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Englisch what would you like to see in CS2D

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alt Re: what would you like to see in CS2D

Super User Off Offline

Apparently some of you have forgotten that this thread is about wishful thinking and not a substitute for the U:S Lab.
Already people are treating their fantasies as "suggestion", don't lie to me; I can see it all in your posts.

alt Re: what would you like to see in CS2D

Cure Pikachu
User On Online

Al_Kazansky hat geschrieben
Apparently some of you have forgotten that this thread is about wishful thinking and not a substitute for the U:S Lab.
Already people are treating their fantasies as "suggestion", don't lie to me; I can see it all in your posts.

A subsititute for us lab in around 5 years, that is.

alt Re: what would you like to see in CS2D

User Off Offline

for real (lab is not up yet so ill just write it here)
-add map layers to map editor
-better bot difficulties, theyve either got supershit aimbot or ultrasauce aimbot
-bots can be blinded by flash
-bots cannot see what is in smoke
-bots can be ordered around with radio
-if fog of war is enabled, a smoke grenade will prevent your 'sight' from traveling through it
-smoke from smoke grenade spreads over a wider area
-explosion from he grenades is bigger
-make your own weapons
-more files to edit in the cs2d directories! for example, you could change the name of weapons or of the teams by editing a textfile
-if the shooting effects arent 3d graphics, you should be able to edit those as well

make me happy DC!

alt Re: what would you like to see in CS2D

User Off Offline

You mean this post?
ace_oops hat geschrieben
i want Map Editor!
can drop C4,Flags,etc special!
to infinity! i can set C4 and Flags and etc..
But. It can't to be Infinity!
And add gun . ------
m4a1 or ak47 with a grenade launcher
It's like tuber XDDDD but Grenade dmg is low and heavy
add carring medikit system it can to be nice at me XDDDDDD
item about speed boots if take then be fast

alt Re: what would you like to see in CS2D

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Crazyx hat geschrieben
Voice chat? AGAIN?! Damn...

lol what is bad in this voice-chat ? it will be like in CS1.6

Yrael hat geschrieben
-add map layers to map editor
-better bot difficulties, theyve either got supershit aimbot or ultrasauce aimbot
-bots can be blinded by flash
-bots cannot see what is in smoke
-bots can be ordered around with radio
-if fog of war is enabled, a smoke grenade will prevent your 'sight' from traveling through it
-smoke from smoke grenade spreads over a wider area
-explosion from he grenades is bigger
-make your own weapons
-more files to edit in the cs2d directories! for example, you could change the name of weapons or of the teams by editing a textfile
-if the shooting effects arent 3d graphics, you should be able to edit those as well

your ideas are good
and you forgot something for bots = bots can breaking breakables

alt Re: what would you like to see in CS2D


DRoNe hat geschrieben
Crazyx hat geschrieben
Voice chat? AGAIN?! Damn...

lol what is bad in this voice-chat ? it will be like in CS1.6

Lol, i cant believe it. i think Dc said this thousand times, that he wont implement that because there would be too much noobs. When you want voice chat and use it to play professional (and i seriously cant think that somebody do that), use a TS server.

Im surprised by the fact that Dc doesnt ban you all for this shit. But i guess he just dont care anymore.

alt Re: what would you like to see in CS2D

User Off Offline

spf357 hat geschrieben
Lol, i cant believe it. i think Dc said this thousand times, that he wont implement that because there would be too much noobs. When you want voice chat and use it to play professional (and i seriously cant think that somebody do that), use a TS server.

Im surprised by the fact that Dc doesnt ban you all for this shit. But i guess he just dont care anymore.

well, since this is thread for those who "wish" to have voice chat i don't think DC should care about anything written here.
But i agree with you, this voice chat thing is getting annoying and leads to spam.

alt Re: what would you like to see in CS2D

User Off Offline


>New weapons and skins

>Weapon creation system
     •In the Map Editor
     •Sprites by the user
     •Choose the weapon class
          •Weapons & Pistols
          •Misc.(Keys and item maps)

>Trigger_Hit with X weapon
     •Created weapons too
     •Example: If you hit that Door 1 with the Key 1...

>You can store medikits,bandages and Heal items
     •A button to medikit and bandages(like 4,5,6,7,etc)
     •Press the mouse button(can heal yourself or other players)
     •If the player is badly hurt,it uses automatic

>Create Variables in the Map Editor
     •Example : Time,codes and other things

>New commands at Map Editor

>"Did you really want to save/load?"
     •Save/Load confirmation message at Map Editor

And I think is it
Sorry for my bad english

alt Re: what would you like to see in CS2D

User Off Offline

In editor Function
Name :
Trigger :
Name Creature :
Speed Creature :
Health Creature :
Attack Creature :
Speed Attack Creature: (in seconds)
Defense :
Special : (explosion, fireshock,energyschock etc.)
Loot : 81,85,30(Super ARmor,Chainsaw,ak-47)
Image : (Browse to image)
Image must have monster rotation that same in ct1,ct2,ct3,ct4 etc.

alt Re: what would you like to see in CS2D


Soja1997 hat geschrieben
In editor Function
Name :
Trigger :
Name Creature :
Speed Creature :
Health Creature :
Attack Creature :
Speed Attack Creature: (in seconds)
Defense :
Special : (explosion, fireshock,energyschock etc.)
Loot : 81,85,30(Super ARmor,Chainsaw,ak-47)
Image : (Browse to image)
Image must have monster rotation that same in ct1,ct2,ct3,ct4 etc.

What the fuck? You want that DC make a own editor-function which create creatures? god damn, this is no rpg, fantasy-game, or any other bullshit you imagine?
It like all the other stupid suggestion "we want monster, we want 500 new useless weapon" "dc do it. do it. do it. do it."

learn how to make you own games, or learn how to do LUA and make your own..."monster" in cs2d.

You guys have to ran about ten times into a wall until you recognize that a door is on your right sight, huh?
Dc wont do anything (or atleast 1 out of 100 things) you suggest here, because 100% is great shit.
Wait until the suggestion system is online, then you see which of you suggestion is approved/not approved.
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