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English Ideas For UnrealSoftware Site

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old Re: Ideas For UnrealSoftware Site

User Off Offline

I'm lazy to read 40 pages.

Possibility to add authors for file.

If you have added in the list, you can check it.

If user doesn't have your permission his file can be deleted.


old Re: Ideas For UnrealSoftware Site

User Off Offline

Not sure if this is suggested already, but heres what i think we need:

When a moderator or admin makes a comment (The red one below the post) it shows the date when it was posted, that way we can know more things, for example:
- Know if the posted was edited before or after the warning/comment
and maybe more,

Good luck UnrealSoftware.

old Re: Ideas For UnrealSoftware Site

User Off Offline

How about in the user stats, there's a developer level?

Like the more "likes" you get from your files, the more level you get. So if people look in your profile, they would know how good/bad your contributing level. (How good/bad you are at making stuff, e.g. maps, skins, weapons, etc...)


user useigor has written
What if i hadn't noticed file or was not on site long time?

There's no way you wont notice the file, there's the notification thing in the image you posted.


(The yellow thing at the top of the image, that's the notification)

Plus if it's removed from the website earlier before you notice, then you don't need to worry about it.
edited 1×, last 17.11.12 08:47:46 pm

old Re: Ideas For UnrealSoftware Site

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user DevGru has written
How about in the user stats, there's a developer level?

Like the more "likes" you get from your files, the more level you get. So if people look in your profile, they would know how good/bad your contributing level. (How good/bad you are at making stuff, e.g. maps, skins, weapons, etc...)

Inspired from newgrounds or game banana?

old Re: Ideas For UnrealSoftware Site

User Off Offline

user buraxia3 has written
user DevGru has written
How about in the user stats, there's a developer level?

Like the more "likes" you get from your files, the more level you get. So if people look in your profile, they would know how good/bad your contributing level. (How good/bad you are at making stuff, e.g. maps, skins, weapons, etc...)

Inspired from newgrounds or game banana?

Hmm... close enough.

Inspired from

old Re: Ideas For UnrealSoftware Site

User Off Offline

Lets take it one step further - Each user has a like-to-comment ratio taken from all of their files, of course duplicate comments from users that have already posted a comment and the owner of the file itself is not counted towards further comments in whatever file is being commented/liked on.

Lets say a user constantly posts brilliant work and people post comments like "omg this is amazing"+like or "this is the best thing ever"+like, the user who posts the amazing work would have a like-to-comment ratio that's almost a 1.0. If however the user is terrible at posting modifications, and that the mods are crappy and not coloured properly, he'd get a like-to-comment ratio closer to 0.

From there we could click an added button "Display users with the highest like-to-comment ratio" and will supply the end user with a list of users who constantly post good work from the user with the highest like-to-comment ratio, to the users with the lowest. Users who haven't posted any work, or have posted and has not been commented on will also have a like-to-comment ratio of 0.

Also like I already posted before I'd like to see a "favourite" system implemented that is shown below user's files on their profile page so that I can show to what are my favourite files posted in the archive ever.

old Re: Ideas For UnrealSoftware Site

User Off Offline

@user Majatek: • 1 file, 1 comment, 1 like
> like-to-comment ratio = 1
• 1 file, 150 comments, 75 likes
> like-to-comment ratio = 0.5

Seems fair.
user Majatek has written
"Display users with the highest like-average per file"

would be better.

old Re: Ideas For UnrealSoftware Site

User Off Offline

Obviously you didn't read the part where I stated that duplicate comments won't add to the "counted comments" for the ratio.

"users that have already posted a comment and the owner of the file itself is not counted towards further comments in whatever file is being commented/liked on."

Please read more carefully in the future.

old Re: Ideas For UnrealSoftware Site

Obviously Exactly Myself
User Off Offline

Rule 4.1 (Rules §4.1 - Use proper, understandable language. No dialects / translation tools.) isn't really followed and strict enough, I think a 1 day ban for people who put "hey u can pls script fix it?? i know how fix it" is enough, it's completely annoying and they get mad if you don't understand them and some even lied that they have "supramaximal" grade in English and says that your English is stupid and cannot be understood. Isn't it annoying seeing people put things like "u fuck mom dick english bad fuckfuckfuckfuckfuck trololololool yuor not get me english becous bad you're" in the forum?

old Re: Ideas For UnrealSoftware Site

User Off Offline

@user Apfelbrot A single comment posted by an individual user will be counted, but no more than one will be counted from each user, or didn't you understand that from my post which outlined how the like to comment ratio system would work?

old Re: Ideas For UnrealSoftware Site

User Off Offline

let me explain it carefully then.

A user uploads (a) crap file(s)
nobody wants to comment, except a friend or something. (Don't even think about mentioning connexion, he is something "special".)
> 1 comment, 1 like

Another user uploads (a) good file(s).
it's good enough to gain people's attention, the comment, but not everybody likes it.
> many comments, less likes than comments

If you sort users by your like-to-comment ratio, the very best and tons of the worst will be on top of your user list. Where's the sense?

Edit: what exactly should happen when someone likes the first file of a specific user, but not the second? What you wrote indicates that only the first comment would count, so if you upload one good map which eveybody likes, then upload tons of crap which nobody likes, your l-t-c ratio would still be close to 1.

Either stick to user DevGru's idea or take the likes per file average, that's better.
edited 1×, last 19.11.12 03:58:44 pm

old Re: Ideas For UnrealSoftware Site

User Off Offline

If rules allowed me to post ASCII art, or at least a picture of Picard facepalming, I would.

Here's how the system would work:

User a is comparable to user 0a, he is a very skillfull skinner, and all of his works get at least 15 to 20 comments, each one of those are likes. Some comments however don't like his work for whatever reason, but over all his files usually get a 0.8 like-to-comment ratio.

User b is a bad artist, but he continues to post work anyway. All of his files are commented on, but hardly any of them are likes, so his like-to-comment ratio is closer to 0.

The user with the higher like-to-comment ratio (aka User "a") would be at the top of the list of users with the highest like-to-comment ratio. User "b" would be at the bottom of the page.

Is that too hard to understand?

old Re: Ideas For UnrealSoftware Site

Super User Off Offline

no, user Majatek, you dont understand. user Apfelbrot is totally right with his point.

if there is only one comment with a like the like-to-comment ratio would be 1 but that wouldnt make it the very best file at all!

this concept would only work if each and every single file would have an (almost) equal amount of comments (from different users of course, multiple comments by one user arent counted anyways) in order to provide a solid base for the comment-counter since this is by what you divide the like-counter.
edited 1×, last 19.11.12 07:52:47 pm
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