor disappeared and I fished with my regular rod 6 smaller fishes. Enough fish for half a year.

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

Super User Off Offline

Hi guys!
Reall nice feedbacks all! I will be working to enhance some of the aspects mentioned here soon.

I still have two natives that are not in the mod yet. The "regular" native I took out and replaced with the native wielding the staff (remember the one that would kick you? lol) and the "female" native. Theyr are both implemented currently but do not spawn. They both will have friendly roles with a trade aspect AND taming aspect...soon you will be able to "tame" your own tribe that will have specific "roles". (see the to-do list on page 1)

Once you can tame your own tribe (having warriors and workers) I will be adding some more "events" that are more dangerous. The pirate event would be a good idea, and he might be coming at you shooting his gun, during late game.

I will go over the chickens system again and tweak the feeding and requirements asap.

I will also be adding bee keeping. You will be able to make a "new object" that you will store a beehive in and then be able to raise bees that will produce honey over a period of time.

I have taken note of the other ideas/issues and such above and will be addressing them as I work on these things. There is a bug/glitch that is making it impossible to "not" get wet when "over" any water (i.e. ice, dock). I may have to restrict "running" unless your on the actually land. It is a bug in the pressing of the shift key that gives a "false" height variable that makes the player get "wet". Still looking into it...maybe there is another answer I have not thought of yet.

Thank you guys for the continued interest in this mod. Always good to know others play and like this thing!

p.s. (edit)
Actually, just to give ya's an idea on that stat...this latest update is near 300 downloads since posted (23 days ago). Usually it breaks 2000 downloads between every 2-3 monthly updates. Will likely increase when the finished mod is posted here at Unreal in the archives.
edited 1×, last 29.05.16 09:38:08 pm

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

User Off Offline

Can you make it so that after sunset our actions take 100% penalty as much time (+)? (Although a light source should give back a 25% bonus, but I guess this would be tricky)

Beehive update is great idea. To be honest, I never found them. So, maybe it should be a bit easier to find and develop -- we should reasonably discover at least one hive before 1st winter.

Beds should be introduced.
edited 1×, last 01.06.16 06:26:23 am

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

Super User Off Offline

yes, the bed idea i love. I plan to take the bed out of the "wooden house". I will use it as a model for an advanced bed. Along with the "hammock" and another primitive bed or two...maybe made from leaves and a dry skin, and then like a sleeping bag type from cotton and a few dry skins.

So as you advance you unlock them...the benefit to craft them would be additional blood regeneration when slept in/on. Probably have a message saying "Bed Detected" just like the "Cover Detected". (when sleeping)

Also, I think I want to make the beds more special. My idea (or someone mentioned it once before giving me the idea ) has to do with getting injured. It would work kinda of like being "wet". If you splint a fracture or bandage a wound your speed would be jaded lower...a shorter time for a bandage and longer time for a splint. You would get a message on the hour saying "Your Healing" while your speed is reduced. After a certain length of time you are "Completely Healed" and your speed returns to normal. Thus having the beds, you may "use" the bed to rest and speed the healing...sort of like standing by a fire to get "dry" quicker.

So for example, if you are bleeding and bandage a wound your speed is reduced a bit until the wound heals (not right after you bandage it )...if you "use" a bed it heals you up quicker (a reasonably long progress bar)...the more advanced the bed the quicker it heals you. (faster progress bar)

p.s. I do not know about an after dark penalty. Would take re-scripting every combo in the diary. Unless I can think of a script that could increase the "progress bar" that would work for ALL combos. Then I could just copy/paste it into the existing scripts. Will check it out.
edited 2×, last 02.06.16 01:04:50 am

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

User Off Offline

Sprint is causing me lag, every time i hit shift and release it, fps drops dramatically for 1-2 seconds.

Windows 10
64 bit
16gb ram
quad core 2.6-3.6ghz turbo
geforce gtx 960m

I checked task manager as the lag spikes happened, cpu usage went up from about 15% to between 18-20%, no other changes.

Tried your replacement code, didn't help.

Tried re downloading the files to ensure they weren't corrupt, didn't help.

Tried messing with compatibility settings, didn't help.

Tried lowering settings, didn't help.

Tried windowed mode, didn't help.

Tried changing the sprint key to a different one, didn't help.

I've only played massive mod and would love to play this. Anything else i can try?
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