
need help for stranded
17 replies

skiper has written
when i try to build think with the hammer it telling me the stuff i need to build it but i dont know were o i find them and when i click on somethink i got in the inventory and try to use it somewere the man says how can i use that please tell my how do i build thinks with the hamer and how do i use think in the place i want to build a house
you have to collect the material. you can find leafs, lianas and sometimes branches when you hit a tree, and stone when you hit a stone (with hands or some tools). To get a trunk, you have to "kill" a tree, and for skin you have to kill a raptor or some other bigger animal.
To build, simply take the hammer in the hand, then go to the buildingplace und use it like a weapon.
Instead of hitting the stuff you have to press the E-Key in near of those objects. You will probably need to do this several times to get the items you need.
To kill Trees, you need an axe, wich is hidden somewhere on the isle, but you won't need it in the beginning.
There are no raptors on the isle and the item 'skin' doesn't exist in Stranded 1, so don't wonder about this.

skiper has written
when i try to build think with the hammer it telling me the stuff i need to build it but i dont know were o i find them and when i click on somethink i got in the inventory and try to use it somewere the man says how can i use that please tell my how do i build thinks with the hamer and how do i use think in the place i want to build a house
Lianas under trees with lots of branches that are long and covered in leaves,u need a hammer to destroy a stone.
HW has written
Speaking of S2,how do you get the ENGLISH version? This is related to Stranded 1 and not to S2, so bizzl's explanation isn't completely correct.
Instead of hitting the stuff you have to press the E-Key in near of those objects. You will probably need to do this several times to get the items you need.
To kill Trees, you need an axe, wich is hidden somewhere on the isle, but you won't need it in the beginning.
There are no raptors on the isle and the item 'skin' doesn't exist in Stranded 1, so don't wonder about this.
Instead of hitting the stuff you have to press the E-Key in near of those objects. You will probably need to do this several times to get the items you need.
To kill Trees, you need an axe, wich is hidden somewhere on the isle, but you won't need it in the beginning.
There are no raptors on the isle and the item 'skin' doesn't exist in Stranded 1, so don't wonder about this.
Guest has written
Stranded II_EN! HW has written
Speaking of S2,how do you get the ENGLISH version?This is related to Stranded 1 and not to S2, so bizzl's explanation isn't completely correct.
Instead of hitting the stuff you have to press the E-Key in near of those objects. You will probably need to do this several times to get the items you need.
To kill Trees, you need an axe, wich is hidden somewhere on the isle, but you won't need it in the beginning.
There are no raptors on the isle and the item 'skin' doesn't exist in Stranded 1, so don't wonder about this.
Instead of hitting the stuff you have to press the E-Key in near of those objects. You will probably need to do this several times to get the items you need.
To kill Trees, you need an axe, wich is hidden somewhere on the isle, but you won't need it in the beginning.
There are no raptors on the isle and the item 'skin' doesn't exist in Stranded 1, so don't wonder about this.
If you would be smart enough you should have noticed the Thread in the English Stranded II sub board, but since you aren't, I'll give you the link to the downloads:
go there
Mod dosent work!

Laser clan leader has written
uhh the mod dosent work!OMG!


Two little demands:
a) please look whats your problem, go thru the linked topic if there isn't already a solution, and if not, ask there
b)Stop this shit after your posts. If you want a signature, please register, if not, do not make such bullshit.

EDIT: Oops, wrong topic, thanks bizzl! Follow bizzl's link to solve your problem
Dicker has written
What have you done so far?

Please read my posts completely before posting, especiall if you want me to help you.
Thank you very much.
Laser clan leader has written
when i run it its still in german!
While Installation, a window named "Stranded 2 Link Make" popped up. If you have pressed "Create" or "Make" (I already forgot since the new Version isn't translated yet) there should be shortcuts in your Startmenu.
If you didn't, goto your Stranded 2-Directory and start the s2mklnk.exe (Icon like FF-Reloadbutton) and do so.
Or get the S2 Mod Starter
wrong answer
Guesti used it with the mod-starter(i already had it)
Laser clan leader has written
it says it cant find sys/strings!
i used it with the mod-starter(i already had it)
i used it with the mod-starter(i already had it)
Then reinstall it. It should be there.
Actually the only two ways how it could be missing is
a) you interrupted the setup
b) your donwload is corrupted
in the later case, download it again.