
And btw, Refresh and GeNeSiS_MaSoN, both of you guys suck at english, so neither of you can argue about it. However Refresh's english is considerably less shit than yours, MaSoN.
P.s. I can't really write with this shitty keyboard..

Refresh has written
But, he CAN'T!
Use Lua Scripts. It's way much easier then editing teams and weapons of a client with Hex Editor and destroying the game in 99% of all cases.
That is what I was pointing out!
You can't simply do what you like with a hex editor and expect it to work properly, lol.
Refresh has written
I said it will fail. I knew, it will fail.
i think your refreash mod will be fail!
coD mod is better

GeNeSiS_MaSoN has written
were50 you will be making terrorist skins ok? @FN_Nemesis okay you can make that. I will giwe you sound file of breathing. @SP-PT okey edit them to world war 2 american soldiers. Im glad that i found really good user's here that aren't lazy to help! And everyone: i know its really hard to edit the source code so we will make remake
Ah ok got it.

1. What is that number GUI? Are you used paint or what? It is horrible.
2. At the nazi zombies map, I found some trashcans at the wall. Why are you put them there?
3. You could delete the log files, they are unusable.
But, its not as bad as I thought. Good luck.
EDIT: It is horrible.
edited 1×, last 14.01.11 12:32:16 pm
Refresh has written
Well I downloaded it and played. I noticed a lot of things:
1. What is that number GUI? Are you used paint or what? It is horrible.
2. At the nazi zombies map, I found some trashcans at the wall. Why are you put them there?
3. You could delete the log files, they are unusable.
But, its not as bad as I thought. Good luck.
1. What is that number GUI? Are you used paint or what? It is horrible.
2. At the nazi zombies map, I found some trashcans at the wall. Why are you put them there?
3. You could delete the log files, they are unusable.
But, its not as bad as I thought. Good luck.
i don't know but i thing you are not offensing me anymore so thanks for trying for the hud numbers: i know its horrible i have paint, and photoshop but i dont know how to use it, nazi zombies: well, there is no trashcans

GeNeSiS_MaSoN has written
So there is some users that wants to help me? List of jobs:
Weapon skin maker.
Hud, pointer, map editor button editting
Tile editor
map maker
radio snd maker
I'm making: src editing, icon creating, installer, splash creating, weapon sounds, new bot names

I'm making: src editing, icon creating, installer, splash creating, weapon sounds, new bot names
thats the easy part of job.
how about scripts?
Nemesis has written
this file is in thread in file sector wont fit Where is t3h screenshots ? 

GeNeSiS_MaSoN has written
Nemesis has written
this file is in thread in file sector wont fit Where is t3h screenshots ? 

i dont talk about file section, i talk about screenshots :q