TheKilledDeath has written
Thank you! Forum

"stylesheet" href="css/style05_pink.css"
Middle finger for those noobs how thoth is for real
Rodrigo X has written
I second that. *sets homepage to *

Switchable page styles? that's awesome, will there be something in like every color? by that I mean, red, grey, cyan, blue, etc. I've been doing cascading style sheets lately myself and they're pretty effective and good looking.

I was so sad cuz I thought the april fools page was going to disappear forever, thx DC for making switchable homepage style

DC, i thought you will make a girly site :l
Off Topic:
Reminds me of last year april fool, when DC gets to ban all users of unreal software before making them admin.
Don't try to lie
Rodrigo X has written
Pink is kewl. My avatar is sexy.
No, It look like you're gay.

DC got a nice humour style

MrShock has written
No, It look like you're gay.
Rodrigo X has written
Pink is kewl. My avatar is sexy.
No, It look like you're gay.
You really had to take my sarcasm seriously, didn't you fatty boy?