
I think i will make a superpack for CC if you will do it.
Think it, everyone has got their own players. Speciality rocks!
- DC likes to play CC
- DC is making a new version =O ?
- DC clicked on the wrong game.
(Personally I think it's the third xP)
edited 2×, last 09.04.11 04:39:29 pm

But could multiplayer be without destructible environment so it works?
The game would be awesome(in realtime) someone uses a mortar for ranged attack few snipers from a building and few smg and nades in attack
edited 1×, last 09.04.11 05:24:04 pm
DC has written
@Yates: no, it's actually the first and the second one 

Fingers crossed for an alpha within the next 4 months.

no. the pixel thing is only about joining the game after it has been started. real-time is not possible because of the underlying principle of keeping everything synchronized and sending only the keystrokes. the whole game engine and the whole Lua weapon system is based on this principle. real-time stuff will not happen.
Tobchen has written
My ninja rope!
Preview: Carnage Contest - Ninja Rope
Preview: Carnage Contest - Ninja Rope
Actuly, I think that would be something CC could use, Worms has one. Although I would think it would be a nightmare to code one for the AI...Anyway...I'd like to see a holy handgernade too! Worms has that too!

so the game won't have to minimize to desktop and back to CC (repeating it until the browser appears)
I believe some people don't have godly comps (I'm one of them currently) and it makes creating weapon sets kinds irritating.......
And New weps and bugfixes, as always
Fall Lovin has written
so the game won't have to minimize to desktop and back to CC (repeating it until the browser appears)
Use window mode

Its awesome for wep making
I really don't see any reason to add a game file browser.
Don't need complex ones like CS2D, just the basic and essential such as spawn points (there could be a option to choose random spawning too), weather and sprites. That's all.

Now about that rope...Its fine if the physics arent the same, but thats what would seprate Carnage Contest from Worms.
A random fact: DC released Carnage Contest alpha on my birthday

I liked the game a bit, but without servers it sucks.

Couldn't you use the multiplayer code from cs2d and use it on CC?
thats 2 different games

and what the point ? MP is allready works in CC, so why he should ?