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English LÖVE2D in 3D

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old LÖVE2D in 3D

Moderator Off Offline

Some of you may know the LÖVE2D game engine. It allows you to write games in Lua. It's quite powerful - check it out if you haven't already.

This thread, however, is not about the engine itself, but about a small test project I did with it. I guess this is a vanity thread like some others in this forum, I'd like to brag a little about what I've done.

Despite its name, LÖVE2D can have 3D graphics. I've used a 3D library made by Substitute541, I take no credit for that. They did an amazing job with this library, making dynamic lighting among other things.

My contribution to this was .obj loading and drawing, as well as some minor code modifications and neater wrapper functions.

Allow me to demonstrate:



Both models displayed there have been made in Blender and exported into .obj files.

You can download a Windows executable here to see for yourself. Left mouse button moves the model, right mouse button rotates it, middle mouse button moves the light. 1, 2, 3 and 4 to cycle through models, W and S to zoom in/out, respectively.

This isn't the most amazing thing, I understand that, but it has still been interesting. It is also far from working properly, let alone being perfect. It's still an interesting concept and I'll gladly explore it further. Let me know what you think about it.

old Re: LÖVE2D in 3D

User Off Offline

So, you made a 2D engine load 3D models? That's pretty impressive... What can now be done with it?

old Re: LÖVE2D in 3D

Moderator Off Offline

I'm working on a 3D world, at least a basic one. That requires me to fix some major problems - to see what I'm talking about, try zooming in all the way.

Hopefully I'll find a way to texture the models also. That seems to me to be quite a challenge - the engine isn't exactly built that way.

old Re: LÖVE2D in 3D

User Off Offline

Awesome.. now try rewriting Far Cry 3 in it.
It's pointless as Love2D itself.

- to slow.

old Re: LÖVE2D in 3D

Moderator Off Offline

user mafia_man has written
Awesome.. now try rewriting Far Cry 3 in it.
It's pointless as Love2D itself.

- to slow.

>implying every 3D game has to be like Far Cry 3
>implying using a 2D engine to display 3D graphics is its intended use

old Re: LÖVE2D in 3D

User Off Offline

user mafia_man has written
Awesome.. now try rewriting Far Cry 3 in it.
It's pointless as Love2D itself.

- to slow.

I double this! Also as pointless as Lua itself. Too slow.

old Re: LÖVE2D in 3D

Moderator Off Offline

@user EngiN33R: This stuff is awesome, what are you planning to do later?

@user mafia_man: The fact that this is a 3D module for Love2D doesn't mean that every game with high quality has to be made in it. It's still useful if you want to make a basic game with low quality.
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