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Englisch Ideas For UnrealSoftware Site

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alt Re: Ideas For UnrealSoftware Site

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user Avo hat geschrieben
It would be good to trash/delete/close thread/post which you created.

No, that way people would create threads violating rules, then delete it, and the mods wouldn't have any proof to ban this person.

alt Re: Ideas For UnrealSoftware Site

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user Mechanolith hat geschrieben
user Avo hat geschrieben
It would be good to trash/delete/close thread/post which you created.

No, that way people would create threads violating rules, then delete it, and the mods wouldn't have any proof to ban this person.

Did you ever tried to edit your post that already was marked as a rule violation? It simply doesn't let you to

alt Re: Ideas For UnrealSoftware Site

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user MAX-russia hat geschrieben
Did you ever tried to edit your post that already was marked as a rule violation? It simply doesn't let you to

That's because they are locked. You cannot edit them simply because DC does not want you to.

Now, the delete post is a bad idea and has been rejected before. As I recall DC said posts wouldn't make sense any more and then the mods cannot see if you have broken any rules.

alt Re: Ideas For UnrealSoftware Site

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user MAX-russia hat geschrieben
Did you ever tried to edit your post that already was marked as a rule violation? It simply doesn't let you to

No, i didn't tried to edit any post i got a mark because i never really edited a post for other reason than fixing grammar mistakes, typos and wrong stuff. But i did posted between the seconds fraction that it takes for a mod to post a reply, then close a thread.
It IS possible to violate rules and delete the threads before someone can do something, eventually.

And as user Yates said: posts wouldn't make sense at all after deleted.

user MAX-russia hat geschrieben
May be a revoting system for some polls ?

Now this one would be helpful, like a second chance to vote, i remember tons of threads where i voted on something and then 2 weeks later i was like "Why the hell did i voted on that?"

alt Re: Ideas For UnrealSoftware Site

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How about a possibility to read a post before it was edited.
Something like a small + next to the Edited by ... +

Could be usefull.

alt Re: Ideas For UnrealSoftware Site

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user khaled20 hat geschrieben
user Avo hat geschrieben
It would be good to trash/delete/close thread/post which you created.
pls can we frend

Do you even have the slightest fucking clue what the topic of this thread is?

Also I'd like to see animated .gif avatar support, it can be limited in size, etc, but I'd like to see some animations guys!

alt Re: Ideas For UnrealSoftware Site

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user Majatek hat geschrieben
[Also I'd like to see animated .gif avatar support, it can be limited in size, etc, but I'd like to see some animations guys!

DC made a thread about removing all .gif stuff as it was too flashy or something. And from that point no .gif avatars were allowed.

alt Re: Ideas For UnrealSoftware Site

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user Majatek hat geschrieben
Also I'd like to see animated .gif avatar support, it can be limited in size, etc, but I'd like to see some animations guys!

I do support this, but as user Yates said people would start with "flashy" and annoying stuff.
Still users who had animated avatars from before this change and didn't changed their to something else still got an animated avatar, for example user KimKat.

alt Re: Ideas For UnrealSoftware Site

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May be something like if I'll write :cc: it'll show a carnage contest icon, :cs2d: will show counter-strike 2D icon, :s2: will show Stranded 2 and all other games

alt Re: Ideas For UnrealSoftware Site

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user MAX-russia hat geschrieben
May be something like if I'll write :cc: it'll show a carnage contest icon, :cs2d: will show counter-strike 2D icon, :s2: will show Stranded 2 and all other games

From what i can remember, it's already possible.

alt Re: Ideas For UnrealSoftware Site

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user dENd hat geschrieben
How about a possibility to read a post before it was edited.
Something like a small + next to the Edited by ... +

Could be usefull.

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