please i have skins i have sounds i have everything just i dont know how to make the lua and nobody steal my idea seems like i have not found any headcrab in the file archive

headcrab lua missing author
6 replies

please i have skins i have sounds i have everything just i dont know how to make the lua and nobody steal my idea seems like i have not found any headcrab in the file archive
Sorry, fixing now.
BTW, I just was too lazy to make it, but was going to, and then forgot.
Stupid me

EDIT: I've already deleted it, I think it is from older version of HL2 weapons pack.
There is some comments proving that
edited 1×, last 11.01.11 09:33:11 pm
well you can refix it and give it to me
i already have the link
edited 1×, last 11.01.11 09:37:44 pm
Mephiles has written
no no dont detelte i want it :p
Sorry, but I didn't even start changing my script into a better one (working one)

and maybe he just like to call him headcrap ? lol