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Englisch XBOX 360 Updates

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alt Re: XBOX 360 Updates

BANNED Off Offline

user Yates hat geschrieben
X Box 500? Erhmm.. Why don't you all just come to Holland instead.

Anyway, Erik. You will have to buy a PC first, which costs more.

@Dude that wants to know the update shit. When you play the game, an update should come up. If it doesn't, you don't need any.

Buy pc that costs more ? You are pwning yourself with your own facts. Thats what i love about you. You try to flame but only thing you do is flame yourself.

You dont know the price of my pc so you failed first time you mentioned it.

alt Re: XBOX 360 Updates

Reviewer Off Offline

Here we go again.
user Erik963 hat geschrieben
Buy pc that costs more ? You are pwning yourself with your own facts.

No, I'm not. My PC costs more than an X Box.
user Erik963 hat geschrieben
Thats what i love about you. You try to flame but only thing you do is flame yourself.

Do you know what flame is!?
user Erik963 hat geschrieben
You dont know the price of my pc so you failed first time you mentioned it.

Who said I was talking about your PC? I didn't.

Next time, think.

alt Re: XBOX 360 Updates

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user Erik963 hat geschrieben
Oh yeah, Its cheaper ? Well xbox is 500 as you say.

I never claimed it was that price. And if it that price then I'm surprised as to where people buy their consoles.

user Erik963 hat geschrieben
Now do this 1 year and money you bought pc for will return.

Do what for one year? sell my body for sex? go into the drug dealing business?

user Erik963 hat geschrieben
Xbox steals money from your wallet instead.

Which company isn't trying to drain your wallet? Far as I can tell, every company tries to.

user Erik963 hat geschrieben
12 reasons why Computer owns consoles.


user Erik963 hat geschrieben
1. Mouse and keyboard support

Even though PCs can support both a PS3 and XBOX controller, but okay.

user Erik963 hat geschrieben
2. High screen resolutions

Not too bothered.

user Erik963 hat geschrieben
3. Free mods

Kinky. But I don't think all console users would be that interested.

user Erik963 hat geschrieben
4. Upgradeable hardware

The fact that consoles still use shoddy hardware anyway and that people still consider it good, I don't think they'd care much.

user Erik963 hat geschrieben
5. Cheaper games

Read my last replies to this thread.

user Erik963 hat geschrieben
6. You're not tied to one online service


user Erik963 hat geschrieben
7. No extra dosh needed for playing online.

Unless you're playing an MMO.

user Erik963 hat geschrieben
8. Unlimited storage space

Hard Drives can be swapped on the consoles.

user Erik963 hat geschrieben
9. Save game hacking

As if enough people haven't done it on a console.

user Erik963 hat geschrieben
10. Unofficial fixes for older games

Interesting. Though I'm not sure how many console users would care for older stuff. People generally want newer stuff.

user Erik963 hat geschrieben
11. Abandonware

I don't think too many people would be bothered by it. Again, people want newer stuff, not old stuff.

user Erik963 hat geschrieben
12. No red ring of death

PC can still get failures, but I'll take this quote as a good point that consoles do have their line of failing. But then some electronic devices can just mess up.

user Erik963 hat geschrieben
Also without pc there wouldnt be any consoles. Get your facts.

Again, I never made such a claim. I'm ever so curious as to why you would think that.

First off, I've owned just about every console. I've owned a 360, Wii and I still own a PS3 and I also own a PC.

Secondly, I never made any claim saying that I hated the PC (only the people who bragged about it, such as you) if you read my posts correctly, you would've noticed that.

Thirdly, just because you need to cry about it doesn't mean you need to post it on 4chan.

user Yates hat geschrieben
Anyway, Erik. You will have to buy a PC first, which costs more.

And this. Buying a PC will NOT help Guitorres fix his xbox. The fact we've gone off topic anyway (OH GOD!).

alt Re: XBOX 360 Updates

BANNED Off Offline

Good job man this made my day. Only thing you did is throwed random answers that doesnt make sence. Talk for yourself derp. You dont know others and maybe if you see their reaction you'd be suprised.

alt Re: XBOX 360 Updates

Reviewer Off Offline

Stop quoting shit. I get eye-raped every time I see this.

