i saw unreals link banner but it dont work to me but i want to create such for my own page how???

need banners
17 replies

i saw unreals link banner but it dont work to me but i want to create such for my own page how???
Collect Artwork of the Topic you want to talk about in your webpage. (For Example: Cut out, some CS2D pics ;)).
Then put them together and work with filters, so that you get a nice banner. You have to look for pics that match to eah other.
It's a little bit harder to create an own banner without graphics, but simple things you can manage too (like the banner on my

Dicker has written
I heard you have GIMP, right?
i had but i have adobe photoshop
skiper has written
so i have first to do a picture with it right?
Yes, and then you have to play arround with the filters and tools.
sry, but for banners there isn't any tutorial. Let do it this way:
You say what you want it to look like (similar to the US one, or whatever) and we tell you what tools should be useful.

Robin has written
Ameer, can you change this banner please? its annoying 

could you please explain why you post it here?
It's not only the wrong topic, you also could have told it via email

Robin has written
i post it here because this thread is about banners, but why YOU have to say that? it is DC's work 

DC can't be everywhere, and I can tell you such stuff, too.

Robin has written
er, what mean EOM? 

End of message.
Can we stick to the original topic now?
@skiper: did all worked, or still problems?
edited 1×, last 26.11.06 04:38:14 pm
bizzl has written
@skiper: did all worked, or still problems?
for what are you talking bizzl