Unreal Software Ideas For UnrealSoftware SiteEdit: Just learnt that you can block certain images.
Please don't rage at me
Avo has written
Multi authors of upload. If mod was made by 5 people, all of them would be authors of uploaded file.
That's gonna suck hard, trust me. This "feature" will be abused daily.
Re: Ideas For UnrealSoftware Site
Deleted User Avo has written
Maybe, you're right. Stupid kids could add random people as authors.
Plus they are likely to make multi-accounts for that.
I still don't plan to implement it soon because the current system was not designed for it and I don't think it's worth the work. I assume that it is sufficient - for now - to name co-authors in the file description (using the user:-tag). And of course to let the most active user of all involved users upload the thing so the user can be contacted by the other ones in order to change the file if necessary.
Kinda like the userlist.
I got this idea when I saw a thread filled with a shitload of quotes. Nothing really that special or useful, it's just better for the eyes and it makes it a bit easier to see which quote belongs to who.
Quote depths of 2 or 3 can make sense in very rare cases but more is always stupid and caused by people who are unable to think and to use the forum properly.
DC has written
No way, I would rather add a system that stops people from mass quoting.
Go go go! - Please add it.
EDIT: One more thing - empty quotes and other tags shouldn't be allowed.
edited 1×, last 25.07.12 11:53:07 pm
However, I can still type [code][/code] fine.
Sparty has written
Just asking Sir. DC Are you going to add more Appearance color? like blue or red or something.
Please don't rage at me
Please don't rage at me
Well, you can currently use a Valetines Day-like Pink by going to the settings page or clicking here.
So yeah, blue, red and other color schemes would rock, and if your profile was viewed by other users in the colour scheme you selected, it would be SICK.