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Englisch Ideas for CS2D - READ THE FIRST POST (OP)!

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alt Re: Ideas for CS2D - READ THE FIRST POST (OP)!

Super User Off Offline

Looks like even developer of the game, can make some mistakes about what he created.

Make cs2d cmd hudtxtscale, it can change the scale of the hudtxts.
parse('hudtxtscale '..playerid..' '' '..scalex..' '..scaley)
3× editiert, zuletzt 02.07.16 20:10:07

alt Re: Ideas for CS2D - READ THE FIRST POST (OP)!


How about adding new parameter at player LUA function, ammo and ammoin would be good, I need these parameters because I just wanna make jammed weapon script

Example :
player(id,"ammo") Total ammo except in magazine.
player(id,"ammoin") Current ammo in magazine.

alt Re: Ideas for CS2D - READ THE FIRST POST (OP)!

BANNED Off Offline

Can you create for cs2d lua cmd player function a parameter like hold

Its like this

addhook("always", "holding")
function holding()
    for _,id in pairs(player(0,"livingtable") do
        if player(id,"hold") = "E" then
	   if player(id,"x") == xx and player(id,"y") == xx then

alt Re: Ideas for CS2D - READ THE FIRST POST (OP)!

Admin On Online

Guys, please read all posts before posting... I know it's unrealistic that someone actually does this but it would help to avoid duplicate suggestions

@user RIP-HereRestsPlookerbooy: This is also something which has been requested quite often already. The problem is that the server is not aware of the keys that the client presses. This could be changed of course but it would cause a lot of additional traffic and/or would mean a lot of internal changes. An alternative would be a system where you define beforehand which key actions the client should submit to the server.

alt Re: Ideas for CS2D - READ THE FIRST POST (OP)!

Super User Off Offline

First of all, cs2d lua cmd tween_move is only for images, I guess.

About projectiles following the cursor, you can do this via lua already.
Start with creating your own projectile, after then make a always/ms100 hook(I prefer always) and rotate that with it. There is a so many examples which I can give you. Note that, It can makes some lags/fps drops as well.

alt Re: Ideas for CS2D - READ THE FIRST POST (OP)!

User Off Offline

Hello, i am from PCS Project, and i come to talk about an important thing from gameplay

"Actually see cs2d cmd mp_lagcompensation
Since Beta the default setting is 2 which means that pings up to 200 (0,2 seconds delay) will be compensated. Highest setting is 10 (1 second delay, a ping of 1000). The default setting in prior versions was 5.
It is 2. Only compensating up to 200 ms."

So with default sv config and 300 ping there's no LC AT ALL.

It's change it to 3,5 please, many people plays in European servers being south american, for mixes etc and it's super unfair to know it

Get it back to 400! (not even 500) (mp_lagcompensation 4) for default



And everyday we have mixed nationalities playing on AM sv, so for example i as arg i have 170 ( LC on) but then a greek player has 220 and then hes in a 100% unfair situation... and we use these svs for tournaments and mixes...

I KNOW that you can change it by commands, but it doesnt happen often with every server owner, AND players dont know about it until you tell them and they just go mad.

If you tell me "just play in your nationalities servers" take in mind that, as a Tournament Community (PCS) we intend to compete with players all around the world, so we use an AM sv to play AM vs Eu, South am vs South am (arg vs br), and North AM (with south am in some cases) vs Oceania... now there are even north africans, so LC by default like in the past is SUPER important.

alt Re: Ideas for CS2D - READ THE FIRST POST (OP)!

Reviewer Off Offline

Changing it again would result in server owners currently happy with the default setting now to go batshitmad - like you said, people who have just became aware of this setting don't always want to change it (most likely due to being lazy) and people who like it now don't want to change it back down (if it were raised) again simply because they may be too lazy. The best option would be to simply put a one-time notification on CS2D and on the PCS forum so server owners are aware this setting actually exists. Also note that up to 200 ping compensation is already a HUGE amount and raising it would become unfair for people with low ping as higher ping players would move and do things they actually shouldn't be doing.

Awareness is all you can do about this, even if it may come too late and is frustrating for people who didn't know about this setting before. But to be honest, that's actually their fault for not looking at what configuration can be done towards server lag compensation

There is no way to let everyone know about this setting (for example) on creation of a server, even if a print message in the console would be displayed on server start many people would overlook this anyway so there will always be frustration regarding information about server settings. There is nothing you can really do about this apart from spreading the awareness as much as you can.

alt Re: Ideas for CS2D - READ THE FIRST POST (OP)!

User Off Offline

There is nothing you can really do about this apart from spreading the awareness as much as you can..


What the hell are you talking about, we just have to get it back to where it was.

Dc said
"I adjusted the default value in the reference from 5 to 2. Forgot that when I updated it for"

I have played so much in these 9 years in so many pings 20,180,260,300,320,330 and what this game needs is default mp_lagcompensation 4 and thats the only way, nothing of messaging the servers owners and those pointless things

Theres almost no SV with only low pingers, this game doesnt have such a big amount of players and we have to gather togheter in a single "neutral" sv which must have LC

And it looks like DC didnt even mention when he deleted that so we had tournaments, with mixed pings, where players and clans try so hard to perfom while where they were in such a disadvantaje, its just unbelievable.
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