CS2D General Are color names possible? Are color names possible?
6 replies Hi. Recently I was playing Modern Warfare series and I saw that you could color your name (e.g.: ^1floria > floria outputs red)
I am not saying say color, referring go TAB names, chat, deathnotices...
Is possible to RGB your name in CS2D? Like this: (\167255000000floria) (Or at least in a future update? I will post this as an idea for cs2d.) You could do that with lua.
In fact,many users suggest that. To for example color names in TAB menu? I think not...
By the way i used google search bar that US provides before creating a thread and by typing "Color names" i just got Say/admin luas. I'm talking about texts that include your name but you cannot change them as I said before. The users who suggest that before are bothered and their (awful) idea is declined for many reasons. In scoreboard? Certainly not. In chat say (only your nickname not the whole chat text)? Yes.
Currently CS2D doesn't support the ability to colour your string nickname on every side let it be the scoreboard or death-notices. In my humble opinion, I don't see why it should be ever done. Okay so moderators you are on your way moving this yo trash forum.
Next time I'll think it twice before posting doubts or feedback.
Edit1: Okay GeoB99 thanks gor your kindly answer Neither is it fully possible in chat with Lua scripts because messages are limited in length.