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English negative typing problem always-happen

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moved negative typing problem always-happen

User Off Offline

first i have all server 300+ ms ping, i am an priviliged user of a server, and everthing i type and send doesnt send (from this point i start makespec people but the command doesnt work). then i quit and rejoin the server, while i still cannot send my messages, but instead of it, the messages i send while in the first join while people are quitting and joiing wich changes players ids. so people say i this:
/say @makespec 8 (id 8 is hacker)
after 20 min or rejoined again
/say @makespec 8 and i didnt type (id 8 is some other guy)
and thats wat i hate, people say i am abusing and its all this shampoo thing responsable for me abusing. so i quit again, when i rejoin there is several things happens:
1 loading server/players/things menu will not disappear until i cancel
2 i get server info and oading server/players/things menu will not disappear until i cancel
3 i get connection with the server already exists
4 i join server when they are Mephiles and Mephiles 2 and i cant type/change team pickup or anything, and then i go to my spawn like i didnt moved a feet
5 i join server while all players freezed like i use bot_freeze and its for real players
6 i get ping timeout
7 the server does not appear
edited 4×, last 29.03.11 04:50:47 pm

old Re: negative typing problem always-happen

Admin On Online

looks like your connection is too slow to make all this stuff work properly. moreover what is the @ about? is this a Lua script? try it with rcon instead.

old Re: negative typing problem always-happen

User Off Offline

yes its lua, and im using Wlan instead of standard connection, so it means i can play normal if you i use ADSL?
if you do not know what ADSL means google menara adsl
im using Tp-Link_f8824e and is not securised, there is another house next to mine, and they might be using my Wlan as their connection, and there is also a cyber i dont know what they call for you british/german i dont know lol but its some place where they repair pcs and game console and they have some pc so you can tchat and play games but u should give some money for each hour playing and its often full when its night for me, and i also notice that in day i have good pings, but in this hour and night i have all over 300+ms
this is my connection that i use and i have all of it cables connected,
this is adsl, my old connection but it isnt wlan, and whenever i call with my fix phone the connection is lost, now im using both of them, but my menara adsl doesnt have the black cable connected

old Re: negative typing problem always-happen

User Off Offline

Usually you can reach a control panel for your router from your browser via a local IP address.

Open your browser and try to go to the following IP address (just enter it in your navigation bar): (This is the default for your router). You should reach a page where you can enter your username and password (I hope you got those somewhere) and log in.

Oh wait, just read this:
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