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Englisch Best Roleplay Game forever !!!

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alt Re: Best Roleplay Game forever !!!

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user palomino hat geschrieben
user 0a hat geschrieben
user Mechanolith hat geschrieben
Nothing against piracy, i actually play cracked games before buying them, to see if they're awesome (no, demos suck, and hard).
But i don't think it's right to get every single game you see cracked, i am not rich, but i'm neither a poor shit...

See? Again and again. Every single kid can get the cracked games. But you can't crack WoW, you have to pay & use it with an account. Thats why %80+ of kids cannot play WoW.

Private servers.
I also dled my WoW for free from the official website and now am playing on cracked servers. I lol'd.

CRACKED SERVERS, There is no kids at pay2play servers. Got it? Of course you can download all 20GB of WoW and play it up to level 20 for free, but after level 20? no kids.

alt Re: Best Roleplay Game forever !!!

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user palomino hat geschrieben
I also dled my WoW for free from the official website and now am playing on cracked servers. I lol'd.

I must double that, my friend's brother play in several private servers...

After level 20: Rich, retarded people who judge themselves superior because they like to waste all their money in a stupid click-to-attack game, 'Nuff said.

alt Re: Best Roleplay Game forever !!!

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user Mechanolith hat geschrieben
user palomino hat geschrieben
I also dled my WoW for free from the official website and now am playing on cracked servers. I lol'd.

I must double that, my friend's brother play in several private servers...

After level 20: Rich, retarded people who judge themselves superior because they like to waste all their money in a stupid click-to-attack game, 'Nuff said.

Are you a fucking poor shit? Its like 30$/ month. You can't pay this? Then kill yourself. Its not a click-to-attack game by the way. You should play WoW before criticizing it.

alt Re: Best Roleplay Game forever !!!

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user EpicCrisis hat geschrieben
user 0a hat geschrieben
%80+ of kids cannot play WoW.

So, 20% of the kids can play the cracked WoW?

Read the fucking other comments, please. I was talking about the pay2play servers of WoW. Stop talking about cracked servers.

alt Re: Best Roleplay Game forever !!!

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user 0a hat geschrieben
Are you a fucking poor shit? Its like 30$/ month. You can't pay this? Then kill yourself.

You do know that $30 can be very much for people in some regions? Don't judge just because you might be bathing in fucking gold to be able to pay for that.

alt Re: Best Roleplay Game forever !!!

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user 0a hat geschrieben
Are you a fucking poor shit? Its like 30$/ month. You can't pay this? Then kill yourself. Its not a click-to-attack game by the way. You should play WoW before criticizing it.

I can pay $30 per month, but im not that retarded/idiot. Paying monthly for a game is the same as giving away your money, i already played WoW and it IS click to attack, so fuck off...

user Alistaire hat geschrieben
user EngiN33R hat geschrieben
fucking gold

Fucking gold'd be awesome. I wanna get such a job.


If it was like, $60 one i would surely play, but per month is actually very stupid, therefore, if you pay for it monthly, you ARE stupid.

alt Re: Best Roleplay Game forever !!!

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user Mechanolith hat geschrieben
i already played WoW and it IS click to attack, so fuck off...

Then you are just a noob in World of Warcraft.
Here is a game for kids like you, Joaopcvcastro; Metin2.

alt Re: Best Roleplay Game forever !!!

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user 0a hat geschrieben
user Alistaire hat geschrieben
Actually nope..

So there isn't kids on Warcraft.

I may be tired right now to the point of typing illegibly, but that sentence certainly has something wrong with it.

WoW is okay from experience when I hung out with some of my friends that played it.

alt Re: Best Roleplay Game forever !!!

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Click and attack games aren't really my type, I prefer FPS horror games. Click and attack doesn't have that feeling of intensity, I rather see everything in first person and also able to have full control over the player like able to crouch and jump.

alt Re: Best Roleplay Game forever !!!

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user 0a hat geschrieben
Then you are just a noob in World of Warcraft.
Here is a game for kids like you, Joaopcvcastro; Metin2.

I love your childish answers, i never played Metin, this game is just as stupid as WoW, the only difference is that Metin has idiot graphics and gameplay, WoW has a nice gameplay and graphics.
But as discussed already: Only rich fags like you can kill someone in PvP, because none of these games (WoW, Metin 2 and what ever shit click-to-attack games) need skill, just money.
Deal with facts, i mainly tough you had a bit of intelligence, but now i see you're just some spoiled idiot kid.
I bet you can't even kill someone in games without a cash shop.

Back on topic, and letting this idiot WoW mindless fan talk alone.

The best RPG game serie: The Elder Scrolls.
Blizzard would be a nice game developer if they didn't sell a wall calendar for $14.99 (i actually can buy 1 or 2 games and play them forever with this money).

user EpicCrisis hat geschrieben
Click and attack games aren't really my type, I prefer FPS horror games. Click and attack doesn't have that feeling of intensity, I rather see everything in first person and also able to have full control over the player like able to crouch and jump.

Same, that's why Elder Scroll is kickass, i would love a multiplayer system.

alt Re: Best Roleplay Game forever !!!

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user 0a hat geschrieben
Awesome, if you have $30, you are a richfag.

Anyone (at least almost everyone here, haha) have $30, but it's just stupid to let yourself compromised that much with a game.

For playing WoW a year, you pay: 360 dollars. (That converted in Brazilian money [R$] is R$633.60 [fucking too much for 1 year premium game]).
For playing Elder Scrolls V forever, i pay: 60 dollars. (That converted in Brazilian money [R$] is R$105.60 [normal price for a original game here]).

Now you must be able to understand why i judge WoW as fucking expensive.

alt Re: Best Roleplay Game forever !!!

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I used to be a gold miner, and i tell ya, 360 bucks is a huge sum, it can mean the difference between going home with your pockets overfilling with nuggets, or going home bloke just because the mining equipment failed and that last piece costed $30, i agree with Joao

alt Re: Best Roleplay Game forever !!!

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I rather pay for a game once and able to play it forever rather than pay it monthly just to enjoy it. Imagine how many games you can buy with $360. Well, it won't be much but still you can get several games you can play forever with. Especially those with multiplayer.

alt Re: Best Roleplay Game forever !!!

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user EpicCrisis hat geschrieben
I rather pay for a game once and able to play it forever rather than pay it monthly just to enjoy it. Imagine how many games you can buy with $360. Well, it won't be much but still you can get several games you can play forever with. Especially those with multiplayer.

Dead Island, Crysis 2, Skyrim, MW3, CS:GO, Aliens vs. Predator... and more than 100 dollars would be still left to buy more.
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