J4x User
Admin/mod comment
Please stop clicking on "mark as being new/unread" when there are not many changes. It's called pushing and is forbidden! /TKD Make your own mod with blackjack and whores. Running with Shift ^^.
And you can change weapondamage in console, so no need for this.
Yasday has written
Running with Shift ^^.
And you can change weapondamage in console, so no need for this.

You forgot about real-time weapon change. J4x User
@yaday but chnage the dmg of all the weapons in console is to much work.. ducking behind Obstacles with would be rather important hador has written
ducking behind Obstacles with would be rather important
It will either be hard to code or hard to complete such action in game. You can just use a serveraction, check if there are any obstacles there and from where you are shot, then set a variable to true / false / anything else and return the hit(no damage). Yasday has written
You can just use a serveraction, check if there are any obstacles there and from where you are shot, then set a variable to true / false / anything else and return the hit(no damage).
Do not forget that there are grenades, RPG launchers and other stuff, that he will have to code, too. He could just check if those weapons are in the weapon table and then just don't let it do the rest, so you would be killed. By the way, FN_Nemesis, I can help you with maps for your mod. edited 1×, last 06.10.11 01:05:33 pm
J4x User
ok, ill pm u
I could help you with the Lua if you want. J4x User
yeah help me plz
Nah, I play CS2D since version. I just never used U.S.G.N. and all that stuff. Yesterday I had a bad trip and decided to register and join the forums. Okay, well that is good
The last time someone came here acting like they owned the place they got banned, lol. DannyDeth has written
Okay, well that is good
The last time someone came here acting like they owned the place they got banned, lol.
Do I look like that? I'm on a trip all the time, no offense. J4x User
@DannyDeth, can u help us with some scripting? Well, probably, I have quite a bit of spare time on my hands so why not
I would gladly help