
please close this... spammers xd
Sorry i was looking for a way to get my usng page for a website
zyga2010 has written
I reallyprobly shouldnt have done it on sn acctually importabnt page. Really really really sorry guys didnt know you guys were still talking it said it was s dead topivc
Sorry i was looking for a way to get my usng page for a website
Sorry i was looking for a way to get my usng page for a website
yay subforums! it will be much easier to find what im looking for now! can you make one for stranded?
@zyga2010 learn some english
GeNeSiS_MaSoN has written
Cool, but you should create and one more subforum in File Archive.
Why ? For what ?
Xerohx has written
subforums suck! bring back the old nice forums!
Yeah, I still remember exactly how it was. Old school always wins. Old forum system is much more better.
Xerohx has written
subforums suck! bring back the old nice forums!
Omg... ignorancy.

You can't just tell that a things simply sucks.
You need to explain why!
And keep dreaming, DC will probably not revert to the old unorganised forums.
Deaglezz has written
you are thx cause u make sub forums its easy for searching a thread what do u want

the subforums are absolutely necessary because there are so many questions and so many users. questions (especially scripting and mapping questions) can be handled much better this way and the forum is less chaotic.
it was definitely the right step to add subforums and I think that it's working very well. better than expected actually.
removing the subforums would lead to the old state which was worse than the current. it would be a step backwards and it would artificially limit the possibilities and the efficiency of this forum. simply a pretty bad idea.
Much more easier and readable.
Why some of you think this is not the case I have no idea -.-'
You guys really want that complicated unreadable stuff back?
could you move
this thread to 'mods' section, please?