PS: There is one server named "need beter DED server" but i cant connect to it. IT has 13/24 players...

9 replies

PS: There is one server named "need beter DED server" but i cant connect to it. IT has 13/24 players...
and the most ppl who play it usually play with their friends in a closed server.
just open ur own one and wait, or play missions

the server you see is just an annoying fake server.
What the heck is that server doing there ?
People, i would like more players playing this game. I think its better then CS2D itself.

woooops, you forgot that uprate creates or distributes cs2d cheats and therefore is a huge random fag - but that's OT.
He still is a good programmer and AFAIK doesn't use the cheats himself. It's like blaming torrent trackers for piracy, while they just provide space for file uploading.
Anyways. CC isn't so popular in multiplayer because it's bugged and lags a lot.

woooops, you forgot that uprate creates or distributes cs2d cheats and therefore is a huge random fag - but that's OT.
He actually created a script that stops one - BUT THATS ALSO OT.
we don't talk good about cheaters* in this forum. stop it now!
*) everyone who creates, distributes or uses cheats is a cheater. every cheater has a small penis, a small brain, no friends, is a noob and a totally destructive asshole without a life. we hate cheaters at this forum and we want to see them dead. leave this forum NOW if you don't share this opinion. I really don't want people to use this forum if they don't share this opinion.