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English CS2D Original servers

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old CS2D Original servers

User Off Offline

I have an idea of ​​how to attract new players and relive cs2d.

From a year before the arrival of Steam to CS2D, I kept a couple of very popular servers, they were new and the players liked it very much, for this to be possible the servers need a good connection and with the new aws technology, we can try a piece of the best hosting experience for online games.

My point and if the community cooperates with me, I promise to organize the servers in an attractive and addictive way for the players, also of configurations so that everyone has a good connection and a low ping for a better gaming experience.

we just need a responsible person to hire the free aws amazon services.

In this company we can use services in different regions of the world and state-of-the-art technology with the best ping.

We can all help, we need publicity, scriptwriters, editors (video, images), and people who want to help.

At least from my point of view this would be an excellent way to have many frequent players, with a couple of permanent professional servers in eu and usa.

old Re: CS2D Original servers

User Off Offline

Good to hear that there are more people trying to start initiatives to build strong communities and servers.
@user mrc: and I have similar plans and I think it would be great to pair up instead of working on different projects, as long as our core values are the same and we work aligned.

From what I read, your ideas about getting publicity and helping hands are great and easy to agree on.

I wonder what you mean with "state-of-the-art technology" from AWS. Their EC2 is a reliable hosting platform, but you seem to be on some kind of hype train about them. EC2 instances are not free. For new customers a small Linux VPS is free within limits.

I am a Linux admin, know how to program in lua, NodeJS and other languages. Please get in touch about what we can do.

old Re: CS2D Original servers

Moderator Off Offline

I have an idea. If you really want to revive it, you'll contact me at some point ^ _ ^
It's "CS2D" by the way

old Re: CS2D Original servers

User Off Offline

Just dropping by to say that from my experience AWS EC2 t3.micro (free tier) is not reliable enough to hold 10+ players. I used to host a standard dust server (with Lua) and when people more than 10 players had joined my server, their pings started to spike and they quickly quit.

old Re: CS2D Original servers

User On Online

We all have to work together to get the best results. Lets just stop making regional communities and make it global. Believe me, the best locations for a global server is Miami and Dallas. The whole world gets 0ms~250ms max wich is compensated by lagcompensation and its fully playable.

old Re: CS2D Original servers

User Off Offline

It is nice to see the positive comments and the people who want to help.

my plan is to use a competition code in each continent, the best option is the code that I believe @user Quatro: with help from the community.
The competition code is somewhat addictive, but it can still be improved in some aspects.
in Latin America there are too many players but there are no good servers.

-(La)Brazil- We need a good awp server and also one of fuja do jason. (new vercion)
-(Eu) here we need a server of the dogs house also irantown.

summary. if we use the virginia region we can make compatible the latency of the games in latin america (Competition), but a server in brazil is also necessary because for some games like FujaDoJason an excellent connection is needed.
to do it more globally we can use the server in virginia for latin america or brazil.

In all available regions we can host the servers of the competition and, if it is the most popular, add the currency system within the servers of the ranges, such as vip and super vip, which can be bought with those coins, in this way People besides playing Casually you can get achievements and ambitions.

but the most important thing is that the servers are online through the years in this way the casual players will be more frequent and this will result in success.

the details are too much for this we need something almost impossible to achieve. lifetime cs2d hosting for original officials servers.

I think that @user DC: should be the leader of this project

With the button of the competition within the game, you can redirect according to the region of the competitor's server with a better ping, and to give way to the way of competing, of course only that I do not know if these servers should appear. in the list The servers to avoid the ddosers, or at least the stupidest ones
edited 1×, last 01.01.19 07:22:17 pm

old Re: CS2D Original servers

User On Online

We dont have players enough to have one server in each continent, just take a look on the CS2D charts, 45 players daily and decreasing month by month.
edited 1×, last 02.01.19 04:18:50 am

old Re: CS2D Original servers

User Off Offline

I agree with you, there are not enough players this would be the reason for the project, if there are no good permanent servers, we will not get new players frequent, the great error of cs2d is that it does not have its own servers.

keep updating the game is not worth it if there are no original servers
Updates and improvements will not attract more players..

old Re: CS2D Original servers

User Off Offline

you can find volunteers to be responsible for the project, I think that sQ and I can do it, you just have to pay a server and we can make the competition possible and I guarantee that we will do a good job, after a while the servers will only need maintenance.

I made a monthly quote in aws amazon and using two virtual machines a total of 22 usd approximated monthly will be billed.
For this to be possible, we need someone to run the expense monthly.

I understand that @user SQ: is working on an update for cs2d, but we can schedule the release of that update along with a pair of permanent servers.

Many other shot games do it this way, and community servers are just an extension to the gaming experience.

old Re: CS2D Original servers

Admin On Online

@user cs2d_is_a_Gem: When I take a look at the server list I see a lot of empty servers with good latency, standard game mode and standard maps.

So in my opinion there are enough good servers. At least in the EU / Germany. Not sure what it looks like for other regions. I can't judge that.

I don't think that additional servers will help. Therefore I won't invest any time or money in more servers. Sorry! (also please note that when I would invest money it would be my own private money. us does not generate enough money with ads to cover any additional costs)

If better quality servers are required for a specific region then people from that region have to take care of that.

So maybe the first step should be to somehow evaluate if there's actually a demand for additional servers. I mean... before wasting money for more empty servers.

old Re: CS2D Original servers

User Off Offline

I'm with DC on this one.
Us people who willing to host, moderate and create content for a server should join up and try to align our efforts. Where that succeeds, we might get an awesome server and where that alignment fail the unaligned groups might open separate servers.

Yes, there are plenty of empty servers already but that should not discourage us to try something new or improve something old.

old Re: CS2D Original servers

User Off Offline

I believe if you want to build a server for the league or for your community. Need to know where the players are, CS2D and a very simple game I think, so the players who start to play are just to pass the time. Unfortunately the game can not be compared to CSGO or anything like that.

old Re: CS2D Original servers


CS2D is same as CS16 - it aged.
Unless it is a new game with a new engine, possibly a clone of CSGO, it won't be fun to play anymore.

And since CS:GO raised the bar quite high in regards to online experience, the new game should take a different approach, for example, have a beast single player mode which would act as a tutorial for the real fun - multiplayer. Just like good old UT/quake...

old Re: CS2D Original servers

User On Online

Upgrade to CSGO2D clone isnt a bad idea... the community can help with gfx and devs can add new features such CSGO weapons and etc.

old Re: CS2D Original servers

Moderator Off Offline

user mrc has written
Upgrade to CSGO2D clone isnt a bad idea... the community can help with gfx and devs can add new features such CSGO weapons and etc.

Are we doing it again? Community didn't really helped on that and it got canceled.
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