
I'll add some attachments that you can add to the weapon.
Thank you

Just add this in the archive.

EDIT: Waht else would you like to see in the pack?
edited 1×, last 26.11.11 11:07:42 pm
Pwnisher keep working, your skins are awesome...
Edit: Wait... Can you release the next version on Christmas day? The next version is your gift to all of us lolol.
edited 2×, last 29.11.11 09:40:40 am

I don't like blur and you're lucky you changed your title *-*
No really. You just make gradients without realizing you do. Your weapons have not 1 single thing in common BUT the blurred shitty "smooth" textures.
I'd be happy if you would remake the whole pack AFTER learning this rule:
Rules of pixelart has written
[1.] Thou shall NEVER EVER use random shadows or, even worse, PILLOWSHADING.

Didn't you read my comment a few posts above: "I'll ignore your comments, all of them are just shit". I don't care about you opininon, if you don't like my skinning style then don't comment in my thread or any of my files anymore.
First make something better before commenting here, every single skin you have done looks terrible, until you show me your skills i'll ignore your comments from now on.

Made 100% by me, not uploaded before.
EDIT: And 1 more thing: Go away of my thread, if you don't like this then make your own fucking pack instead of comming to other people's thread to just talk bullshit.
edited 1×, last 02.12.11 01:37:39 am