Edit: Ah good, it's gone.

alt Re: XBOX 360 Updates

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user Erik963 hat geschrieben
Good job man this made my day.

Just doing my job.

user Erik963 hat geschrieben
Only thing you did is throwed random answers that doesnt make sence.


user Erik963 hat geschrieben
Talk for yourself derp.

I. . .wait, what?

user Erik963 hat geschrieben
You dont know others and maybe if you see their reaction you'd be suprised.

I would throughly enjoy that.

alt Re: XBOX 360 Updates

User Off Offline

Thread got really off topic... you can get free games.. on xbox.. with no jtag flashing etc.. etc.. hell i got almost all the games on demand games and dlc for free..

alt Re: XBOX 360 Updates

Reviewer Off Offline

user Z- hat geschrieben
Thread got really off topic... you can get free games.. on xbox.. with no jtag flashing etc.. etc.. hell i got almost all the games on demand games and dlc for free..

yes your right..

alt Re: XBOX 360 Updates

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user Erik963 hat geschrieben
Oh yeah, Its cheaper ? Well xbox is 500 as you say. Add same price and you can get crysis for free and playing it on maximum settings. Now do this 1 year and money you bought pc for will return. Xbox steals money from your wallet instead.

12 reasons why Computer owns consoles.

1. Mouse and keyboard support

2. High screen resolutions

3. Free mods

4. Upgradeable hardware

5. Cheaper games

6. You're not tied to one online service

7. No extra dosh needed for playing online

8. Unlimited storage space

9. Save game hacking

10. Unofficial fixes for older games

11. Abandonware

12. No red ring of death

Also without pc there wouldnt be any consoles. Get your facts.

0. You still have to BUY the GAMING RIG. And to get a DECENT ONE (that would play an Xbox360 title at Xbox360 quality graphics) would be more expensive than BUYING a console.

1. Like you can't buy those peripherals for consoles.

2. HD gaming on the consoles have been around for a while now.

3. Less hackers on the consoles.

4. Though locked down, the hardware in general is cheaper on a console, reducing it's price.

5. Depends on where you buy them from.

6. Not all consoles make you buy an online service. PS3's network for example is free.

7. Same as #6

8. Like you can't expand a console's memory slots with SD cards and such.

9. What. There's more aimbotting on the PC than there is on consoles, you should know that.

10. Console gaming is a "next gen" thing. There were no "older games" for new consoles - The older games that don't run on the newer consoles? Keep the old ones (consoles)!

11. Only good point in your retarded opinionated argument.

12. HAHAHA, OH MAN WOW ARE YOU DUMB OR WHAT? "Uh, PC's are better because consoles like xbawx get red rings!". Wow, man, I guess you never heard of the random BSoD, eh? Yeah, don't try to use "REDRINGS!1!!one" as part of your argument like a douchebag.

I sit in the middle of the console vs gaming rig war. I am a console gamer, but use my PC for practically everything else.
The only thing that a PC is better at doing than a console is being a media center.
Consoles are cheaper and easier to manage, which is why they appeal to the mass market.
PC's or at least a decent one would need to be over at least a thousand bucks to be worthy to play most games that a 500 dollar Xbox would these days.

alt Re: XBOX 360 Updates

User Off Offline

user Erik963 hat geschrieben
Soltion to run games is easy.

Solution. It's spelled solution.
user Erik963 hat geschrieben
Own a gaming PC.

Not a solution.
user Erik963 hat geschrieben
You can get games for free (illegal)
You just advised him to pirate games. Enjoy your perma ban, asshole.
user Erik963 hat geschrieben
and you will never have problems why games doesnt work.

San Andreas rarely turned on on Vista. TF2 crashes my PC frequently.
user Erik963 hat geschrieben
Another reason why PC owns consoles.

Fuck off.

alt Re: XBOX 360 Updates

Apache uwu
User Off Offline

Yeah xbox is the best for gaming. However PC can do much more...BUT WE WEREN'T TALKING ABOUT OTHER STUFF RIGHT?

Though I enjoy pc gaming way more than console.
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